Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Wha-what on earth! What brings the Cheonrye Tribe here?

That was something Ian also wondered. Why in the world had the Cheonrye Tribe come all the way here? From their base to the Bratz territory was not a journey you could make without three days of hard riding. Surely, they wouldnt have pushed the Kusilre here without a substantial reason.

It seems like an unexpected visit.

If it had been a pre-arranged meeting, Hannah would have known about it. She would have been busy preparing for the guests since the day before.

Ian noticed the gaze of the Cheonrye Tribe directed towards him.

They, theyre looking this way.


Beric could only groan with effort from behind. They murmured something amongst themselves, then split up. The one who seemed to be the leader went through the front gate towards the mansion, while the subordinates approached Ian.

Th-theyre coming! Theyre coming this way!

For a resident of the Bratz Territory like Hannah, such a reaction was only natural.

The eternal enemy with whom they had held a vague ceasefire for a long time, the mysterious beings, the barbarians with transcendental power. She couldnt hide her feelings of confusion, fear, and excitement.

Hannah. Theres no need to make a fuss.

But its the Cheonrye Tribe! And why is that bird so big?

Theyve made it all the way here without any obstruction. They mean no harm.

While assuring Hanna, Ian noticed one of the Cheonrye tribesmen scanning their surroundings.

Excuse me.

The man approached close and looked down at Ian from his perch on the Kusilre. His double eyelid-less sharp eyes were intimidating. They meticulously examined Ians hair and facial features.

Are you Ian Bratz, the second successor of Count Bratz?

Thats correct. And who might you be?

Hannah stealthily hid behind Ian. Despite being a tribesman from the border, his use of Bariel language was quite fluent.

We have an urgent message from the Cheonrye Tribe, which brought us here. It seems we should meet with the count, would you accompany us now?

A hastily delivered letter.

Considering they requested Ians presence, it certainly had something to do with the marriage alliance. Ian nodded at Hannah, giving her a signal.

Once training is finished, make sure to give Beric some fruit and cool water.

At the same time, Berics face crumpled. Even in his absence, the training would continue.

Master Ian! Master Ian!

Just as expected, the servants burst out from the main building, calling for Ian. He left the Cheonrye man behind and headed up to Derghas office. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the butler held his hands together in dismay.

Father, you called for me?

Come closer.

The leader who had entered the main building earlier was sitting on the sofa. He had countless big scars below his neck.

Dergha held Ians shoulder with a warm smile.

Ian, greet him. This is Nersarn, the envoy from the Cheonrye Tribe. He is the younger brother of Chieftain Kakantir.

The counts grip tightened. It was a reminder for Ian to keep his wits about him. Wasnt everything he had done so far a practice for showing off to these people?

Its an honor to meet you. I am Ian Bratz.

Nersarns dark eyes scanned Ian from head to toe. He then put his hands together as if in prayer. It was the custom of the Cheonrye Tribe.

I am Nersarn, son of Balamay.

And what brings you here?

Not waiting for Ians response, Dergha interjected. Even though the tea hadnt been served yet, Nersarn replied without concern.

We need to adjust the schedule of the marriage alliance.

His words were straight to the point. It might have been their nature, but it also suggested the situation was urgent.

Chieftain Winchens health has suddenly deteriorated. Although shes old and was never free of illness, this is the first time shes bedridden. Only God knows her fate now, so were trying to make all possible preparations.

It was due to the Cheonrye Tribes funeral customs. When a family member died, they would stay at home for a year to pray to God for rest. When the leader died, all the tribe members had to do so.

So far, the deaths of the chieftains had been due to rebellion. Those who were ousted couldnt receive the traditional rites and had to conduct the ceremony with their families.

But what about Chieftain Winchen?

Even Dergha couldnt tell when she, the root of the Cheonrye Tribe, had started her reign. If the tribe mourned collectively, the marriage alliance ceremony would naturally be impossible. Thats why they rushed here to adjust the schedule.

Its quite significant for the chieftains brother to come, considering this is enemy territory.

So youre suggesting we move up the schedule?

Thats right.

Chieftain Winchen was a gypsy who could discern lies. Given that a new marriage prospective sacrificial candidate was entering the community, she would want to use her power to screen for any impurity in Ian.

Thus, we ask for your understanding, Count and Master Ian. If you could consider it a compromise for peace, we would be grateful.

Although he used polite words as he was asking for a favor, the nuance was quite vague. If they refused, there would be no marriage alliance, and instead of peace, they would once again smell the stench of blood. Wasnt that a veiled threat?

Covering his discomfort with a cough, Dergha asked, Theres only a little more than a month left. How much sooner are you suggesting?

Wed like to proceed as simply as possible.

Nersarn added that even this coming weekend would be feasible.

The Count chose silence rather than an immediate response. It was quite troublesome since he had to quickly dispatch the summoned nobility to the central city to proceed with the investiture.

If we cant align the timing, it cant be helped

The only choice is to establish the alliance first.

After all, the investiture was a bureaucratic procedure, an issue unrelated to the Cheonrye Clan. They would be curious if Ian had Derghas blood mixed in him, and they would rather listen to Winchens words than to hundreds of documents.

Wont it be exhausting to rush back within a few days?

Its alright. I can handle this much.

But it might not be the case for Kusilre, right?

If they were to return to the desert, theyd have to run through another sandstorm. It would be quite a strenuous journey for Kusilre who has accumulated fatigue.

Stay for the day and leave tomorrow morning. How about that?

It meant that he would have his answer then. It was only right for Dergha, to discuss the matter with Sir Molrin, and then set a date.

Why dont you stay for today and leave tomorrow morning.

Nersarns brow furrowed slightly at the slightly wavering response, but that was it.

I appreciate your kindness.

What are you saying? Its only natural for a friend to treat his fellow friends right. Butler! Show our guests to their rooms!

The butler who had been waiting outside promptly came in to guide the guests. After Nersarn and his subordinates left the office, Ian turned to look at Dergha, who was deeply immersed in thought, chewing on his fingernails.

Is it such a worrying matter? How unexpected.

The investiture certificate can only be issued by the Imperial Palace, which would take time even if they applied right now. Since the Cheonrye Clan had first changed the date, it would be okay to give it to them later.

Preparations for the alliance ceremony had just begun too. The most important thing is the agreement itself, so if the intention is right, as Nersarn said, it could have been possible even this coming weekend.

It doesnt seem like theyre trying to gain anything.

Theres no room for that. The exchange list has already been decided, and if Winchen dies, who knows what will happen to the alliance. From Derghas point of view, it would be beneficial to cooperate as much as possible in this matter. That way, he can gain the upper hand in future trades.


Ian called out to him. His nail biting was becoming increasingly severe. It was a question of curiosity rather than concern. At the sound of his sons voice, the Count suddenly snapped out of his thoughts.

Havent you left yet?

Should I also attend to the guests?

Should he leave unless theres a reason not to?

At Ians words, Dergha waved his hand dismissively. It meant staying in the room without causing unnecessary fuss.

Nersarn is the younger brother cherished by the chieftain. He is unusually perceptive, so dont plan on dealing with him awkwardly.

Ill keep that in mind.

Is there anyone outside?

Yes. My lord.

Prepare the carriage! Now!

Dergha shouted, picking up his coat. It seemed like he was planning to rush straight to wherever Sir Molrin is to share the current situation.

Ian turned and glanced at the office door. The room was still firmly locked. With his aide absent, he must be feeling quite unsettled in many ways.

The timing is really something.

If the man had wasted any more time, Sir Molrin might have already returned to the capital untipped. Somehow, Ian felt as though the situation now was a godsend.

When Ian emerged with a faint smile, Beric was seen sprawled out. Hannah was busy fanning him vigorously at his side.

Master! Have you seen everything? What on earth is happening?

Nothing much. It seems the wedding date might be moved. Have you already roamed the entire garden?

Cant you see? Im dying, damn it! Ugh

The Cheonrye clan, they wont stay long in the main building, will they? They were guided by the butler over to the detached house earlier.

Hannah grumbled without stopping her fanning. They couldnt keep foreigners in the main building, and there were some unpleasant incidents in the office recently. On the other hand, the detached house was full of guest rooms. They must have been assigned to a room on Ians floor.

The surveillance will be intense.

The soldiers would surround the building and stand guard all night. But if Ian made up his mind, he could contact them easily. After all, they were he was their target of marriage alliance. They couldnt possibly set up a guard right in front of the door.

Master. Should I ask the butler to change your room for today?

Hannah asked worriedly. She seemed quite uneasy about sharing a building with the Cheonrye tribe. Ian chuckled and shook his head.

Thats fine. They are the ones I will be spending time in the future. Beric, get a hold of yourself and follow me. Hannah, do what you have to do for now.

At his firm command, Beric staggered to his feet. Ian, who had been watching him quietly, grabbed his forehead and injected his power.


Get a hold of yourself.

Damn it. Giving the disease and the cure

Think of it as a carrot and a stick.

Ptui! Beric spat out his bitter saliva and barely lifted his feet. Gradually, his walk became steady. As they entered the detached house, they could hear the anxious chatter of the servants.

Did you see? Hes much bigger than I thought!

Thats why they say even ten soldiers couldnt handle him. Ugh, hes like a beast.

What kind of food will we serve? The butler didnt say anything, did he?

Since theyre barbarians, wont they eat raw meat if we give it to them?

Is it ignorance or malice?

Ian clicked his tongue and made his presence known. The servants greeted Ian without showing much surprise.

Ignorance it is.

The guest has arrived, correct?

Due to the lack of appropriate rooms, we moved them to the upstairs room aligned with your room. You should sleep in the main house tonight.

Or should I have someone keep watch all night?

You must lock your door when you sleep!

Ian tried to let it slide through one ear and out the other as he instructed them.

Alright, prepare some simple snacks and wine and bring them. This is not a meal, so theres no need to tell the butler.

The guest who had arrived like a gust of wind, wasnt even served tea in the office earlier. It was a breach of etiquette for a nobleman to leave a guest, who had been traveling for several days, unattended. Dergha had strictly warned him, but Ian had no intention of complying.

Knock, knock.

This is Ian Bratz. I hope you dont mind my intrusion.

Come in.

He entered the room with the servants carrying trays. They all stood in their places like animals trapped in a cage. The servants trembled as they set the food on the table.

Your excellency and the group mustve beeen hungry after a long journey. Please help yourself to some food. Our preparation was delayed due to your sudden visit. Please understand.

At Ians greeting, Nersarn came closer. He then looked down at him as if he was an interesting creature. They looked at each other as if each was a strange animal.

When I saw you earlier, I found it odd because you dont resemble the Count at all. I was wondering how the bloodlines of the Empires nobles could differ so much.

The subordinates burst into laughter at their own leaders crude joke. Nersarn gracefully turned his head and signaled them. It was a sign to start eating.

But looking at you now, you are indeed a noble.

Seeming like a compliment, but not. Sounding respectful, but not. The subtle nuances continued. Nersarn added with a beaming smile.

Consider it a compliment, Sir Ian.

If Dergha held the leash, these people were holding swords to his neck. But

Your swords will soon be mine.

Ian responded with a bright smile and calmly approached.

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