Martial King's Retired Life

Book 14: Chapter 27

A Visit at Night (Part 2)

“Does this place still count as the home of the imperial family?”

“Her Highness and His Highness are still here. Wherever they reside, it is the home of the imperial family.”

“Fair enough. I won’t ask any more pointless questions, such as why you suspect me. I only want to know how I can convince you to trust me.”

“Haha, you are very straightforward. They say His Majesty spared no resources and efforts to find Princess Jingan a suitable partner, and the winner of the contest for candidacy is a man as clever with a brush as he is formidable with a sword.”

“I’m flattered.”

“It is too early for you to respond to that. There is no room for doubting your courage when you have the courage to come here late at night. There is no questioning your capacity since you could find this place. You have proven yourself with the brush, but how about your sword?”

Mighty Nail was a title Zuo Xiuluan gained when he singlehandedly took down dozens of armoured cavalry soldiers. Nobody could deny combat skills developed in real combat. I was confident I could subdue him if I used a ploy, but he wouldn’t accept his defeat, and if we had to fight a second time, I’d have to kill him. I couldn’t kill him when I was unarmed, though, not to mention there were even stronger foes at the outer perimeter surveying the manor. Most importantly, the planned negotiations would be off the table if I killed him.

“How about you display your skills to convince this one that you are the rightful Fuma Jingan?” Zuo Xiuluan advanced a step with a menacing aura.

“That’s a fair point.”

As soon as I stretched my arm out, Zuo Xiuluan readied himself to counter, but he ended up just watching me snap a tree branch beside us.

“I am sincerely seeking an audience with Her Highness; fighting with you gentlemen never crossed my mind. If we were to fight, would that not create unnecessary animosity?”

Staying vigilant, Zuo Xiuluan replied, “Her Highness will not take it to heart since she knows we forced you to get physical.”

“That would be true if the only opponent was you. A spar will not ruin a cordial relationship.” I plucked the leaves from the branch as I continued, “However, fighting one person after another would disturb her peace, would it not?”

“What do you mean fighting one person after another?”

“Am I wrong?” I looked up and smiled. “Considering the speed the broadsword wielder on the roof displayed at the northern border, it would take a number of exchanges. I would have done wrong by you just by damaging his shoulder and crippling him as a martial artist.

“The young swordsman situated behind the tree to the rear is a disciple of Beiping’s famous Slithering Snake Swordsman, correct? If he were to attack with his Slithering Snake Swordplay, I would be forced to hit his zhangmen accupoints.

“Our boxer behind the door has learnt authentic Wudang boxing, and his internal discipline training has reached a respectable level. Were it not for the unfortunate fact that he has yet to master Seven Star Fist, we could have sparred.

“Our friend by the northeast wall’s Fallen Seven Stars archery is a magnificent and rare discipline our dynasty can only claim as ours thanks to the northern border’s martial arts community. If possible, please do not aim at my head. I can’t dodge a shot whether I move left, back or forwards.”

I changed the colour of Zuo Xiuluan’s face each time I pointed out each person.

Some of them were members of Li Clan, while some of them were Zuo Clan clansmen. They didn’t spread their names, or I would’ve known their names. From the moment I arrived, though, I paid attention to everyone’s energy-moulding methods and breathing styles. On top of their unique traits, as all of them practiced orthodox disciplines, they were easy to identify. I even recognised their weaknesses when we closed the gap, and they started preparations to assassinate me. Since Zuo Xiuluan was unaware of my abilities and was sure I couldn’t have found out before my arrival, he believed I used another means of identifying them.

“Y-your skills are truly on another level… We…”

“No need to rush.”

I swung the branch in a brushing motion at Zuo Xiuluan’s face. I actually aimed for his body, and it wouldn’t have even hurt him; I might not have even been able to kill him with a pocket knife to the body considering how solid his body was. His fear instincts, however, prompted him to dodge with haste. He dodged my next swing, but I managed to graze the top of his dome with my third swing. Though he didn’t take any physical damage, the colour of his face told me his ego took damage.

I discarded the branch onto the ground and saluted him with both hands. “It was just a friendly spar. You don’t need to be so invested in it, Brother Zuo.” In a louder voice, I then voiced, “Yuan Xu, Yuan Shijia, seeks an audience with Your Highness. He harbours no will to fight your esteemed warriors. Please grant this humble one an audience.”

Convinced I was Fuma Jingan and grateful I spared his life, Zuo Xiuluan reciprocated my salute with sincerity. “Please wait a moment, Fuma.”

Phew, finally got over the first hurdle.

Zuo Xiuluan led me down to an underground building that was lit and furbished as though it was reserved for socialites. The last room we entered was slightly larger than even Prime Minister Li’s main hall.

Nobody would believe you if you said she had a son nearly twenty years old based on her graceful appearance. As a matter of fact, people would think they were siblings if juxtaposed.

Accompanying a subtle bob of her head, she conveyed, “It is an honour, Fuma.”

“You need not stand on ceremony, Your Highness. Technically speaking, we are family, but how should this one address you?”

She glanced up at me and smiled. “That will depend on how you position yourself, Fuma.”

Huh, adding context between the lines and countering whilst defending. Okay.

“Hmm, Yuan Xu, Yuan Shijia, that is a very interesting name. May this one ask what the hidden meaning of it is?”

“This one’s father is a fan of Confucius and Zhuang Zhou. He once said, ‘There is no truth in this world. Why seek the truth?’”

Her Highness looked as though she yearned to see the man of legend. “He must be an erudite man, or he would not have such profound understanding.”

Stop! Can you not let my shifu court your from afar?! I already want to puke from his courtship skills! Don’t give me another live performance!


Zhangmen accupoints – Refer to the image in here

Seven Star Fist – It’s a compulsory discipline beginner Shaolin disciples must learn. My knowledge on it is extremely limited, so I can’t tell you much about it, and I don’t want to parrot things without actual comprehension of it and disseminate misinformation. The craze to replicate techniques from taolu into actual combat based on appearances or vice versa (to try and validate stuff) is bad enough already without me adding half-baked knowledge into the mix.

Yuan Xu – Means “false origins” or “fake to begin with”.

Yuan Shijia – Same as “Yuan Xu”; just another way of saying the same thing.

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