Mark of the Fool

Chapter 211: Lightweight

Chapter 211: Lightweight

No, no, Ozzie! Mad Stan cried. To the right! Throw him off balance, girl!

It was no use.

The gigantic bear-mammoth flailed as Grimloch casually lifted her off her feet and raised her up above his head.

The colour left Mad Stans face. What in all the gods? She weighswhat in all hells do you eat, man?!

Everything. Grimloch snarled victoriously as he shoulder-pressed the gigantic, struggling bear-mammoths mass above his head a couple of times before casually placing the massive beast on the ground, and pinning her in place.

Awww, come on, Ozzie! Mad Stan cried mournfully. Its the first day, you can do it!

After it was clearfrom Ozzies futile grunts and the giant sharkman not even moving an inchthat the battle was done, Mad Stan finally spit and tossed up his hands. The beast stopped fighting and met Stans eyes.

Fine, fine, fine! You win! Juuust let her up, shes saying she just groomed her fur and youre getting it all dirty again, so let her up easy! He seemed to focus on Ozzie for a moment. Come on girl, why would you be calling him names like that? That aint real sportsmanlike!

Ozzie the bear-mammoth glared at Grimloch and shook herself after the grinning sharkman had let her up and dusted off his massive hands.

Welp, ya wrassled ma bar-mammoth somethin good, I got to give it to ya Mad Stan sighed. What was your name again, son?

Grimloch. And Im not your son.

No, I meant-Nevermind. Mad Stan sighed again. You know in all my twenty years of comin here, ol Ozzie been pinned all of twiceyoure the third, ya, great big beast. Here you go.

He gave the Grimloch a gold pin in the shape of a bear and a large stuffed bear-mammoth toy.

Id usually invite anyone that could pin Ozzie out for drinksbut yad probably bankrupt me big guy.

Grimloch simply looked down at him. yes.

Also, uh, youre not in the Duel by Proxy are ya?

No. Im my own. Not a pet, or anyones familiar.

Mad Stan let out a sigh of relief. Well thank all the gods for that.

They looked at each other awkwardly for a few moments.

Okay. Grimloch said, then simply walked away from Mad Stan without another word.

His friends cheered him and clapped him on the back when he got back to them. Brutus barked, but hed been barking since theyd gotten close to Mad Stans pavilion. It looked like he wanted a crack at the bear-mammoths toobut probably in a much more vicious fightthan any of them wanted to see.

Well done, little brother! Nua-Oge shouted.

Little brother?! Mad Stan, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu all cried at the same time.

Well, well, well, looks like you came out on top too, big guy, Thundar said, patting the giant sharkman on the shoulder. He too had pinned a bear-mammoth earlier, though a much smaller one.

Mmmm. Grimloch looked down at the stuffed bear-mammoth toy almost half as tall as Alex, but in the sharkmans hand, it actually looked smallthen glanced at his older sister. You want this?

I havent played with dolls since you were a child, Grimloch, Nua-Oge said.

Mmm. Her brother grunted, then scanned the group surrounding him. Here. Youre smallest. He handed it toward Kybas.

Im a grown adult, the goblin said flatly.

Mmm. Then here. He shoved it toward Selina.

Im too old for dolls, she said.

Everyone looked at her sceptically as her green eyes stared at the giant, fluffy toy, clearly wanting to fluff its fuzz.

No youre not. Grimloch pushed the doll toward her.

Selina stared at it for a long moment, then sighed and took it, struggling to hold it and her messenger construct. thank you.

Alex looked down at her. You shouldnt try and pretend you dont want it when you do.

Hmph. She pushed the fuzzy toy toward his hands. Can you carry this?


Aleeeex, she whined.


Alex, Mrs. Lu said sternly.


Alex took the big, fluffy bear-mammoth. He considered giving it to Claygon, but decided it was better if his golems hands were free in case the demon summoner pulled something.

Theresa looked at Alex. Are you going to wrestle one of that guys familiars?

Are you? Alex asked. You are literally stronger than me, even though Im- He flexed. -more statuesque.

Oh, by Uldar. She rolled her eyes.

And what about you? Sinope asked Khalik, touching his shoulder. I would love to see you test your might against a beast of the woods.

Khalik thumbed his beard. Haha, leave such crude measures of strength to folk like Grimloch and Thundar.

He paused.

Is what I would say, were I a coward.

The prince took off his shirt, tossed it to Alex and strode up to Mad Stan while most of his friends cheered.

Sinope let out a whoop, cheering him on.

I am not a toy and coat rack! Alex yelled after him.

After spending a good part of the afternoon taking turns at bear-mammoth wrestling, eating, and seeing some of the other sightslike a horse and camel show, a demonstration of synchronised hippocampus riding, and one of illusion and combat magicthe group split up.

Grimlochs foot race was taking place at the same time as the lightweight Duel by Proxy match, though they might be able to catch the end of it depending how long the duels lasted.

Alex, Theresa, Selina, Mr. and Mrs. Lu and the rest of the cabal made their way toward their seats in the small arena with Brutus at Theresas side. Beside there was an area reserved for golems and larger familiars by the entrance gate, and Alex left Claygon there, with four other good-sized golems.

On their way to their seats, several peoplewith larger beasts following close behindstopped them to ask if they had plans to enter Brutus in the heavyweight Duel by Proxy competition. Those same people tried to hide their relief when Theresas answer was no.

Im surprised at howrelaxed everyone is, Mrs. Lu said. What with all theyou know what, going on.

My life enforcement professor says that if we let every event control our lives, then wed be consumed by the suffering in the universe, Theresa said.

sounds like a cheery man.


Cheery woman.

They finally got to their seats near the arena floor, and Alex took a look around as they sat down: surprisinglythere were a lot less spectators inside the stadium than he would have expected. It looked like maybe only half of the seats were filled.

Huh, youd think this eventd be more popular, Theresa said, looking around at the empty seats.

The lightweight divisions are less spectacular than those of the heavyweight divisions. It is akin to choosing to spectate two squirrels fighting as opposed to two dragons, Isolde said. I myself would likely not be in attendance were it not for the fact that Khalik is competing.

Speaking of that, how do you think hes going to do? Thundar asked. Well, I guess I mean, how do you think Najyahs going to do?

I am most curious too, Sinope said; the beautiful dryad looked around the arena. We do not have such competitions in the forest, nor do we tame animals. Nature works with us at most times, unless we are going on a hunt and our prey wants to protect itself. Then it fights for its life.

Interesting lifestyle. Theresa nodded with approval.

You would think so, Theresa, her mother muttered.

Anyway, Isolde interrupted before Theresa could fire back a response. Khalik will do quite well, I should think. He and Najyah have plenty of experience in combat and work well together.

Alex frowned, looking at one side of the arena. She can fly, and shes big compared to some of the other monsters in this weight class.

He nodded toward some combatants waiting in a box just outside the main arena. There were foxes with fire spreading from multiple tails, dogs with mist rising from their fur, hawks with white feathers, small wolves with highly intelligent eyes, amphibians that were the size of cats, and others around that size.

One of them was a small, familiar looking bear-mammoth.

Alex looked carefully and saw Mad Stan standing beside the bear-mammoth among some other contestants: it seemed hed entered the smallest of his familiars into the challenge.

Shes not the biggest, but shes the biggest flyer there. She also has that familiar connection with Khalik, so he can cast spells through her to/and help her.

Wait. Thundar said. Youre allowed to cast spells through your familiar during a match?

Yeah, Alex said. You cant cast spells into the cage or onto your creatures, but you can cast spells throughthem: thats the strength of being a familiar. Denying that would be like telling Mad Stan his beasts couldnt use their claws, or Kybas that Harmless couldnt bite people.

In a way it reminded him of his conversation with Baelin when he told the chancellor about The Mark: the ancient wizard had likened calling it cheating to saying that a student could not use their natural talents in school.

Well, I guess that gives familiars an advantage, Thundar said. Wellmaybe. They arent all that powerful themselves: it takes more mana, time and skill to make a more powerful creature into a familiar.

Yeah thats right, Alex agreed. But Najyahs pretty strong on her own so maybe-Ah! Wait she might be in trouble.

Oh? Why?

Alex pointed at Kybas and Harmless. Kybas made his connection with his familiar when he was really young. Now hes one of the biggest in that division and Kybas can still cast spells through him.

Huh, Maybe Khaliks got his work cut for him, Thundar grunted.

Who do you thinks going to win? Theresa asked.

The minotaur shrugged. Me. If Khalik wins, then my friend won his event. If he loses, then I get to make fun of him.

Alex rolled his eyes. And you wanted to be the leader of the cabal.

What? You know youre thinking the same thing.

Arent you?


Gentlefolk! an announcera broad man in a long cap and bright clothingroared, his voice magically augmented to reach the entire crowd. Today we bring you a death defying event! A battle of beasts and magic and the wit of wizard versus wizard! In ancient times, archmages would often resolve disputes by duelling each other through proxies! Chosen champions, summoned spirits, golems, bewitched beasts and more, would engage each other in vicious combat, as stand-ins for mighty wizards who could tear entire realms asunder in a dispute! Today, we bring you this ancient contest by way of sport and spectacle! Cheers for the champions you see before you and their chosen companions!

Cheers swept through the crowd and Alexs group joined in clapping, cheering, and whistling. Selina tried to not drop her snacka fried dough pastry covered in cinnamon and brown sugarand clap with everyone else, but sugar flew everywhere. Brutus promptly licked it up.

Very good, very good! Stay ready people, its going to be quite the show! the announcer shouted. The combatants in this elimination tournament are hungry for victory, glory and the prize! There will be three rounds in each match!

He held up three fingers.

In each round, each competitor is awarded a maximum of ten points by three judges. He gestured to a judges booth where three rough looking folk were sitting and watching carefully. Though they were of different racesa human, a selachar and an elfthey couldve been blood siblings. From their sour expressions and stiff demeanour, they looked like between the three of them, the word joke would be a rare, if not a totally unfamiliar thing.

Most rounds will end in a score of 10 to 9, with the advantage given to the more dominant duelist. Each time a combatant is knocked down, they lose a point for that round. For each time they are pinned, they lose twopoints for that round! If a contestant is knocked out or if someone surrenders, the battle ends! If both contestants make it to the end of all three rounds, then the one with the highest score at the end of three rounds takes the battle! No spells or potions can be used on a familiar outside of a round. For those who cast spells through their familiars, any ongoing spells must be dismissed at the end of each round. Make sure to preserve that mana!

He gestured toward the entrants.

Contestants have drawn straws, let us begin!

Alex grinned. Looks like were in for a treat!

As it turned out, they were not in for a treat.

Is itis it supposed to be this boring? Thundar whispered to Alex.

I dont know, Alex whispered back. They seem to be having fun.

He nodded toward Sinope, Selina, Mr. Lu, and Mrs. Lu. The four of them were on the edge of their seats, watching as little monsters dodged and ducked each others strikes and fangs. Isolde, Alex and Thundar however, had been fighting yawns as the battles went on.

Sometimes spells or other magical effects blasted from familiars or other small monsters which livened things up, butin the endthe fights werent really thrilling Alex.

You know what the problem is? he said. Think about it: weve been fighting xyrthaks and dune worms and hordes of monsters, while down there-

He pointed to the match going on.

-we get to watch a shocking lizard- He pointed to a lizard the size of perhaps a small hound that had blue crackling lightning bolts playing along two antennas on its head.

A lightning lizard, Isolde corrected.

-I know, Isolde, I was being facetious. Lightning lizard, he said. Fighting against what looks like a muupkara, unless Im going insane.

Indeed, Isolde said. A single muupkara.

Yeah, I guess theres not too much spectacle in that, Thundar grunted, looking around at the crowd. There was a mix of interest and boredom among the faces of those in the stadium.

Alex looked at Theresa. You seem to be liking this.

The huntress was staring at the battle with rapt attention, her eyes darting back and forth, following the movements of each small creature. As the muupkara ducked back and the lightning lizard sprang at it, she half rose out of her seat.

Mana bolts fired out of the muupkaras chestcast through it by its masterblasting the stone, rebounding to strike the lizard. As the reptile was hurled back, the muupkara sprang, unhinging its jaws, spreading them wide to grab its opponent.

The lizard scrambled back to its feet, and reacted by firing a bolt into the muupkara, shaking it from head to toe as it fell back, growling.

Of course, to Alexfrom this distanceit looked like two tiny shapes jumping around. Not too exciting from how far away he was.

Theresa sat back down, blowing out a breath. Suddenly she looked at Alex. Im sorry, you said something?

I said that you look like youre enjoying yourself, he repeated.

Oh yeah, its really exciting she paused, noticing Isoldes bored expression and Thundar half-asleep. huh.

Im surprised youre so excited, Alex said. We fought a horde of muupkaras.

Yes, but its still exciting, just look at how theyre manoeuvring. You can see how each monsters listening to commands, and the flashes of lightning, the movements and countermoves. Its really cool.

oh you know what? You can probably see the action a lot clearer because your eyesights so much better than ours, he said. If Id thought of it I wouldve brought along some sensory enhancement potions for us. Couldnt they use illusions to give us spectators close ups of whats happening on the arena floor?

They do, for larger events, Isolde said.

I feel badly for Khalik, Sinope said. Its interesting to me at least: Ive never seen such a contest.

You dont have to worry, Sinope, Alex said. Hes probably more focused on challenging and improving his skills than anything else right now.

And the winner has been decided! the announcer roared.

What, what now?

He looked down to see the lizard hanging out of the muupkaras mouthbut muupkara was on the ground, having been shocked until it submitted.

Well, thats that, Thundar said as he woke up. And now we get something interesting. Finally!

And now we have a treat! the announcer roared. A former champion versus a newcomer? It is! Staaaaaan Ernesto, Winner of three Duels by Proxy Grand Prizes in past Games, versus Khalik Behr-Medr!

At last, the princes first battle had arrived.

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