Martial God Gamer

603 Chapter 603

On the bright sea

No one knows what's underneath.

This beautiful sea underneath is indeed full of danger.

Small and large sea monsters were everywhere. Because no one dared to go into the sea to reduce their numbers.

So the sea is abundant with various kinds of sea monsters.

And on this sea A large ship was sailing forward. It was large enough to carry thousands of people.

The hull was made of wood and gold. The bow of the ship is in the shape of a dragon.

Seeing this, one could immediately tell that it was a ship from the Dragon Island. And when it was golden, it had to be the ship of the royal family only.

Gold in this world is not rare. In fact, even a small nobleman could own a ship made of gold.

But it does not depend on the value of gold. It depends on what the gold represents.

In any world, gold is considered a medium of nobility.

The beasts of the sea when they saw this huge golden ship. Those who should have rushed to destroy it tried to stay as far away from it as possible.

They exhibited these symptoms because they were aware of what that were on board

The only danger they could feel was from the Dragon Lord Long Wei.

On the ship, Long Wei was currently looking at the map. He forced the ship to follow a special route.

This special path was the rift path from the barrier of power that was blocking the intercontinental path.

These paths would only be known by the royal family and Long Wei's confidants. Because it was the shortest route to travel between continents.

If it's another route, it may take months or even years. However, this route only took a few hours.

Why does it take a few hours? The reason for this was because in the rift between the barriers of power that stood in the way, there was also a dimensional rift that shortened the distance. Long Wei needed to lead the ship into these rifts in order to reach the nearest direction of the God and Demon Continent.

“This way must go to the left junction. Then the right rift.”

All that Long Wei had to do was to use his mind to control the ship.

“Hmm, the next rift is under the sea.”

The large ships slowly sank into the sea. Sea water did not enter the ship due to some force pushing it away.

The unfortunate sea monster could not escape the ship and was crushed by the waves that were protecting the ship. It was a very frightening picture. However, it seems that it is already normal. Everyone on board didn't pay any attention to them.

On the deck Long Ziyun and Ye Ying'er were sitting together. The two of them now took out something to play. The two of them picked up some instrument from within their spatial ring.

Both of them had spatial rings on them. So why didn't the two of them put their clothes on? The simple answer is Their rings are full. Inside there were many items that they brought with them.

The instruments they both took out If Chen Ming saw them, he would surely be very surprised. Because the two picked out resemble a guitar and a flute.

The two instruments are actually the lute and the oboe, the lute and the oboe are not very similar to the modern universal instruments. It looks very ancient.

The two happily played music together.

Long Wei looked at his daughter and her friend before shaking his head. He felt depress. He thought that he would bring his daughter and her friend to face the harsh reality.

But seeing her happy smile with her friend Why did he feel down?

'No, I can't be soft no matter what. Everything is for herself.'

Long Wei thought of his wife. The two are very similar. And because of that, she had to leave this world early.

He didn't want his daughter to end up like her mother.

He had to be strong-willed and let her know that this world was not as beautiful as she thought.

After a while, Long Wei's large ship arrived on the shores of the God and Demon Continent. This coastline was opposite the closest point of the Gods and Demon Continents to the Dragon Archipelago.

He appeared behind the jungle realm boundary area. Long Wei chose this as his mooring point. It was because this place was far from people.

But when he arrived here His expression changed.

“Why are there so many people here…”

Long Wei could feel the change. but he didn't know what made it change like this.


Chen Ming had already arrived at Mount Olympus. And it was exactly what Chen Ming thought.

Looking closely, the mountain might only be the size of a normal mountain. But when standing here Chen Ming found that this mountain was extremely large.

As measured by his eyes, this mountain was at least fifty thousand meters high. Ask how high it is It was as high as five to six Mount Everest combined.

“The mountain is so high How tall is Nyx? Since this fifty thousand meter mountain is still small compared to her.”

Chen Ming shook his head before continuing. He could feel someone staring at him. However, Chen Ming did not show that he knew someone was looking at him.

'This kind of feeling is different from Nyx. Who is it?’

Chen Ming was sure that whoever stared at him was not Nyx. He remembered her presence. Her presence was not at all malicious.

However, this presence was filled with a malicious mind. Other than that, is it rage?

'This look is definitely not wrong. It must be the deviant gods. But which god is it?’

Chen Ming was suspicious. But even as he thought about it now, he didn't know whose eyes were looking at him.

‘I should have found out what god was looking at me after I got there.’

Chen Ming's goal now was the Divine Temple of Gods. He believed that if he went there, he would definitely find a way to find Nyx. and looking at the state of her now

She didn't need to tell him. He knew that she would definitely want him to free her.

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