Mark of the Fool

Chapter 182: The Rain

Chapter 182: The Rain

Alex and Theresa strolled through the quiet beauty of the university campus. They werent in any particular hurry: it was too early for their reservation, and the grounds were beautiful. It had been a long time since theyd just walked through campus to simply enjoy the sights without having to worry about hurrying from class to class, or work, or some other appointment.

Now, though

Its so quiet, Theresa said as they walked through parklands and past buildings of white and grey stone.

She looked up fondly at the towering buildings with sculptures and gargoyles crouched on the edges of their roofs. It reminds me of when we first came here.

Yeahit really does, he agreed, holding her hand a little tighter. I remember you, Selina, and even Brutus were so tired that first day, that you just collapsed at the first place you found in the apartment. Left me to explore campus all by my lonesome.

Did I do that? she asked. Nooo-Oh yeah. I remember now. It was a lot. All this magic and flying and justeverything: you knew more about magic, but for me, it waslike I said, a lot. Strange how Ive almost gotten used to it now.

Yeah He looked at the fountain in front of the squat, windowless library: water poured from the hood of a stone figure with scrolls hanging from its robes, and two books hugged to its chest.

Alex fell silent, fighting nerves that had been growing. He and Theresa had known each other forever, but being on a date with each otheran actual datemade his gut feel like it was turning to ice, and his legs like they were made of jelly. Strangely enough, them knowing each other so well made him feel even more nervous. They were well beyond making get to know each other conversation, so what was he supposed to talk about?!

If he just carried on making his usual jokes, it would be just like any regular day!

Alex, come on! He scolded himself. You fought a bunch of claw monsters and a mana vampire, whyre you freaking out? Get it together! Say something.

He opened his mouth and glanced at Theresas face. She was wearing a look of calmness. Of pure, quiet contentment and peace. He closed his mouth.

They walked in comfortable silence, just enjoying the afternoon sun and the pleasure of being in each others company, though the dark clouds continued to build in the distance.

Alex remained quiet while he tried to will them away.

Taking their time, they travelled to different parts of campus, some well-known and some little-known. They passed the sky-track, which was a stadium that floated about a hundred feet off the ground and was surrounded by bleachers painted in bright colours.

A number of people were training, either racing each other, or just enjoying the art of flying. In the distance, he and Theresa could see a short, squat wizard drifting through the air, gripping some type of magical sky-kite.

Theresa sighed wistfully. Doesnt that look amazing? Just flying for the sake of it? Nothing but the warm air and wind around you?

Yeah, he said, his eyes flicking to his bag. It does look amazing.

In another part of campus they passed a tall, wide tower with a domed marble roof. A gigantic brass telescope rose from it, pointing at the darkening sky. They passed the Deep Insula, set in a magically refreshed lake, where students of aquatic races could live comfortably.

They saw other folk walking around campus, including a horned figure far along the path-wait, was that Thundar? The figure paused, cupped their hands above their eyes as though squinting to see, and then immediately turned and headed the other way.

Theresa chuckled. It seems Thundars being considerate.

The early evening sun washed through the window onto Alex and Theresa as they sat in the revolving restaurant where Khalik had taken them long ago when they first met.

Alex had reserved a seat by the window so they could enjoy the views of campus. Each time their window faced the oncoming clouds, though, his uneasiness grew.

It really looked like it was going to rain.

He thought about the gazebo by the beach where hed planned they would have dessert and kept hoping it wouldnt rain until dessert was a delicious memory...maybe sometime next week.


Mhm? He turned his attention back to his girlfriend.

Theresa was cutting into her fried swordfish and looking up at him. You ever thinkthat its too bad that we dont get to enjoy stuff like this more often?

Hm? What do you mean? he asked, prying open one of his steamed clams. You mean dates?

No, I meanjust being able to enjoy this place. She looked out the window. Itswhen we were walking today, I was noticing thingsnew things about places we pass everyday. Did you know that one of the gargoyles on the lecture hall in front of the library is chipped? The one on the west corner.

Alex chuckled. Your senses are better than mine."

Yeah, but my senses have been a lot sharper for monthsI feel things more precisely. I see clearer and farther, I hear better. And that building was the lecture hall for my geography class this spring. And I nevernoticed it. Its likeits like we go numb. The first day I was here I had to sit down from it all, now I barely notice all the magic.

Yeah, me too Alex said. Like, you see flying carpets and walking chairs for the first time, and you cant pick your jaw up off the floor. But now, its likeit just fades into the background a lot.

Mhm, and weve got so much that were so busy with. Now, summers here, maybe we can justbe again. Professor Kabbot-Xin talked about that this morning: just being. Were always doing, always thinking, and planning. Never justbeing.

Right, he said. And then we stop noticing whats going on around us, right?

Yeah. LikeIm sitting here, she gave a bitter laugh. And I can barely taste this super expensive, super delicious swordfish because I keep telling myself not to say something stupid and embarrass us in this restaurant.

We both know Im more likely to do that, Alex said, trying to lighten her mood.

Yeah maybe, she chuckled. Butits not right. Its not right to just get so used to something so wondrous, that it just doesnt mean anything, or you stop paying attention to it. Maybe thats why great-grandfather travelled so much. Just to keep seeing new things.

Yeah, but he settled in Alric. Fell in love with Thameland.

She paused. He did. Maybe he just got used to being.

I remember you said that you stopped feeling excited in Coille, Alex said. I mean, it makes sense, youve been in and out of that forest so many timesdid you ever stop noticing new things about it?

She sighed. I kind of did. I mean, I still love it there, butI know most of the trees like old friends. Its not like I walk in there thinking, oh what am I going to discover this time. Its not exciting to explore anymore.

Theresa shook her head, then suddenly burst out laughing.

Alex startled. What?

I just remembered something: do you remember Arla?

He blinked.

It was strange, hed barely even thought about most of the people he knew from the church-school. Hed never been super close to most of them. Sure, hed had friends he used to talk to a bit, but his focus on working at McHarris, teaching himself about wizardry, studying all the time, trying to help out at the inn and with Selina, didnt leave him a lot of time to get close to the other students.

I remember talking to her a few times, he said. "Didnt seem like she was too interested in talking to meand I guess that road went two ways. She moved to Elmvale didnt she, right after we finished at the church school I think? Was she someone you used to talk to?

Not much. Theresa shook her head. But do you remember how she had a few boyfriends?

Not really, he admitted. He vaguely remembered seeing her hanging around with different guys, but hadnt paid much attention.

Well, Im not sure if I ever told you this. Theresa took a sip from her drink. But, this one time Arla and I ran into each other at the millers. On the way back, we got to talking. It was really close to us finishing school for good and she just started talking. You know that thing that people do where they think theyre not going to see you again so they open up?

Oh yeah. He nodded vigorously. He couldnt count how many travellers passing through Alric had stopped by McHarris bakery and cornered some staff member with a tale of half their life story. Is that what she did with you?

Mhm, shed just broken up with Harold, whatever his last name was, andshe said the strangest thing to me. Theresa put on a voice. I dunno, whenever things are going too smoothly I get bored. When youre with someone long enough theres nothing new anymore. At least fighting makes things interesting.

He snorted. Sounds like shed get along with Baelin, pretty sure hed like, fighting makes things interesting.

Maybe. She chuckled. But likethats pretty terrible, isnt it? Youre with your partner long enough, and then its like, oh sorry, youre not new anymore Im bored now, lets fight cos thatll make things interesting, or maybe break up! We dont do that with friends, right? Oh, this friends boring now, lets stop hanging around with them. That just sounds crazy.

Yeah, Alex said. And I guess its the same thing with places. Weve been in wizard-world so long that we just dont notice how cool it is a lot of the time.

Yeah, and I dont want that to happen, Theresa said. I still want to travel, but whats the point if you can never be and simply enjoy where you are and whoever youre with? Youre just going from place to place just chasing something you cant find. A hunt that never ends has no point to it. I just want to bebe, and enjoy what I havelike being with you.

Me too, Theresa. He smiled. I just love that were together. And I love you.

She smiled. Love you too.

The dark clouds continued to build outside.

When they left the restaurant, the late-evening sun had turned the world a fiery orangebut it was almost hidden behind a wave of angry clouds to the east.

It looks like rain, Theresa finally said, staring up at the sky.

Yeah Alex muttered, trying to figure out when the rain might come. He hoped it would hold off for a little longer. Do you want to go homeor do you want to keep things going? I have something else in mind.

Lets keep going, she said eagerly. Im having a lot of fun.

His heart jumped at that.

Right, then. He took two Potions of Flight from his bag. Two of his few remaining ones. Like you said before, weve never really had a chance to justfly, have we? Just to enjoy it.

He handed her a potion. Come fly with me.

She looked up at him as her eyes widened with delight, and she kissed him. They held each other under the fleeting sunlight and then...

Holding the potion bottles up, they clinked them together in a toast then quickly downed them and took off, soaring up into the evening sky. As they climbed, the campus shrank away and Theresa was soon giggling with delight, which spread to Alex.

Look how small everything looks! she laughed.

Below, the glass structures of the beastarium and the botanical gardens glittered like diamonds in the evening light, and the main castle looked like something from a fairy tale.

They flew through the warm air, andfor the first timejust enjoyed it.

Alex! Theresa cried. Were flying! Were actually flying! How did I never just enjoy this!?

Right? He spread his armslike the wings of a bird and flipped upside down as he soared, kicking through the air like he was swimming. Its a little different when youre not up here fighting, isnt it? By The Traveller-Oh look out!

The young couple squealed and dived as a flock of geese flew past them, their honking mixing with Alex and Theresas laughter.

They sailed through the fading light as the beach grew closer and closer.

It was wonderful.


A cold drop hit his hand.

Followed immediately by a moment of horror.

No no no! he cried.


Both squealed as the cool rain hit them, sending them into fits of laughter. Alex considered casting wind-and-rain shield, but it was only falling lightly for now, and besides, trying to outrun the rain might be kinda fun since Theresa was having fun.

They reached for each others hand and shot forward as the rain began falling harder the closer they got to the gazebo beside the sea.

Just as a rumble of thunder sounded in the distance and the heavens opened up, they touched down, running up the steps before they were completely soaked. They were still laughing as they stood under the shelter shaking like a wet Brutus, and squeezing rainwater from their fancy clothes. Do you see a pattern here? Alex said. Everytime we get dressed up, something always happens to mess up our clothes!

At least its only rain and not monster guts this time. She laughed.

The rain hissed against the roof and churning ocean as waves broke upon the beach. The white sand darkened with every drop.

Alex had cast two forceballs, a crimson glow illuminated the gazebo.

Well, damn. He put his hands on his hips. We nearly made it. Ah well, I guess well just have to eat our dessert and hope the rain lets up.

Yeah she said, giving the rain an appraising look. Then she quickly looked back at him. Wait, did you say dessert?

Uhuh, such as it is. He opened the box that was shielded by his forceball. Inside, was the sad looking little spit cake hed managed to finish making. Theres just enough for two of usnone for seconds, but uhhappy first date?

Alex, its not my birth-Oh by Uldar, never mind! Her chuckle turned into giggling.

They sat at a picnic table and he handed her a fork while nervously eyeing the dessert.

Together, they dug into the cake that looked like a little evergreen tree.

Wow! Theresa said.

It wasactually really good.

Different from what he usually made, and probably not as good as it couldve been if hed had more time, but still, really good. He would definitely make this again.

Making little sounds of appreciation, but no intelligible words, they finished it off.

Oh by Uldar, I want you to bake for me everyday, Theresa said as she put her fork down.

Only if you hunt for me, he chuckled, glancing out at the rain. He sighed. Alright, looks like its here to stay. So, do you want to sit here for a bit? Or walk on the beach. The wet sandll be kind of gross, but I can cast a wind-and rai-what are you doing?

Theresa had pulled off one of her long boots.

Then the other.

His eyes went wide when she shrugged off her cape.

She wiggled her toes then jumped to her feet, looking at the beach. Forget the spell.

So you want to just-Oh hey!

Laughing, Theresa ran down the stairs of the gazebo and onto the rainy beach. She twirled; her black hair and dress whirling around her in the fading light.

The smile she gave him was absolutely radiant when she turned toward him. Whats wrong? Afraid of a little rain, mighty wizard?

She spread her arms. Come on, Alex, come to me. Just be! Be with me!

There was only one way he could possibly respond.

Quickly dragging off his shoes, he sprinted onto the beach after her.

Ahhhh! she screamed as she ran. Now Im the one being hunted, someone save me!

Muahahaha! No one around to hear you! he laughed as he chased her along the sand.

She was faster than he was, but he noticed her slowing, probably on purpose, until he reached her and caught her up in his arms. Theresa squealed as he lifted her from her feet and held her by the waist high above his head.

Her body straightened above him and she spread her arms. Look! Im flying again!

Laughing, he gently lowered her down and kissed her. They kissed until she laughed and squirmed out of his grip. She started to dance, one of the same dances theyd shared on the night of the patrizias party.

Alex joined her.

And they danced.

And they danced.

Andjust were.

Brutus whined as he buried Khaliks lap with one of his heads. Two of the other heads watched the balcony.

Alright, Brutus, dont bay your heart away, boy Khalik said, laying down his book and goblet of wine, then handing the cerberus a treat. He pet him as he wolfed it down. Theres a good boy.

As soon as he started petting Brutus, he felt a surge of indignation from outside himself; then Najyah was landing beside him, opening her mouth like a newborn chick.

The prince gave her a withering look. You are not a baby bird begging for worms, Najyah.

She moved her open beak closer.

He sighed, handing her a treat too, and felt a surge of satisfaction from her as the food disappeared. Shaking his head, he continued to pet Brutus.

Aaaah, your mother will return soon, my friend, he said. Not too soon, with any hope. But soon enough. Besides, you get to spend the day with both her and Alex tomorrow.

He handed him another treat, which drew another squawk and opened beak from Najyah.

Najyahone of these days, I will be seeing Sinope and Alex and Theresa will be watching you. Will you give them as much trouble as you give me?

The giant eagle immediately shook her head.

treacherous bird.

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