Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 206: The God of Light is the White Man?

Chapter 206: The God of Light is the White Man?

Chapter 206 The God of Light is the White Man?

Even Thor can imagine how terrifying it would be for a being to possess such terrifying power.

So, based on mythology, you think that this God of Light is related to Asgard, and that Baldr is my brother?

Nick Fury nodded.

Seeing him nod, Thor fell into deep thought, racking his brains to recall the memories.

But no matter what he thought, he didn't know when he had a younger brother, nor did he know who the God of Light, Badr, was.

However, to be really sure, he does not have such a younger brother, and Thor, God of Thunder, is not very sure.

He murmured, "I don't know much about my father. Even Loki, I only found out about him recently. He..."

At this point, he paused and did not continue.

However, Nick Fury understood what he said and said solemnly, "You mean, we can't rule out the possibility that this Baldr is your brother?"

I wonder if your father, the king, and your mother, have ever given birth to such a younger brother for you?

Thor nodded when he heard this, and was about to say something next.

However, suddenly, he was stunned. Thinking back to what Nick Fury had just said, he noticed a key word.

"younger brother?"

Thor's thoughts were racing in his mind, and a figure appeared in his mind for a moment.

A younger brother who first wore white clothes and recently put on mysterious black clothes...

The man in white

Badr, the God of Light, is he?

Thor murmured in shock.

Nick Fury asked, "What is he?"

Thor came back to his senses and said immediately, "I don't know when I had a brother, but if there are signs recently that there are signs that he may be my brother, that's the only one."

Fury, you know, its the man in white!

As soon as he finished speaking, Nick Fury felt that the originally noisy bar had become quiet at this moment, and his heart was filled with disbelief.

The man in white, could he be Baldr, the God of Light? !

How can this be!

Nick Fury wanted to shake his head.

He couldn't imagine that the man in white had miraculous abilities.

If there were this kind of power that could cast light and cover the entire earth, Asgard and other places, how terrifying and difficult it would be to deal with it!

Its a pity that even though he thought so, he was shocked in his heart and gradually came to believe it.

After all, the man in white was originally suspected to be Thor's younger brother, possessing the identity of a **** in the Asgardian domain, but it has never been exposed. What kind of **** is he...

It is not a problem at all to say that the other party is the rumored God of Light, Baldr, and it makes sense logically.

In addition, it cannot be such a coincidence that an unknown son of God King Odin suddenly appeared...

Coupled with the power of the man in white, it is already inexplicably powerful and terrifying. Having this kind of power that can cover the entire earth and Asgard is beyond words...

But this kind of thing also illustrates one thing. If all this is correct, then this man in white, no, Badr, the God of Light, may have hidden his strength before!

The opponents true strength is unimaginable!

Just thinking about the light that enveloped the entire earth and even the entire Asgard not long ago made Nick Fury feel horrified and creepy.Then, the two talked for a while.

During this process, both of them could see the changing expressions on each other's faces, and the shock still remained in their eyes.

Finally, Nick Fury said, "If you have the opportunity, I hope you can go back and ask your father and queen about Baldur, the God of Light."

Okay, Ill leave first if I have something else to do.

With that said, Nick Fury hurriedly left the bar, got into a black car and left.

Obviously, he went to deal with the matter of Badr, the God of Light.

Looking at his leaving figure, Thor, the God of Thunder, was no longer in the mood to continue drinking.

He muttered, "I also want to go back to Asgard and tell my father and queen about this. It's all the fault of Loki for destroying the Rainbow Bridge!"

At this moment, he was very distressed and in a complicated mood.

Apprehension, expectation, excitement, excitement

Various emotions surged up and down in his heart one after another.

If the speculation just now is true, and Nick Fury, the **** of light spoken by humans, is really the White Man, and the White Man is really his younger brother, then how exciting would this be?

Who wouldnt be excited to have such a strong younger brother?

Thor said excitedly, "With this kind of strength, even my father is no match for me, right?"

"It's true. When did the king and queen give birth to a younger brother without telling me?"

Thunder God Thor thought complainingly.

Of course, it is also possible that he is the illegitimate son of his father, but this idea only flashed through his mind and he did not think about it deeply.

Anyway, as long as the other person is his younger brother.

At this moment, he was already thinking about how to tell Hogan, Fandral, Sif and others about this matter so that he could brag in front of them.

When Thor was worrying about how to return to Asgard, Nick Fury, who was rushing to S.H.I.E.L.D., ordered Hill to collect information about the mythical story of Baldr, the God of Light, as soon as possible. At the same time, he felt that it was necessary to put this matter Notify Captain America and others of the matter.

Soon, Captain America, Black Widow and others, as well as Iron Man Tony Stark, who was resting in the villa, received messages from Nick Fury.

When they read the message, everyone had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The mysterious and powerful man in white is actually the God of Light in Asgard?

Most importantly, the message from Nick Fury said that the bright vision that appeared not long ago may also be related to him!

That is a vision that envelopes the entire earth!

Even Nick Fury told them that this vision not only happened on Earth, but also in Asgard and other places...

In a luxurious villa.

Jarvis, do you think there is really a **** in this world? Tony Stark asked in disbelief.

Sir, I dont know, but based on the available information, the probability of Gods existence is not small. The existence of Mr. Thor is a kind of proof, but I dont think what you are talking about, sir, is Mr. Thors kind..."

While they were talking, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Dr. Banner and others were also in shock at this moment, and their hearts were full of surprise and disbelief.

While Fu Lian and others were shocked, Su Yao had already turned his attention back to himself, feeling a little surprised as he felt the power of faith that was constantly gathering.

divine experience +1

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