Martial Online.

Chapter 344 New Master

Chapter 344 New Master

The short-haired man rushed upstairs, wanting to warn his guild master. There was currently a living monster inside their dojo!

Ken used his footwork, moved like a fish in the water, and swung his reverse-gripped sword. He was trying to move quickly so that his opponent wouldn't be able to attack his weak spot.

Ambrose moved only his upper body, dodged the sharp blade, and smashed his wooden sword at Ken's chest.


"Cough!" Ken let out a painful cough and looked down at his chest, where the wooden sword had struck him. He felt that all his air had left his lungs, and it was getting hard to breathe.

Ambrose moved swiftly and slapped the wooden sword across Ken's face, sending him sprawling down on the ground.

The students gasped loudly, as did the veteran members of Reverse Tiger Blade, who had been with the dojo for over ten years. In this time frame, they had never seen Ken being beaten around this badly before!

On the upstairs, the short-haired man stormed inside the office.

Tiger Erwin nudged his glasses and looked toward the dojo. "Is it over yet?"

"We are all in danger!" The short-haired man screamed. "I-I now remember his face, his face, his face, and the name, Ambrose; I finally recognized it!"

"Calm down." Tiger Erwin said calmly, put his glasses down on the desk, and stood up. He then walked over to the man, patted his shoulder, and said, "Deep breaths. What do you mean?"

"Whoo, whoo…" The short-haired man inhaled and exhaled.

Then, he cleared his throat and began explaining things to Tiger Erwin. It took around half a minute to explain everything.

"Are you sure it's him?" Tiger Erwin said with a deeply serious gaze. "Absolute positive? Is there a chance you are mistaken?"

"No, I am 100 percent sure!" The short-haired man shouted. "I have always been proud of my memory. I can remember even the smallest things, even if they weren't my focus of attention at that time!"

"But why…" Tiger Erwin pinched his nose bridge and shook his head. "What is a man like him doing in our dojo?"

"S-should we go call the Watchmen?" The short-haired man asked. "Or send a letter to Kiryu?"

"Kiryu rarely interacts with the outside world." Tiger Erwin said with a sigh. "When the crows attacked, he also didn't do anything. Why would he now?"

"W-what shall we do now?"

"Hmm…" Tiger Erwin returned to the desk, wrote a letter quickly, placed it inside an envelope, and sealed it. He then gave it to the man. "Just in case, go send this to Kiryu. Perhaps he will be interested.

"I'll go talk with this Ambrose, and perhaps he is feeling merciful. If things go badly, perhaps I can buy enough time for the students to escape."

"S-should we also alert Watchmen? They can send a message to the Red Inquisitors!" The short-haired man asked.

"Not yet." Tiger Erwin said. "After sending a letter, do not return here immediately. Wait in the nearby cafe, and if you don't see me in an hour, go alert the Watchmen."

"All right!" The short-haired man saluted, then instead of walking out of the door, he used the window and jumped outside. In a matter of seconds, he had already left the building.

Tiger Erwin then sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Why is a man of his strength here? Our dojo is insignificant in comparison."

He then fixed his collar, walked out of the office, and arrived downstairs. He saw a bruised-faced Ken fighting desperately against a handsome black-haired man, who was dodging and counterattacking seamlessly.

In the eyes of Tiger Erwin, it reminded him of a father fighting against his untrained son.

He had seen plenty of things in his long life, but he had never seen anyone fight against the master of the Reverse Tiger Blade so easily.

He had always been proud of his self-created swordstyle, which was so unique that many swordmasters found it difficult to understand and defend against.

"Master." The students bowed at him.

They could see the seriousness in their master's eyes. After all, his strongest student, Ken, was losing badly, and it wasn't even close.

It was left to their master to defend their dojo's honor.

Ken ragingly smashed his sword down with bloodshot eyes. He looked desperate for any of his attacks to land. Yet his opponent was too fast.

Ambrose slid across the floor, circling around Ken until he was behind him, and then smashed his wooden sword into Ken's back.

Ken crashed into the ground and tried to stand up, but his body was too weak to support him.

"Enough." Tiger Erwin spoke with a commanding tone. "He lost."

"M-master…" Ken groaned painfully. "I-I can still fight."

"You cannot." Tiger Erwin turned to a few of the students and whispered. "Take him upstairs to rest."

The students nodded and went to carry Ken away.

"You are the master of this dojo?" Ambrose asked curiously. "I do not desire to fight you. I just wanted to fight him, and he has now lost.

"You also cannot defeat me."

"You desire my dojo?" Tiger Erwin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." Ambrose looked around the dojo and admired its beauty. "This is far better than my previous one."

Tiger Erwin looked silently at him before turning to his students. His students were angry, and rightfully so, as this would mean they would have to start over in a new dojo somewhere else.

It would also do a lot of damage to the reputation of the Reverse Tiger Blade dojo if they were chased away. No one would want to join their dojo after this!

"Very well." Tiger Erwin said. "We'll leave."

"Master!" His students cried out in shock.

It shocked them that their master didn't even try to fight him!

"Leave?" Ambrose walked to the high-end chair at the end of the room and took a seat. His eyes were fixed on the weathered-looking man. "Why leave?"

"I don't understand what you mean, sir." Tiger Erwin said with a confused tone.

He wondered whether it was some kind of gimmick of the powerful individual. Red-ranked outlaws were known to be weird and unpredictable.

"Simple." Ambrose spread his arms around as he looked at the nearly fifty students in the room. "Become my students."

"What?!" All of the students exclaimed simultaneously.

"You want us to become your students?" Tiger Erwin asked in shock. "B-but why?"

"What is a dojo without students?" Ambrose asked. "It's pretty embarrassing to be alone here. None of you also have to leave and find a new place to go.

"However, you need to abandon 'Reverse Tiger Blade' and accept my style."

"And what is your style's name, sir?" Tiger Erwin asked curiously.

"Hmm…" Ambrose reached out to his inventory and took out his style scroll.

This caused Tiger Erwin's eyes to widen in shock. He knew what the style scroll was, and this meant that this powerful identity didn't even have a style before, yet he wanted to create a dojo.

'He is a very eccentric figure…' Tiger Erwin thought. 'However, he is very powerful, but he is still a wanted figure. This can either end in our doom or make us reach new heights.'

"Hmm, ah, I now know." Ambrose smiled.

"From now on, you all are students of Immortal Style."

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