Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 231: Devil’s Anus

Chapter 231: Devil’s Anus

“Thanos is being hunted?”

“Is this news true?”

“Of course it's true. Someone saw Thor and Loki from Asgard, along with three unknown individuals, all chasing Thanos. Thanos's fleet has been destroyed.”

“That's great. That damned Thanos finally met his retribution.”

“Thanos's hands are stained with blood. Over the years, who knows how many races he has slaughtered? He will definitely be judged for his crimes. Asgard is indeed still Asgard—when they take action, it's always earth-shattering.”

“I never expected Asgardians to go to war with Thanos. It doesn't make sense. Even though it is said that the ruler of Asgard is old, an old god-king is still a god-king. Thanos, no matter how foolish, shouldn’t provoke Asgard. Why would the Asgardians suddenly hunt Thanos?”

“Yeah, and moreover, it's not just Asgard. Who are the other three people? Are they also from Asgard?”

“They shouldn’t be. The Asgardian gods are well-known. If they were from Asgard, they would be recognized. Besides, those three individuals have powers at the sub-Celestial level.”

“I never imagined that Thor and Loki would grow to this level. I had heard that they were suppressing rebellions across the Nine Realms. At their level, who would dare to rebel against them?”

“I don't know, maybe...”

“Maybe what?”

“Do you think it has anything to do with that recent cosmic sensation?”

“The one who appeared out of nowhere? The protagonist of the cosmic event who slaughtered through Hell and Heaven?”

“Yes, that one. It's said he's from Midgard, one of the Nine Realms under Asgard’s rule.”

“Perhaps, but I don't care about that. I only care if Thanos will be caught and judged. I even want to lend a hand myself.”

“Ha, I advise against that. Although Thanos is being hunted, he's not someone an ordinary person can mess with. During his escape, he encountered several slave ships and merchant fleets, and he did nothing to them. But when Thanos broke in, he destroyed the merchant fleet instantly with his overwhelming power.”

“Alright, pretend I didn't say anything. I will pray for the brave warriors. They are heroes as long as they can kill that monstrous Thanos.”

Across the universe, various factions, including drifters, space pirates, and mercenaries, are all discussing this major event.

After all, Thanos is very notorious, and Asgard is also quite famous.

The conflict between them has become one of the few significant events in the universe in recent years, attracting much attention.

Not to mention, there are many survivors who escaped Thanos’s massacres.

Some are wandering, some are gathering strength and forming their own armies, while others are in prison. But regardless of their situations, they all hate Thanos deeply.

At this time, no one wants to kick someone when they’re down.

Those who survive in the universe understand one thing: injured or cornered creatures are often the most terrifying and dangerous.

Especially someone like Thanos.

He is running because five individuals at the sub-Celestial level are chasing him. He is in a sorry state because he encountered stronger and more numerous opponents. But his own strength still exists, even without his powerful fleet.

Anyone who dares to intercept or exploit Thanos in this situation would be torn apart by him without hesitation.

Meanwhile, in a vast expanse of space.

A massive fleet is slowly moving through space.

At the front is a flagship representing the Kree Empire.

The owner of this flagship is Ronan the Accuser, one of the highest authorities in the Kree Empire. At this moment, Ronan, dressed in his iconic armor with a black helmet, holding a long-handled hammer symbolizing power and authority, also known as the Universal Weapon, is standing in front of a large floor-to-ceiling window.

With blue skin and black stripes painted on his face beneath the helmet, his eyes sternly gaze at the starry sky ahead.

Who knows what he is thinking?

At this moment, footsteps sound from behind.

A Kree deputy commander, also with blue skin, approaches him: “Accuser.”

“What did you discover?”

“Thanos’s fleet has been slaughtered, but most of his Black Order remains intact. The friction between Thanos and Asgard, according to sources, is because Thanos once contacted Loki, attempting to overthrow Asgard or cause internal chaos, which enraged Asgard.”

“Those three individuals might be from Earth. Two years ago, Carol went to Earth. The timeline coincides with that major event. Perhaps Carol learned something, which is why she rushed to Earth, but by the time she arrived, it was over.”

“As for those three individuals, they are likely Earthlings and possibly related to that person, forming an alliance with Asgard.”

The deputy commander recounted all the information he had gathered in detail.

Each word he spoke made Ronan's expression change incrementally.

Until the last sentence, Ronan slowly closed his eyes and said, "That person... is it his will to hunt down Thanos?"

Although Ronan valued Asgard, he also did not care much for it. Asgard was strong, but the Kree Empire was no pushover either. Over the years, the Kree Empire's military strength had grown significantly.

Ronan was confident that even if war broke out with Asgard, the Kree Empire would not necessarily lose; he even believed they could win.

However, the Kree Empire's enemy had never been Asgard, nor were the other two empires weaklings. Although the Skrull Empire had declined due to war, it did not mean they had completely lost their potential for warfare.

In this balanced state, as the hawkish leader, Ronan would not easily offend Asgard.

The deal between him and Thanos had fallen through due to this sudden pursuit. He could not vent his anger on Asgard, nor could he take it out on those three humans.

Earth, once a testing ground for the Kree Empire, had been visited by his fleet more than a decade ago. However, Carol's sudden rise made him realize her strength.

But Carol left Earth, and Ronan no longer paid attention to it.

Now, however, the situation was completely different. A terrifying presence had reemerged on Earth, a presence that even the Kree Empire could not afford to offend.

A single universe being.

The Kree Empire's strength lay in its military and technology. Facing Asgard and Odin, the Kree Empire would not be afraid. But the level of a single universe being was entirely different.

This was a level far above the All-Father. Ronan had never personally witnessed such power.

But from the descriptions of the single universe being, Ronan understood that if the other side wanted to destroy the Kree Empire, the Kree Empire could only resist like an ant, with slightly more significant resistance, but the outcome would not change.

At this moment, Ronan felt that the situation was becoming uncontrollable.

As for the Power Stone, Ronan knew it was impossible to retrieve it. He knew exactly what kind of person Thanos was.

Ronan initially did not know that the Orb was the Power Stone.

When Thanos contacted him to find the Orb, Thanos promised to help Ronan destroy the Nova Empire's home planet Xandar and overthrow the Nova Empire's central government in return.

Thus, Ronan's goal would be achieved.

Ronan had doubts about the Orb because if it could make Thanos offer such a deal, it had to be something extraordinary.

Ronan was never one to follow rules; he was also violent, proud, and arrogant. Thanos?

He could respect Thanos for his power but not fear him.

His plan was simple: if he found the Orb and its value exceeded Thanos' promise, Ronan would unhesitatingly break the deal.

But Ronan did not expect that just after he discovered information about the Orb, Thanos would show up with his two daughters.

Then they were ambushed on Morag by Thor, Loki, and three other humans. The ensuing battle shattered the planet, and news of Thanos being hunted down reached his ears.

Only a few were involved in that battle's details.

Naturally, they could not know.

But Thanos was repeatedly pursued by Thor, Loki, and others. To escape, Thanos used the Power Stone. From these details, Ronan deduced that the Orb was indeed the Power Stone.

Ronan knew the Power Stone's origins well.

As the Accuser, Ronan knew many cosmic secrets. Even if he did not, the Kree Empire had no shortage of knowledgeable individuals.

Upon discovering this, Ronan was both shocked and furious. If he had followed his plan, the Power Stone would have been in his hands, granting him immense power. His Universal Weapon could channel the Power Stone's strength.

At that point, what would Thanos be?

He would not care at all and could destroy the Nova Empire's home planet Xandar, bringing the Kree Empire under his control.

But now, everything has turned to smoke.

Ronan was understandably in a foul mood, worsened by the fact that he could not take revenge on anyone.

He could not retaliate against Asgard, nor against the three humans connected to that entity. Thanos and the Power Stone were his only potential targets for revenge, but attempting it might destroy him as well.

"It seems we can only wait for the outcome."

This was not the first time Ronan felt powerless. Despite his displeasure, he did not lose his mind in rage. Instead, he believed there might still be a slim chance, though small, to make a move.

But to seize this opportunity, he had to wait for the results of this unprecedented hunt.

Ronan led his fleet, tracing the path of the hunt.

Not only Ronan, but many ambitious and insightful individuals have noticed the existence of the Power Stone and have had some thoughts about it. If they could obtain the Power Stone, it would greatly enhance their strength.

For a time, the entire universe was in turmoil, with undercurrents surging.

All eyes were focused on Thanos, one of the protagonists.

Time passed bit by bit.

Half a month had passed, and this great hunt across the universe continued. Thanos was incredibly resilient; his endurance and physical stamina were terrifying. For half a month, he fled without rest, occasionally being caught up to, then breaking through with all his might and escaping again.

Countless planets were destroyed in the ensuing battles, showcasing the immense power at this level.

After half a month of nonstop fleeing and being hunted, his physical and mental strength showed no sign of weakening, which was terrifying. If such a person became an enemy, the consequences of letting him escape if not killed on the spot would be unimaginable.

Therefore, many immediately realized that such a formidable opponent should either not be provoked, or if provoked, must be completely eliminated.

Otherwise, he would undoubtedly become a major threat.

However, what they didn't know was that Thanos, the fugitive protagonist, was also quite frustrated. He had extreme rationality; even though he was being hunted across the universe and had lost much face, he wasn't shaken at all.

What truly disturbed him was that, despite fleeing such a long distance and constantly summoning his floating throne, he had still not succeeded.

This meant that despite fleeing for such a long time and distance, the mysterious spatial blockade's range was still so vast.

Thanos sensed that far away, there were indifferent eyes watching him. That person had easily blocked one of his greatest assets, preventing him from quickly escaping and shaking off his pursuers.

He had been made a grindstone by that person.

The people chasing him had become the objects of his refinement.

Damn it.

As Thanos soared through the vast starry sky, a ripple of emotion stirred within him, and he felt a bit powerless.

No matter how he struggled, he was merely a pawn for the other party to hone their skills.

Just like Gamora and Nebula, manipulated by him, no matter how they resisted and struggled, they could only follow his will, unable to deviate.

Clenching his teeth, Thanos already knew that person's identity, whose power level made him feel a bit desperate.

He knew that even if he didn't die at the hands of Thor, Loki, and the others, that person would never let him go.

But Thanos hadn't given up hope of survival.

He still had his mission and his beloved goddess. He would use every means to survive because only by living could he grow stronger and seek revenge.

As his thoughts flowed, Thanos suddenly thought of someone.

Someone who might help him break free from his predicament.

Thinking of this, Thanos immediately planned the route and strategy to reach the star system where that person resided.

This time, he would take a gamble. Although he might lose his life, there was a greater chance that he could survive.

However, he didn't execute the plan immediately but continued his frantic escape as usual.

Finally, during his flight, Thanos saw an opportunity to escape.

It was a very dilapidated planet.

This planet was specifically used for dumping waste. No matter the civilization, waste is inevitable. With the development of civilizations and technology, advanced technologies emerge, but so do waste products derived from these technologies.

These wastes are not simple to dispose of through burning or other methods, as such processes produce particles that harm the ecological environment.

Thus, garbage planets were born.

These planets serve as massive landfills for various civilizations. Being abandoned, the harmful wastes can damage the planet's soil and ecology without affecting those civilizations.

However, this garbage planet was different from others.

Nearby, there was a cosmic phenomenon not uncommon in the universe—a collapsing neutron star. This special celestial event could tear the space around it, creating an unstable, portal-like area. Anything entering it would be torn apart unless it was strong enough to pass through.

This was exactly what Thanos was aiming for.

In the universe, many called this phenomenon the Devil's Anus.

Although not uncommon, few would use it to travel to another location due to its instability. Even a ship strong enough to withstand it would get lost without the right anchor points and coordinates.

Thanos met all the conditions.

He didn't head there immediately because its location was too obvious. He needed to use the garbage planet to conceal his intentions.


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