Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 9: Trash conditions

Chapter 9: Trash conditions


Sven, who had his back down on the floor, uttered the sound of the wind squeezed out of his lungs.

It was a strong enough shock to break the stone floor, but Sven felt confused before the pain.

How did you know?

Ivan, who noticed his thoughts with his eyes, pushed his lips up and laughed.

You thought I wouldnt know, right?

It could have been because the information was leaked. They stayed for two days in the village, so anyone can do that. But the problem was that I realized it only after entering the dungeon.

You cant find their trace from the forest even though that group passed by first?

That was because they had different routes from them. Of course, all that was possible because it was Sven, the guide.

If the guide didnt know that there were uninvited guests, it wasnt difficult to find the criminal. It is a natural fact that even a dull man can know.

Keuk. When did

You must have been asking since when you noticed it. It was really meaningless.

Whats the difference if you know that?


Ivan broke Svens neck by applying force to his hand on his neck instead of answering.

It was a no-no to act as a villain who rambled on before killing someone. Just fall into hell with curiosity until the end.

Ralph screamed when he saw Ivan break Svens neck and kill him.

Ivan! Did you betray us?

He was afflicted to poison and staggered, but his posture swayed, perhaps because Svens death, which he had a quite long acquaintance with, was shocking.

Dont say nonsense and just hold your shield well.


Dont you know those raiders? Theyre probably the ones Sven called.

What does that

Ralph, who was about to shout, closed his mouth. This is because, as Ivan said, they were familiar.

He was hiding his face with a mask, but those equipment and body shapes were very familiar.

No way, Sven is really

No way my ass.

If youre a mercenary of that level, youre bound to have a fixed party by yourself. Rather than sharing the treasure with others, he would hit the back of his companion and take it with his family.

Most of Ivans mercenaries he has experienced so far have been scammers, killers, robbers, and human trash, who cannot be found with trust, faith, and loyalty.

If it was a mercenary of a high grade enough to be recognized by the mercenary guild, it was reliable, but the fact that a good faith also did not seem to be firm in the face of the temptation of treasure.

When five people gather, one of them must be trash.

It was a quote that Ivan had never forgotten since he opened his eyes in this bloody world.

Is this why I can not trust my colleagues? I have no choice but to be a miscellaneous character.

Ivan drew out a new sword.

A weapon suddenly appeared in the air, and the raiders who saw it flinched. They thought it was some kind of magic weapon.

Of course, it was just an ordinary sword that was taken out of the inventory.



The flying arrow was blocked with a sword and an enemy nearby was cut. And block the arrow that flies again and cut the neck of an enemy.

After killing a few of them, the eyes of the raiders began to shake.

Damn it! Why doesnt he fall down?

The other party was already afflicted to poison and lying on the floor.

Wizard Emin, who was unable to push out the poison due to excessive internal injury, was the first, and Julia was seen lying on the floor, and Ralph, who had a good stamina because he was a tanker, just collapsed after enduring it.

Ivan alone was running around as if nothing had happened in such a time, so it was embarrassing.

Hmph, you should have brought a stronger poison.

As Ivan learned a variety of things, the growth of attack skills that could be directly strong was insufficient, but various tolerance to survive was rather high compared to other skills with the same level.

The raiders should have taken the fact that Ivan hunted Hydra from the west a little more seriously.

Compared to Hydras poison, which literally melted the skin and messed up the intestines and nerves, this much was like a hot sauce sprinkled on pizza.



The attackers skills were not bad, but they were not very great. Compared to dealing with demons like rotting hands its a rather plain feeling.

You must have come at me because you trust the poison.

Certainly, poison was difficult to deal with unless you were prepared. Thats why Ivan was the first to raise various resistance.

Ivan, who handled all the raiders, began to search their arms.

If he had used poison, he had to have at least one more antidote as a reserve. Even if you drink antidote first, what if you run out of medicine? If youre not going to die thinking youre just unlucky, you should take more antidote.

Hmm, is it this?

Ivan, who found an antidote in their arms, fed the other party one by one.

Fortunately, the group was only stiff and unconscious, but their lives were not in danger.

This is because if the poison is too strong, Sven, who was with him or the raiders who would enter after him, could also be in risk, so they adjusted it appropriately.

In fact, poison strong enough to be immediately killed by spraying it in the air is difficult to obtain, and antidote was also precious. There was no guarantee that it could be properly detoxified.

Ralph and Emin, who had been given antidote were moved to a less poisonous place, Ivan swung the sword while looking down at Julia coldly.



But Ivan couldnt cut Julia. This is because the moment the sword tried to cut its neck, she stood up and widened the distance.

As expected, you were awake.


Ivan laughed at her as much as he could, because she thought it was unfair.

I will never let those who aim for my neck live.

Ivan, who said that far, added a little wit sense humor.


I already knew Sven was a traitor. Nevertheless, I kept my mouth shut because I was not sure if it was only one traitor or there will more.

And Ivan could be sure that Julia was also a traitor.

No matter how poisonous it was, other people collapsed too easily. Thats because Ive done the basic work in advance. For example, adding something to the food.

It doesnt work very well with poison only, but there were more types of things that made it toxic or weakened someone resistance when combined with other things. Im sure its one of them.

Julia, who bit her lips with a frustrated look, asked with sharp eyes.

.. It wouldnt have been that weird. When did you realize that?

I dont trust people. It was suspicious that you would offer to cook last night. There was no evidence, but now I have it.

At that, Julia flinched and looked somewhere. She realized that Emin, whom she thought was unconscious, was looking at her.

This is

The dead doesnt need to explain.



Ivan, who approached quickly, swung a sword.


Julias expression, who had brought the back of her hand to block the sword attack, was distorted at once. The steel gauntlet was crushed, and the back of her hand was crushed. He was incredibly powerful, far beyond what she had expected.



Blue lightning is blocked while trying to bounce off the floor. The thunder steps she uses were read and blocked by Ivan.

I didnt even have time to use big technique. He was completely overwhelmed by his skills.

Oh, no.


Ivans sword swept through her neck. Her face, which boasted her extraordinary beauty, rose to the sky and soon rolled on the floor.

Dust from the soil, blood and liquid from the brain.

The beauty that made many peoples hearts flutter was also so dirty that it was meaningless. It was just bones and flesh that would rot in the future.

Ivans who watched it, was bitter.

It wasnt a lie when I said I welcome a beautiful senior.

She was supposed to be a fighter who only focus on training her own body yet blinded by treasure and betrayed her comrades.

A priest who should be faithful is corrupted and summoned demons, a guide who should show the way is blindfolded by his colleagues, and greed is engraved on the body of a fighter instead of body training. Anyway, it was a bad dungeon.

Huh, two of the four mercenaries hired were traitors.

Emin muttered in vain.

After growing up peacefully in the tower all my life, I couldnt adapt to the real outside life.

He looked around with a confused face and asked Ivan.

Are you going to kill me too?

Why should I? Those two were traitors.

But you never know, right? Theres no guarantee that there were three or four.

When asked by Emin, who was mixed with fear, Ivan replied with a stern look.

It will be annoying if the magic tower track me. Even if I tried to kill you first, I would have thought about it at least once before cutting your neck. Theres no reason for me to kill you.

Really? Haha, thats a relief.

Ivan added one more word to the despondent laughter.

Im not a butcher who kills anyone.

Ivan, who said so, felt bitter at the moment.

How many people had he cut today and how many others had he killed so far?

Even so, am I really proud, wasnt I really a butcher who cut people?

Most of Ivans mercenaries were gangsters, crooks, robbers, rapists, killers, and trash.

Then what would he have look like to others?

Damn it, I feel so fucked up.

Even though he was not at fault, he felt unpleasant as if he was a sinner. Ivan never felt refreshed after cutting off someones head.


[Linked quest: Secret of the East Forest 1 (Completed)]

[Recently, the forest east of Andorel has become strange. Lets find out the secret.]

[Reward: Large amount of experience, skill points +1, 3 Gold 31 Silver]


[Linked quest: Secret of the East Forest 2 (Completed)]

[Evil energy flows from old ruins. Lets get rid of the cause.]

[Reward: Large amount of experience, random box (magic), and satisfaction of the Nord gods]

The message came to mind, a few quests came to mind, and then repeatedly completed.

As a quest connected to the main story, the reward was good. What do you mean skill point and random box? Now I felt like I was getting a proper quest reward.


Something fills up deep in Ivans body. The exhausted physical strength filled up again and the wound healed quickly.

A little more mana, a little tougher muscles, and a little more sensitive sense.

The large amount of experience received as a quest reward gathered and seemed to have risen by about two levels at once.

People are very sly. I was so depressed until now, yet my level rose and Im feeling better again soon.

No matter how much I think about it, Im so used to this world now.

.look around and see if theres any treasure missing. When Ralph wakes up, well get out of here.

All right.

Ivan glanced at Svens body, whose neck was broken and died.

The guide has disappeared, so we need to hurry a little more.

But the number of people decreased, so my share increased.

Before I knew it, Ivan was thinking like that without realizing it.

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