Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 199

Numerous tree rings are depicted in Bariel. Some faded over time, but others were noticeably darker in color. The history of Bariel associated with the Athan people belonged to the latter..

‘attack of monsters.’

It was an incident that had a great shock to Bariel, which considered itself a safe zone from monster attacks compared to other countries and was said to have received God's blessing..

I learned that the Atans rose to power due to the upheaval that occurred in the north, and that the soldiers of the empire, including the Imperial Guard, subdued them..

“Atans, you know.”

Ian moved to the end of the hallway with Jayrot and lowered his voice..

The servants kept changing the dirty cloth, and the summoned medical staff could be seen running into Beric's room. Ian looked at it and muttered calmly..

“But how can you mention the Atans? Beric lost his family, but was born in the outskirts of Bariel. If you're saying it's because of the black sword, it's a misunderstanding. He happened to get it on his way up to the center.”

I have a letter from the mayor of Karenna. It is the same as the result of interrogating the bandit leader, and it will prove that the black sword was not Beric's from the beginning. Ian was able to clearly recall the letters written in the letter..

-Regardless of whether it is true or not, please understand that I am reporting this as it was reported. The Atans live by drinking the blood of monsters, so it is questionable whether they are actually humans..

That is the reason why those who were only rumored to stand out in the cataclysm. Since they are the ones who eat monsters, Atan wanted more chaos, and the imperial army wanted to stop them and eradicate them..

According to the records of history, the victory was brought by the empire. It was not revealed whether the cause of the cataclysm was atan, but it was clear that it was a large mark engraved on a tree ring..


Jayrot carefully swallowed his dry saliva..

“The Atan people are said to be a manifestation race. They say that you do not pass down generations through reproduction, but that you awaken at some point and realize your identity..”


“As long as he has Attan's traits, it doesn't matter where Beric was born or who his parents are. Even the race.”

“…List your habits.”

“He shows madness that goes beyond belligerence, is obsessed with winning and losing, and has no qualms about harming life, and has raw morality. Representative examples include recovery that goes beyond common sense and amazing vitality..”

Aren’t they all Beric from start to finish? Ian opened the window to cool his busy head for a moment. The cool breeze seems to make the smell of blood go away..

‘It's an awakening. In that case, when monsters appeared in Bariel due to the cataclysm, this would be another reason why the Atans gained prominence. The encounter with the monster served as a catalyst..’

“I'm not sure, but it's true that I highly doubt it. Please be mindful and keep an eye on it. It's not anywhere else, it's the imperial palace, isn't it? No one knows when things will awaken and change. We recommend that you throw it away as soon as possible..”

“Captain Jayrot, you are hasty..”


“Since you are my subordinate, I will take care of it..”

Jayrot is unaware that a cataclysm is about to occur. It is clear that monsters will overflow and the Atans will gain power, and if Beric stays by the empire's side then.?

‘It would be difficult if Beric were absorbed into the Atans. Isn't he strong enough to embarrass Captain Jayrot? It would be better for him to persuade the empire to monopolize the monsters alone. And above all-’

Ian looked back at Beric’s room without realizing it. A faint moan was heard. It was the sound of a guy who had lost his mind grunting without realizing it..

It is a natural assumption to give faith to someone who has lost his form at his own command..

“…I'll wait and see..”

“I am the one who protects the safety of the imperial palace..”

“I am also someone who cares for the palace just as much as you do..”

Don't be arrogant and fussy. Jay Rut lowered her head at Ian's mild remark. While he was wandering around outside the imperial palace without knowing why, Ian saved the emperor and suppressed the rebellion. He was the one who took the lead in leading the recovery and restoring the daily life as before..

Jayrot was quick to admit that he made a mistake..

“I'm sorry.”

“I will think deeply, so don't worry too much. Isn’t it a priority to find Barsabe right now?.”

Athan or not, Beric lies torn to pieces and Barsabe is missing. With work priorities clear, Jayrot saluted and bowed..


“To add to the rumor, the Atans are destined to return to their base. It may be a natural instinct since they are scattered all over the place. It is said that they will meet traces of Atan at some point, so I don't know if it was just a coincidence that Beric, who was on the outskirts, came up to the imperial palace and even took possession of Atan's black sword..”

These words almost confirmed that Beric was Atan. Instead of answering, Ian saluted and sent him away, soon returning to Beric's room..

The air was hot from the heat of the wizards. Ian walked closer to the bed and pretended to be friendly..

“Ah, Ian..”

“Good job. don't shift.”

“it's okay. I slept a lot yesterday.”

“I'm fine too.”

Jiyiing. Jiing.

Ian bit the wizard who was injecting magic power into Beric and sat down instead. The gaping skin was roughly sewn together. The gold-stained eyes never left Beric..

‘It's Atan.’

Beric, what did you do in original history? Did you die rolling in the private army of Derga Brac? Or did he follow Atan's fate and march north to his death??

‘Either way, he must have died while drawing Bariel's tree rings..’

Ian patted the back of his hand, but Beric continued to suffer unconsciously..

How long has it been? When all the wizards were gone and the doctors were arranging their needles because there was nothing left..

“Ian, I think you need to look at the report for a moment..”

Romandro brought the documents. The reason his eyes were swollen was because he kept crying when he saw Beric's miserable state..

“A trial date has been set for Marib. They say it will be in the next four days. The judiciary contacted me and asked me to submit all relevant evidence. Can I upload the interrogation results??”

I was cautious because it vividly contained Marib's nonsense. Didn't you keep giving vague answers like Ian was telling you what to do and Ian was behind it?.

But that doesn’t mean you can cut only the necessary parts. Ian nodded and gave permission..

“Four days later. It could be a week at the earliest..”

One week at the earliest until the trial ends and Marib is executed. That meant he only had a week left to live..

“According to the law, it is a public execution. Be sure to prepare the palace for the day. How many people are there in total??”

“There are six main characters, including Jeo Hae-ja. Marib would be beheaded, the others would be professors. No matter how much he was stripped of his imperial family name, he is the son of His Majesty the Emperor..”

‘Derga was also hanged..’

There is nothing more dishonorable than hanging and struggling in front of onlookers. To cut it off at once for the sake of dignity. The beheading was the final gift from the imperial palace to Mariv..

“About Prince Gale?”

“A postponement was requested. There is no precedent for referring two princes at the same time. Gale, his physical condition is in such a mess, will he even be able to answer properly if we put him on trial? And, well, there are various interests involved. haha. Hehehe.”

Romandro swallowed his words and laughed awkwardly. The only people around were wizards who had turned to mush, but they seemed to be cautious just in case..

If Gayle was alive, it would be easy to catch the Hyman family, so the forces keeping Hyman in check worked together to postpone Gayle's trial..

“okay. i get it.”

Ian signed the report and handed it to Romandro. The moment he receives the paper. Ian thought of something and asked firmly..

“Prince Gale's residence expenses are?”

“yes? I did exactly as you instructed..”

“Didn’t two wizards come this way?.”

Unexpectedly, the wizard who healed Beric was left out. A guard was set up in front, but the opponents were Arsene and Hyman. In particular, according to Xiaoxi's experience, Arsene was someone to be especially wary of..

‘He easily entered Gale's residence during the night. I still don't know what's going on. It seems like there's definitely something to hide..’

Magic? No, then Ian would have found out first..

In his previous life, Ian was given the title 'The First Noble Wizard'. It implied that there was no one within the royal family with magical powers..

‘It can't be magic.’


Is it because I poured out my magic power, or is it because I was worried? Ian’s fine eyebrows furrowed slightly. Then Romandro quickly held the document to his chest and assured:.

“No need to worry!”

Gale's safety is their own safety! He seemed quite confident as he spoke loudly..

Beric muttered in annoyance at his shout..

“Oh, it's noisy…….”

“omg! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Berwick. But have you come to your senses??”

When Romandro grabbed his hand, Beric wriggled it out. Although it was an unconscious action, Romandro seemed to be a little hurt, and his eyes filled with tears again..

Ian stood up, wiping away the blood with a handkerchief..

“Come on, let’s go take a look. I wonder how strong the security is..”

*    *    *

There were guards standing in front of Gale's residence, but it was difficult to find people even if they were just a short distance away from him. Since he is preoccupied with repairing the imperial palace, he has deployed only the minimum amount of manpower..


Arsene entered the palace with his sturdy subordinate Cernutt. The steps were confident and without hesitation, so it felt like a place I had visited many times before. Arsene waved his silver hair and gave instructions to his henchmen who were following him..

“When I am in my brother's bedroom, no one is allowed in..”

“yes. Lowering. However, Sir Ian banned all access to His Majesty Gale's residence. From the moment you enter,…….”

Arsene stopped and turned around at his subordinate's comment. Can the eyes of a small child be so harsh? The subordinate remained awkwardly silent and lowered her eyes..

“Other than what I'm asking, please refrain from saying unnecessary things..”

“So, I apologize..”


As I turned down the hallway, the sound of footsteps became increasingly louder due to the marble floor. As they got closer to the shelter, his subordinates became nervous and lowered themselves, but Arsene remained upright..

Strangely, there were no people everywhere the child went. Even though it is now time to meet again.

“wait here.”

“yes. Lowering.”


Arsene winked at his subordinates and went ahead. As soon as I turned the corner, I found myself at Gale's residence, but I couldn't hear anyone. One of his subordinates sticks his head out in doubt, but the two guards guarding the door are just looking straight ahead calmly..


It's strange and surprising. This was when his men were in hiding waiting for Arsene's return. An unfamiliar sound was heard from far away..

“No, that's why I heard it like this?”

“huh. It wasn't heavy at all.”

“Do you want to try? Do it right once?”

“come in. Oh, let's do it!”

They were barbarian warriors wearing mats, and they were Cheonryeo. They held their breath even more and lowered their popularity. I don't know why they are at Gale's place..

“hungry. Everyone, let’s stop and eat something..”

“By the way, where did Beric go? I can't see this guy. Fall in love.”

“Oh, wait.”

The warriors of Cheonryeo were talking to each other, but suddenly stopped for a moment. I sensed a strange energy with my animal-like senses..

They nodded and quietly lowered themselves..

“…It smells like a rat..”

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