Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 563: The puzzling behavior of the man in white

Chapter 563 The man in white’s puzzling behavior

 Find this man in white, Baldr, the God of Light, and see if you can borrow an infinite gem from his hand.

In this way, they can save their universe!

 After thinking about this, they immediately investigated the location of the man in white and tried to find him.

 While they were busy and searching, Su Yao on the other side also learned about them.

 “Reunite the four people?”

On the street illuminated by the sun, a look of surprise flashed across Su Yao's eyes.

He didn't expect that the plot had changed so much and that people from Avengers 4 could still travel through time.

During the New York War, we didn't see them crossing over, but now at this time, traces of them have been discovered?

Su Yao is naturally aware of their purpose.

 “They are looking for me…”

Then, he closed his eyes and hovered quietly over Stark Tower, waiting for the arrival of the four Avengers.

 Are the creation gods so free?

Just when he was wondering, a citizen of New York City was also shocked.

At the same time, he also didn’t understand why the man in white, who was already the creation god, came to him.

 “The man in white?”

However, there were exceptions. Some people with longings and wishes in their hearts, as well as some pilgrim monks, did not choose to escape, but rushed towards him unswervingly.

 “Why is he here?”

 After a while, he decided to meet.

 “What’s the purpose?”

Tony Stark was surprised and murmured, "Didn't He become the creation god? How could he still appear here?"

However, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. At this moment, the citizens of New York City, as well as Tony Stark in Stark Tower, were frightened.

Thinking like this, Su Yao moved, activated the space transfer, disappeared directly from the place, and then appeared in the sky above New York and Stark Tower.

 “Oh my God, run!”

  Even if he hides, they will always find him if something major happens later, and there is no use hiding.

 If they want something from someone, of course they should come in person.

Every time the man in white appears, it means something big is going to happen, and they don’t want to become background cannon fodder!

Su Yao touched his chin and pondered, wondering if he wanted to meet these reunited people.

 Immediately, a number of New Yorkers were driving, preparing to leave here, or get on a plane or something to escape from here.

“Oh God, isn’t the Man in White the God of Creation? Why is he still on Earth?”

  Stark Tower.

 Sounds of panic kept coming.

Of course, it would be impossible for him to go there by himself.

 Ever since it was revealed that he was the creator god, his identity and status have changed in the minds of some people.

 There is more fear and awe in people's hearts.

 No one dared to treat him as a mutant anymore, but directly as a god.

 Among the large number of fleeing people, a few people stood out.

At the same time, the four members of the Avengers on the other side were also full of surprise and confusion at this moment.

 Iron Man Tony Stark’s projection equipment projected the scene of the man in white floating above Stark Tower at this moment.

 Everyone looked at each other in shock.

 After being quiet for a while, discussion started.

 “The man in white?”

 “Badr, the God of Light?”

“Thor, is this your brother?”

Everyone's eyes were filled with surprise, and their doubtful glances were focused on Thor.

Thor's eyes were filled with confusion and he murmured, "I don't know, I have never seen him. This brother of mine only exists in legends!"

 At the same time, his eyes were full of curiosity, and he stared closely at the projected figure.    Is this his brother?

 The creation god?

Brother Badr really exists?

 He was shocked and confused.

At this time, Black Widow Natasha said, "What is this person doing? Why did he get to Stark Tower?"

 She looked at Iron Man Tony Stark.

Tony Stark frowned when he heard this, "I feel like the man in white is waiting for us. He has noticed us."

Hearing his words, Natasha and others couldn't help but be surprised.

 “Isn’t this possible?”

 “How is it possible to detect us?”

 “Yes, this is too exaggerated!”

 They were astonished.

 At this time, Tony Stark suddenly said, "Have you forgotten what we encountered in the quantum channel?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone’s minds instantly recalled some scenes.

 In the quantum channel, crimson light appeared, and then they appeared here.

 In an instant, terrible associations appeared in their minds.

 Could it be that they are here because of this man in white?

Black Widow Natasha and others thought in shock.

"This is impossible, that's the quantum realm..." Ant-Man Scott kept saying, "This is incredible!"

Hearing this, Tony Stark said in a deep voice, "Whether it is or not, we will find out once we meet the man in white."

 “You can also know why he is waiting there!”

  It does make sense, but…

"But Tony, don't we have to avoid people as much as possible? How about just appearing in other people's sight?" Hulk Banner asked hesitantly.

After finishing speaking, hesitation appeared on the faces of others.

At this time, Tony Stark shook his head and said, "For the sake of the infinite stones, I don't care about anything."

“This place is different from where we were. Our presence should not have any impact.”

 Hearing what he said, Natasha and others thought about it and felt it made sense.

 At once, they made a decision.

 It just so happens that where they are now is in New York City, which saves a lot of time.

 Time passes.

 In the sunlight, Stark Tower reflects the light.

And floating on the roof of Stark Tower, the figure in gorgeous white clothes was so dazzling that even the existence of Stark Tower was obscured.

At this moment, countless people’s eyes were focused on this figure.

  Around the Stark Tower, there were people from S.H.I.E.L.D. in black uniforms, as well as countless ordinary people, even individual monks, and police officers.

Even drones are still taking pictures here.

 TV stations are broadcasting what is happening here in real time, and ordinary people around the world are also paying attention to it.

At this moment, five black luxury cars slowly drove here.

Coulson, who was maintaining order, and other SHIELD members suddenly felt a headache.

 “Who is this?”

“Aren’t these people afraid of getting close to this great god?”

Just when they felt a headache, the door of one of the black cars opened, and a tall figure wearing a white suit, bald and burly, far taller than an ordinary person, stepped out of the car.

 The moment he saw this figure, Agent Coulson's expression changed slightly.

He recognized who this person was instantly.

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