Martial Online.

Chapter 352 The Bloody Battle

Chapter 352 The Bloody Battle

"Kill these bastards!"

The brown-poncho-wearing players screamed from the top of their lungs as they rushed towards the players who wore black-leathered jackets with sigil of roaring engines on their backs.

They clashed in the middle of the street, their weapons clashing in a flurry of violence.

The blood shed like torrent rain, flooding the pavement of the streets with the blue blood of the players.

The blood flowed down like small rivers and pooled at the feet of the players.

Crack—a baseball bat smashed through the player's skull, claiming another life.

"Hahaha, these newbies really thought they could take us by surprise." A man over two meters tall shouted in ecstasy while swinging his baseball bat.

He had one of the highest kill counts currently on the battlefield, as no one could survive a single attack from him.

He was the Roaring Engine's second-in-command, Blackfist.

The alliance of New Players had three times the numbers, but the individual strength of Roaring Engine was vastly superior, and they managed to keep their ground with excellent teamwork.

At that moment, Motorhero jumped over the members of Roaring Engines and landed in the middle of the alliance members. He then swung his baseball bat, crushing the skulls of several players.

"Die!" Three players thrust their spears towards Motorhero.

"Hahaha, not happening!" Blackfist rushed in and tackled through the spears, shattering them and sending the attackers flying.

Swoosh—dozens of arrows shot through the sky and rained down upon Blackfist and Motorhero.

Without a single hesitation in his face, Blackfist shielded Motorhero and tanked the arrows with his body. The arrows stabbed deep into his back and caused a steep loss of health.

"Hmph!" Blackfist scoffed loudly. "Go, boss!"

Motorhero grabbed his baseball bat tight, leaped over Blackfist, and lunged towards the archers, who were huddled behind the roofs of nearby buildings. He swung his bat with all his might, knocking them off their feet and sending them flying into the air.

Thud—at that moment, a sharp-eyed man with a brown poncho draped over his lanky build ran down the street with a spear in hand.

He thrust it forward, and the spear's sharp blade pierced through the air as it approached Blackfist's arrow-ridden back.

But then Blackfist smashed his baseball bat with rageful fury at the incoming spear and blocked it in its tracks.

"Hahahaha!" Blackfist combed his short black hair back with his hand and looked at the sharp-eyed man with a scoff. "You don't look like a newbie, hahaha!"

"Hmph!" The sharp-eyed man reeled in his spear and stabbed it forward repeatedly with ferocious tenacity.

However, Blackfist defended against the spear stabs with his baseball bat, deflecting and parrying each strike without taking a single step backwards.

Instead, he kept laughing and taunting the sharp-eyed man's attempts.

At that moment, Motorhero jumped down from the roof and smashed his baseball bat down towards the sharp-eyed man. However, he quickly escaped with his spear.

Boom—the baseball bat smashed through the pavement easily, as if it were made of porcelain.

The sharp-eyed man looked at the destruction and was glad that he managed to escape in time. He then quickly blocked Blackfist's attack, and he retreated several steps with quick jumps.

Swoosh—but then, Motorhero appeared behind him as if he had appeared from his shadow and delivered a powerful kick to the sharp-eyed man's back.

The sharp-eyed man tumbled down the ground and quickly jumped back to his feet, but only to get smashed into the side of his face by the baseball bat.

He flew across the street, crashed through a solid-looking wall, and landed in a pile of debris on the other side. He didn't move any further and instead turned into pixels and disappeared into nothingness.

After a short moment, every player in the alliance was either lying dead on the ground or severely injured, with their legs missing, so they couldn't move away.

Not a single member of Roaring Engines perished in the fight.

"Get yourself treated." Motorhero said to his second-in-command, Blackfist, who stood behind him like a watchdog.

"Nah, I am fine, boss!" Blackfist showed his enormous biceps and grinned with bloodied teeth.

"You will bleed out if you don't, fool." Motorhero warned him and pointed at his face without a single fear in his face. "You aren't allowed to take a single step inside our base if you are going to bleed into our floors."

"A-all right, boss." Blackfist lowered his head meekly and went to get some healing potions from others.

Motorhero walked over to the members of the alliance, who were too injured to move and were shedding tears because of their pathetic loss.

"Deliver a message to your foolish leader." Motorhero stomped over the head of one of the players and rubbed his head on the dirty pavement.

"I am fine with dealing with this war with a single fight.

"Tell your leader that I challenge him to single combat. The loser will quit the game forever, and their faction will disband. The winner will get to stay in Amaterasu.

"Now, go!" He kicked the players in their backs, but since they couldn't use their legs, they had to crawl away like worms.

Motorhero stood with his arms crossed, watching them crawl away, and then turned to the dirty pavement stained with blue blood and body parts.

"The Watchmen are on their way!" A shout came from one of the tallest buildings in the vicinity. It came from Roaring Engines' scouts, who were responsible for keeping an eye on the movement of the guards of the city.

"Mm, let's go." Motorhero motioned with his hand, and they quickly walked away through the winding streets.

They didn't seem to be in any hurry as they made their way down the alleyway.

At that moment, a single arrow flew through the night sky and pierced through the pavement right in front of the Roaring Engines.

Motorhero lifted his arm, and everyone stopped moving behind him. They all turned their gazes towards the end of the alleyway, where a purple-eyed woman with red hair stood with her back against the wall.

The woman with exotic purple eyes lit up a matchstick, and the flickering flame illuminated her face. She didn't look anything special, but she had a strange kind of charm about her.

Motorhero looked at her with a frown and asked. "What do you want, Zahhak?"

"Mm." Redheart giggled and pointed the matchstick at them. "Oh, you all are bad boys, aren't you?"

"Oh, very bad." Blackfist smashed his two black-gloved fists together and grinned. "Want to find out just how bad?"

"Calm down." Motorhero said casually and stepped towards Redheart with a casual stride. "You've been watching us for some time. What do you want?"

"Zahhak is expanding, you see." Redheart threw her arms up in the air with a smile. "Cerberus would very much like to meet you."

The members of Roaring Engines looked at each other in a slight surprise. They had heard that name spoken in a very revered tone for a very long time now.

Now, the famous Cerberus wanted to meet with their boss.

"Cerberus, hah." However, Motorhero laughed and looked at the woman with a smirk. "The loser who couldn't catch some nobody?

"Yeah, I know him. The reputation of Zahhak is not the same as it used to be. They are not feared as much anymore."

"Ooh, watch your mouth." Redheart put the matchstick against her lips and blew it out. "Or you are the next one that will go out."

"Mm." Motorhero grabbed her by the neck and whispered. "Is that so? I'm not afraid of you."

At that moment, a sharp, poisonous arrow touched Motorhero's groin. It wasn't touching, but if Redheart's hand flinched even slightly, it would, and it wouldn't be a nice sight.

Motorhero casually dropped his gaze on the poisonous arrow that was threatening his manhood.

"Mm, I'll deliver the message that you aren't willing to talk business." Redheart whispered with a venomous tone. "Cerberus is already in a very bad mood because of the recent version of the newspaper.

"You don't want him to come here."

"Maybe I do." Motorhero removed his hand from her neck and stepped away. "This is my city."

"This is your city, for now." Redheart whispered. "But you should keep your eyes peeled. The 'nobody' you talked about has been the biggest pain in Zahhak's flesh ever."

Redheart turned around to leave and waved her hand dismissively. "If he returns, I suggest sending a message to us. He'll be too much for you to handle."

Motorhero narrowed his eyes.

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