Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Minister Wesleigh, the main body of the Oracles Light has arrived. Please come and verify it.

Wesleighs gaze, which had been unfavorably looking down at Ian, turned back. The surrounding mages who had been ridiculing him did the same. They hurriedly moved and prepared to receive the main body.

You wait here.

Ian nodded, meaning that he would be in trouble if he said anything, and Wesleigh frowned even more and went outside.

Shiny black velvet curtains separated the outside from here. Judging by the way the music and the din of peoples voices were getting louder, it was clear that they were enjoying a sociable pleasure.

Ian, you just laughed, didnt you?

Hmm? Me?

As Beric looked around the deserted surroundings, he realized that there were many magic circles drawn on the floor. Should he not step on them? He quickly lifted his toes, but Ian walked over them without any concern.

What if they get erased?

Magic circles dont disappear easily just because you step on them. Not unless you cover them with something else. The main body of the Oracles Light will probably be set up here.

Ian muttered as he examined the magic circles. It was a part where intricate formulas and curves written in flying letters were chaotically layered.

What do you think that Wesleigh is going to do? She feels so creepy.

Shes probably already done it. The Ministry of Magic would want the magic power I possess to be useless.

First and foremost, it was to humiliate the arrogant illegitimate child, and secondly, it was to give external legitimacy to the act of putting Ian in a lower department.

Since I am considered Marivs subordinate, it would naturally be a burden to put me in a core department.

Isnt the minister the head there? Cant you just do what you want? Who would dare to say anything? Or should you just keep your head down and stick to menial tasks?

Although it was an independent and exclusive department, it was ultimately just one of the giant cogs in the imperial palace. There were too many factors involved to simply push Ian to the ground without justification.

Do you know what kind of criticism youll receive if you mistreat a noble who has received the Emperors favor without justification? The nobles wont be happy either. No matter how different our backgrounds are, if there is no respect for those who have received titles, there will surely be resistance.

It was clear that they didnt want to give Prince Mariv even the slightest opening.

So, you mean theres nothing to worry about?

Not necessarily.

Ah, this is giving me a headache.

Beric, I appreciate you worrying about me, but you dont have to. The answer is already set.

Ian discovered a magic circle that caught his eye and muttered.

The formula was slightly different from the Oracles Light activation spell he remembered. There were still many people walking around here and there. They were too busy to pay attention to him, but if he were to display his magic power, he would immediately attract their attention.

Its easy to look down from above, but its hard to look up from below.

The Magic Stone Department, which Prince Mariv wanted, was relatively less preferred, so it wasnt difficult to approach. Therefore, it was important to preemptively take the upper hand and widen the range of choices available.

In short, he intended to make his presence felt as much as possible in this place.

And above all, rumors will spread among the nobles that I am of commoner origin.

He needed to show them clearly.

That even though he was a bastard, he had the qualifications to be a noble like them. And that he had even more noble and precious abilities than them.

In order to strike a balance between both Princes Mariv and Gale, I need a third force.

Of course, it could be the 4th and 5th Princes who were the candidates for the Emperor, but for now, the power of the crowd was just right. The leaders of Bariel who were united under the name of nobles.


After confirming the incorrect magic circle formula, Ian approached Beric and beckoned him.

Beric. Lend me your finger.

My finger?

As if ordering him to bite and draw blood, Beric bit the tip of his index finger. Ian crouched down and pointed to the parts that needed to be erased.

Cover here and here.

No, if you knew youd need this, you should have brought something useful!

Youre right. Its my fault.

Fine. A weeks worth of meat dishes.

As Ian nodded, Beric rubbed one side of the magic circle, muttering to himself. Since it was only a small part about the size of a fingertip joint, it wasnt very noticeable.


Ian was visually inspecting the magic circle when he heard the soft sound of wheels rolling behind him. Beric, who turned around without thinking, opened his mouth wide and hesitated.

Ian, thats

Its the Oracles Light.

The Oracles Light. It resembled a giant harp made of gold. The smoothly connecting curves, the frame that firmly supported the bottom, and the delicate decorative sculptures made it look like a heavenly instrument bestowed by God.

But there are no strings that make the sound, right? Do you see a faint light instead of strings?

Berics eyes widened at Ians explanation. The surrounding area was crowded with mages and officials, making it impossible to approach.

No. I cant see it.

Look later. Its quite a sight.

The New Years Eve party. It was a place to provide spectacular entertainment at the most important imperial banquet of the year. And it was for the nobles and royalty. It had to show a beauty as beautiful as the pollen that falls all over Bariel.

Baron Ian Hiello.

Yes, Minister Wesleigh.

Ian slowly approached at Wesleighs call. The Oracles Light was placed in the center of the magic circle and was finishing its preparation for activation. Berics small bloodstain was hidden under the Oracles Light.

Do you know how to do it?

You never told me, so how would I?

Once the Ministry of Magic starts the Oracles Light, you simply put your hand on this surface and activate your mana. It would be good to remember that the atmosphere of the banquet hall will change depending on the wavelength and intensity.

Ian clicked his tongue inwardly. Even if they had ulterior motives, they were giving him such a rough explanation. Ian just nodded and said he understood.

Everyone, get ready to finish!

Yes, Minister.

Wheeeeeeng. Wheeeeeeng.

Wesleigh turned her back, indicating that she had nothing more to say. The mages opened their mana one by one and poured mana into the magic circle on the floor.

The magic circle sparkled like fire.

Beric watched with sparkling eyes, amazed.

The gold color shines brighter!

The flow of mana created a breeze in the enclosed space. The velvet curtains fluttered slightly, and the excited murmurs of the people grew louder. The orchestras performance also accelerated.

You, are you the escort of Baron Ian? Step back.

Huh? Ian?

Go away, Beric. Im fine.

The moment Ian waved his hand lightly, saying not to worry, a mage who passed by him turned back, biting his lips.

Over there.

It was a woman with pink hair cut short like a mans. Ian immediately recognized who she was. She was Nakina from the Ministry of Magic, who had been praised for her contribution in the Battle of Roxanne right after Ian.

Hale, Tommy, Nakina. Theres only one womans name out of these three.

What is it?

She looked around and sighed inwardly. Then she quickly whispered the method of mana verification that Wesleigh had not told him.

Are you right-handed?


Then hold the large pole with your left hand and output mana with your right hand. It is important to put your palm on the entire surface of the light, and your hand movements must be smooth to create a beautiful and natural illusion.


Alright! Im coming!

The one calling her was also a man who had received credit for the Battle of Roxanne. Nakina glanced past Ian, careful to avoid Wesleighs gaze. Fortunately, a few mages were watching, but it seemed to be out of Wesleighs sight.

Nakina, I told you not to get involved in this mess.

But, even so

Isnt it better to not let someone who knows nothing be made a fool of? Nakina grumbled, full of annoyance, because she didnt know that Wesleigh had tampered with the magic circle.

It makes me feel bad, like Im eating a child.

Anyway, youre really something.

Whatever, lets go down. I dont want to see this.

That sounds good. Shall we have some beer for a change?

Is Hale paying?

They chose to open a keg in the bustling back alley after leaving the palace rather than watch the disgusting mana verification process. Ian watched them and recalled the names of the three people.

The Battle of Roxanne. Hale, Tommy, Nakina.

Ian had seen mana verification countless times in the past. Of course, he knew the method, but their thoughtfulness left a deep impression on him.


At that moment, a bright light poured down next to Ian. The velvet curtains that had been dividing the banquet hall were drawn back. The atmosphere of the hall, which was much more relaxed than before, came into view at a glance.

Oh! Its Baron Ian Hiello!

It looks like theyre finally going to start.

It must be hard to run around twice a day. Haha.

No, its not. Think about it. What could be so difficult for someone who used to barely scrape by in the back alleys?

Its my first time seeing this mana verification process. Im excited!

But sister, hes still handsome no matter how you look at him. To be honest, I dont think it matters that hes of commoner origin if you just look at his appearance.

Shhh! Stop making such reckless noises.

All sorts of noisy voices filled the air. Someones laughter, scorn, interest, and goodwill were mixed together to create a huge wall. An invisible wall between the platform where Ian was standing and the nobles watching him.

Ian! Do your best!

Romandro, who was raising his two fists behind him, was also visible. Raising his gaze slightly, he could see that the imperial family, including the emperor, was watching him. The gazes of Gale and Mariv were particularly sharp, but Ian ignored them and approached the Oracles Light.

This is Minister Wesleigh of the Ministry of Magic.

Wesleigh hid the coldness she had shown Ian and smiled like a minister. Her gaze tried to reach Gale on the second floor. Whether it reached him or not, only Gale would know.

Everyone knows that magic power is truly important to uphold the Great Empire of Bariel. However, it is truly regrettable that there have been no new talents in recent years. But I am truly glad that on the last day of this year, a new blessing seems to be descending upon the Ministry of Magic, and even more so, upon Bariel.

Wesleigh smiled, her eyes crinkling. The Ministry of Magic had a particularly large budget compared to other departments. Where did all that budget come from? It came from the taxes of the nobles.

I swear that the mana that Baron Ian Hiello shows will be used gloriously for the Great Empire of Bariel in the future.

Clap, clap, clap.

As Wesleigh clapped and stepped aside, the nobles also clapped reflexively. It was not out of a desire to cheer, but rather a habit that was ingrained in their bodies.


Ians expression remained unchanged. Despite the harsh gazes of the nobles, he grasped the Oracles Light without any wavering.


At that moment, Wesleighs lips almost curled into a smirk at his hesitation. However, Ian leaned his shoulder against the Oracles Light as if it were the most natural thing in the world, adjusting his posture as if he were about to play a harp without strings.

Is this how it was done?

Memories of being an emperor and a magician long ago guided his body into familiar movements.

Wheeeeeeng. Wheeeeeeng.

Oooh. My word.

Look at that. His eye color changed!

And at the same time, his mana was released. His green eyes turned gold, and the wind swirled around him. Ian raised his right hand and placed it on the surface of the light, then began to gently rub it.




Thousands of colors swirled around Ians touch. The nobles minds were wiped clean, as if they were witnessing heavenly music with their own eyes.

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