Martial Online.

Chapter 305 Venus Retaliation

Chapter 305 Venus Retaliation

"What the fuck happened?" Apollo and the rest of the crew were shocked and confused.

They had retreated to a nearby tavern for some drinks before going to sleep, but then loud explosions started echoing across the town.

They could tell that it wasn't an everyday occurrence, as even the customers of the tavern looked shaken.

'It has begun.' Ambrose thought coldly.

"Should we go check what that was?" Damian suggested.

"It must be some battle between two rival crews." Ambrose said and shook his head. "It has nothing to do with us."

"What if it was Mars related?" Apollo asked. "From what I could tell, the explosion came rather close to the inn where he was."

"As if he needs our help." Ambrose shrugged his shoulders. "If it's something that even puts Mars in danger, what could we possibly do? Also, it would be nice if he just died off."

Leon took a drag of his cigarette, and after exhaling the smoke, he said. "Well, if Mars is fighting someone now, Haventown won't be safe, and neither will we. I suggest we return to the ship.

"Also, if Mars really needs our help, he will summon us."

"That's right." Apollo stood up and looked at the others. "Let's return to the ship."

"I'll meet you guys there." Ambrose raised his cup, which was still half full of water. "There is something I have to do first."

"You need help?" Apollo asked, but after seeing Ambrose shaking his head, he nodded and left with the other members of Black Heart.

'How are things out there?' Ambrose spoke inside his mind.

'Mars is already injured.' Bonney spoke to him via telepathy. 'Tyrannus will soon make his move, but strangely, none of his generals are present.'

'Is that good or no?' Ambrose questioned.

'Well, the Sea King generals are stronger than most pirate captains, and they would be a valuable asset to have in a fight against Mars.

'However, now that Tyrannus couldn't get the help of his commanders, which are the main combat power of Sea Pirates, and now even the generals have disappeared, it isn't looking good for him.

'However, Mars is still alone. Are you sure he won't be summoning you all to be his meat shields?'

'His ego is too big to rely on our help.' Ambrose said. 'He is also very reliant on his Eye of Shimon, and he believes that thing won't let him die.

'I still don't know how this will end, but Haventown will be razed to the ground.'

Ambrose then finished the water and turned to the corner of the tavern, where a group of players were also planning to leave for their ship.

Their captain was a black-haired man with a long scar running down his cheek. He was carrying some kind of box, and he looked rather vicious.

"..." Ambrose silently stood up and began following the group.


"A pathetic attempt!" Mars shrugged off the cannonballs that struck his body and exploded.

As he walked through the smoke of the fire, he formed a fist and punched the air with such strength that a loud explosion sounded as if the air had cracked.

"Saturn Punch!"

A powerful wind blew across the street and smashed into one of the buildings, completely decimating it until its final brick.

The Sea Pirate members that were stationed inside the building were blown away by the force of the punch and died once their lungs got crushed.

Then Mars formed a straight hand and chopped across the air with it.

"Neptune's Wrath!"

The air in front of him got slashed as if it were done by a sharp blade, and then an invisible wind slash flew throughout the air and sliced one of the buildings in half.

Inside the building, several Sea Pirate members were also slashed; nothing of them remained except a pool of blood, and then the rest of the pirates died once the building crumbled apart like a poorly built sand castle.

"Enough." Tyrannus appeared in front of Mars and swung his battleaxe as if he were trying to hack down a tree.

Mars scoffed and narrowly avoided the battleaxe by a step backwards.

"I wonder why you didn't just attack me in your throne room." Mars smirked. "All this trouble, for what? By the way, I ain't giving the mace to you now, and you'll never find it."

"That mace is just a second-rate copy of this." Tyrannus tapped his hand against the battleaxe. "If the mace was in the hands of someone else, of course I would be bothered to hunt them down.

"However, once I kill you, the mace will be found eventually. I don't really need it, and I probably will just scrap it."

"Hmph." Mars scoffed and formed a fist with his right hand. "Enough of scheming. Mars Right!"

At the same speed as the lightning bolt, Mars threw a quick right-handed punch towards Tyrannus' face.

Tyrannus swung his battleaxe around and blocked the fist with the side of its large blade. The force of the impact sent a shockwave through the air.

All the nearby windows shattered, and the ground shook beneath their feet.

"Trembling Sea." Tyrannus said with a melodic tone, and suddenly, the battleaxe started vibrating at high frequency.

Mars' eyes narrowed, and suddenly a powerful shockwave shot out from the blade and sent him flying throughout the air.

Smash—he crashed through several buildings before coming to a stop once his back crashed into a side of the bedroom wall.

"Tch." Mars clicked his tongue and jumped through the ceiling, appearing above Haventown with bright lights shining in front of him.

He then fell back to the ground and crashed into the site of the destroyed inn.

Tyrannus moved the battleaxe in front of his face to block the flying pebbles that flew about once Mars crashed into the ground, breaking the pavement as a result.

Mars dashed forward and sent a barrage of punches in Tyrannus' direction, each punch causing the air to explode with a powerful force.

Tyrannus quickly deflected the punches with his battleaxe, but he was forced to back away as Mars continued to attack.

"Mars Left!" Mars screamed and threw a left-handed punch, which landed on the battleaxe and caused a powerful shockwave that made Tyrannus stumble backwards a few steps.

"Urgh..." Tyrannus narrowed his eyes as he stabilized himself.

He hated to admit it, but Mars was perhaps the opponent with the highest physical strength he had ever fought.

"The Godly Slash!" Tyrannus lifted the battleaxe above his head and slashed across his body. The blade started to glow in brilliant blue light, and then a blue slash flew out from the blade.

"Neptune's Wrath!" Mars quickly chopped his hand against the blue slash and screamed loudly as the blue slash tried to cut through his hand.

"Why aren't you using your second gate's Inner Power?" Tyrannus frowned before realizing it, and he suddenly started laughing like a madman.

"Could it be that you haven't even opened the second gate?

"Haha, just how talentless are you, fool?!"

Mars' eyes narrowed into a dangerous glare, and he then suddenly used his left fist and smashed through the blue slash.

He then immediately lunged towards Tyrannus and screamed. "Venus Retaliation!"

Smash—the fist landed on Tyrannus' face with a force of a thousand bulls and sent him flying away like a wrecking ball.

"Who is talentless?" Mars clicked his tongue. "You bastard."

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