Mark of the Fool

Chapter 152: Reflections Under Moonlight

Chapter 152: Reflections Under Moonlight

The sky-yacht cut through the air, soaring above the countryside at speed. It banked as it approached the Patrizias grounds, slowing as it did. There were a great number of sky-yachts and gondolas pulling up to the airspace above the manor, and the road below was filled with fine carriages conveying their wealthy passengers.

Theresa sighed as she looked over at the evening sun slowly making its way toward sunset. Alex couldnt help but stare at her graceful neck and shoulders, left bare by her dress.

His eyes drifted up to the smile curling her lips.

Behind him, he could hear Khalik talking with a very excited Selina, allowing him and Theresa to have a private moment. Isolde was instructing Thundar in etiquetteshe had been drilling it into all of themexcept for Khalik whose manner showed her he obviously didnt need the lessonsfor weeks.

Najyah was perched on Claygons shoulder. The massive golem sat still and silent in the middle of the deck toward the back, looking like a ferocious statue that was a part of the ship. The crew members gave him a wide berth, despite the fact that they must have transported clients with golems before. It was probably as Isolde had said, the other golems hadnt looked like siege engines.

He returned his attention to his childhood friend.

Whatre you thinking about? Alex asked, gripping the rail in front of him.

Their hands were close.

Everything, she said dreamily. Our lives.

What about our lives? he asked.

Look how much theyve changed Alex, she shook her head in disbelief. Eight months agono a little more now, we were back in Alric.

She looked at him seriously, then glanced over at the crew. Her voice lowered. Do you remember when we sat under the tree at the edge of Coille forest? When we were leaving.

Alex thought back to that time. They had slipped out of Alric, barely avoiding the priests and had been let through the gate by Peter and Paul.

He wondered how the two guards were, and hoped that theyd remained safely out of the reach of The Raveners monsters.

After a day of walking, the four of them had made it to the outskirts of Coille forest and made camp beneath a tree there. Selina had just gone to sleep and then

I remember, Alex said. You and I were sitting together under a tree. We talked about me leaving and you wanting to leave when you were younger. You said that you wanted to go and be like your great-grandfather, exploring the worldbut decided that itd be too dangerous and that you would stay home instead.

Good memory, she said.

Well, I gotta be good for something, right? he chuckled, and then flexed, his thick arm muscles bulging in his shirt. I mean besides being eye candy and modelling for marble statues.

She snorted, but he noticed how her eyes lingered on his arm for a bit. Actually, as much as I want to call you lame, thats part of what I was thinking about. There we were under that tree, and I was talking about how I had decided to stay home to keep out of danger.

Yeah, Alex said. You said that dangerous stuff sounded pretty fun to hear about but, that it was, well, dangerous, and so you thought about growing up and keeping safe.

Thats right, because I didnt want my family to be devastated if something happened to me, she said. Butweve been in so much danger since we left. Maybe nothing like what we would have had to face during one of The Raveners attacks, but stillmana vampires, xyrthaks, The Barrensyou and that demon. Magic.

Yeah, he said. Its been a lot, hasnt it? Even the dryads. He glanced over at their nearby forest as the sky-yacht approached the ground. And yet, here we are, back again, haha. And Im pretty sure, Khalik and Thundar wont rest until they dance with one.

And thats just the thing. She shook her head. Im having the time of my life, Alex. Andmy life, and I think your life is better. I mean, I have more money than Ive ever had in my life. Ever. I could go home right now, save a little more and then buy my own inn if I wanted. You met Isolde in Baelins dangerous class and thanks to her

She gestured down at her dress almost in disbelief.

Im wearing this and- Her hand pointed to the Patrizias manor. -get to come here andlifes better. I liked Alric and our lives there, but things are so exciting now. Everyday is something new. Im growing stronger and learning so much. You and Iwere proving ourselves just like great-grandfather did, and weve met so many amazing friends.

Theresa paused, and Alex caught a guilty look pass over her face.

What is it? he asked.

No, forget it, she said.

No, no, dont do that, Alex said. Im a big boy, you just tell me whats on your mind. Any time. Any place. Anywhere. Understand?

She paused. Areyou sure?

Alex put a hand on hers. Any time. Any place. Anywhere.

Theresa looked up into his eyes for a long moment before sighing. I justsometimes I think what would have happened if I didnt come into your room that night in Alric. If I didnt see you and if youd just gone off on your own. My life would be so different: Id probably be with my parents and brothers and while that would be nice...I wouldnt have started life enforcement like great-grandfather, I wouldnt know this amazing place. None of it. I wouldnt have grown at all: Id just be that same old Theresa like in Alric.

I liked that old Theresa, he said emphatically. Just like I like new Theresa.

Right, and I like old and new Alex. But look at you. Youre so strong now in so many ways. Youre having the time of your life and

And what? he asked.

sometimes I think that you getting The Mark might have beenmaybe it was a bad thing. Butmaybe a lot of good came from it too. Im almost glad you got it now.

Alex froze as Theresa turned away.

Sorry, she apologized quickly.

Her hand slipped out of his.

We are ready for passengers to disembark! the captain announced.

Alright, Isolde said. Let us go. I already see Vincenzo waiting below.

Alex turned to Theresa. Were going to talk about this, okay? Soon. Like literally after we get into the ballroom.

She nodded, her cheeks flaming red.

Alexander Roth, The Fool, and runaway Hero of Thameland, considered carefully what Theresa had talked to him about. The thought had crossed his mind before: once, in Jules lab whenin his ignorancehed wondered if other people could detect The Mark or could remove it.

At the time, hed considered if he wanted it gone and how it had changed his life.

Now, he wondered about other things as well.

He considered certain things he had before, and how his life would have been different without The Mark. For one thing, he knew his life in Generasi would have been a far safer one. It was something that had occurred to him before, but now in considering thingssince slaying both a mana vampire and a xyrthakhe truly began to question if it would have been a life he would have preferred.

The Mark had taken much from him: only now was he starting to get very close to being able to cast force missile, though he doubted it would ever be useful to him in combat. Certain paths of magic were closed to him, and in some ways, there were some struggles when hed first gotten to the University.

But, hed also gained a lot from it.

If all had gone as originally intended: no Mark, no Ravener or anything like that, then he would have come to Generasi and likely focused on himself, his studies and his sister. He possibly might have made friends with Khalik, but hed only gotten to know Thundar, Isolde, Baelin and the others because of COMB-1000.

He wouldnt have built anywhere near as much strength of mind if it werent for The Marks interference, and the Alex whod been focused on only being a bakers assistant and then a wizard, had never shown any interest in physically building himself up.

Not until The Raveners threat had forced him to want to prepare himself.

He wouldnt have had a golem if it werent for The Mark increasing his learning speed and skills in alchemy,, or for the dungeon cores remains

Theresa might have come with him, or she might not have. He didnt know.

It made him wonder ifat the end of it allhe was actually better off having The Mark than not having it. That wasnt to say that The Mark didnt frustrate and cause him problems, but perhaps more good had come from it than not.

He was contemplating this as Vincenzothe Partizias butlercalled them forward.

Lady von Anmut, he nodded to Isolde. The Patrizia will be so glad to see that you have arrived. Come in, come in, I shall announce you and your other guests in the main hall.

He glanced toward Brutus and then at Theresa. Shall I direct your handsome pet to the groundskeeper so that he might be reacquainted with the Patrizias hounds?

Yes, that would be great, she stepped up beside Brutus. Be a good boy now, and have fun, okay?

The massive cerberus whimpered and gave her a lick, before giving Selina a lick and thento Alexs surprisegiving him one too.

He watched in amazement as Brutus trotted off with the groundskeeper when the older man quickly appeared.

That was another change too. Would he and Brutus have such a good relationship if they hadnt gone through so much danger together? He didnt know. But, he did know that all of the threats theyd faced had given him a much greater appreciation for the cerberus.

He looked at Theresa and smiled, offering her a hand. Shall we?

His smile widened as she took it.

Er, Master Roth, I understand that he is yours? Vicenzo said, looking up at Claygon somewhat dubiously. Will you beer

No, Im not bringing in the golem, Alex said. I might be able to show him to the Patrizia during the evening.

Of course, of course, he would likely enjoy that. You may have your golem stand by the carriage house if you wish.

Right, he looked at his golem. Go and be good now, Claygon, he said while adding what he wished for him to do in mental commands.

The golem turned and strode toward the carriage house, drawing gasps and eyes from the nobility and servants present.

Er, the golems name is Claygon, sir? Vincenzo raised an eyebrow, and his tone was very polite. Alex caught a flicker of disdain in his eyes though.

To one side, Isolde made choking noises.

Now announcing Lady Isolde von Anmut! Vincenzo announced. As well as her party: Master Thundar, son of Gulbiff, Master Khalik Behr-Medr, Mistress Theresa Lu, Master Alexander Roth and Young Mistress Selina Roth!

They entered a ballroom right out of a fairy tale.

Much of the room was made of glass like a greenhouse, and it was larger than the entirety of the Lus inn. Tables were set up on the sides of the room, heaped with trays of fruits, pastries and candied breads. Casks of wine stood at the ready on one side of the room with servants ready to pour the contents into fine silver goblets. The aroma of all of that beautiful, delectable smelling food made his mouth water.

Massive glass doors opened out onto the gardens where long tables were set-up with dozens of chairs beside them, and servants bustling between them with trays of wine and finger foods. All was lit by the light from blazing fires in braziers, glowing force balls, and fish-shaped illusions made of light that swam in the open sky above the guests.

A fountain rose above all, carved to look like a toga-clad woman pouring water into a pool at her feet. Alex watched as Najyah landed on her head, nestling in and watching the festivities.

Several men and women sat around tables outside, playing games of cards and

Alex paused and nearly burst out laughing.

There were honest-to-Uldar jesters capering about, entertaining guestsboth young and oldby dancing wildly, juggling balls, and short painted clubs. Selina giggled with excitement, clearly wanting to go see them.

In the centre of the inner ballroom was a massive dance floor, and a full orchestratucked to one sideplayed a slow, stately waltz for the guests.

As they were announced, guests turned aroundall maskedwatching as the newcomers entered.

Hey, check it out, Thundar nodded toward some guests outside.

They were clearly dryads, clad in leaf-tunics and masks made of wood, ivy and bramble.

Well, youll know where Ill be, the minotaur said. getting some food, but then youll know where Ill be right after that.

No no, Isolde said. First we greet my cousin and then you can go to the forest women and embarrass yourself-er, have a chat.

I heard that. Thundar grunted.

Selina, I think the first thing you want is to see the jesters from up close, am I right? Khalik asked her, smiling.

Yes! Can I, Alex? Can I? she asked.

Sure you can, he said. But first, lets go greet our host. He looked at Theresa and lowered his voice. And then we can talk. Preferably while dancing.

High upon a lone tree on the grounds of the human dwelling, the lean hunter peered down, having tracked the strong pinging to the gathering of mortals. Its eyes were fixed on one tall figure in the light of the transparent room.

The Raveners quarry.

It had found it at long last.

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