Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - The Dark Night Group!

A few boarish looking m with giant axe and swords hanging by their waist came forward from within the crowd.

They came in like a few barbarians and shoved the people a them to the g but the people were too scared of them to say anything or retaliate.

"Sushh.. look these are the dark night group. The young miss's luck is really bad."

"Yeah, she got an imperial jade but that will now only get her killed and tortured."

"Sigh... Poor woman."

"I heard every month a few good looking young girls from the town goes missing and later their deformed body is found."

"Hiss... These animals. Why ar't the officials doing anything to them."

"Ohh.. you don't know, they have some shady dealings with the authorities."

As people were murmuring about these so called dark night group of nothing but criminals, they stepped forward as if they owned the whole Street.

The leader among them was ev more barbaric than the rest.

Mo Yuxin herself was tall ough that most m have to look up a little bit wh talking to her but these thugs were extremely buffed as with unnatural muscles.

They have definitely practiced some defective cultivation manual which gave them this kind of deformed body.

They suddly came forward from within the crowd and violtly pushed many away and the people a were so scared by them that they no longer dared to come forward nor ev call for help.

"Hehehe... What do we have here? A real beauty! Heard ya got some real jade?"

One among them who was in the foundation building seemed to be leader.

He stepped forward from his minions and stared at Mo Yuxin with the most disgusting gaze.

Mo Yuxin frowned a little as she saw they disgusting way he looked at her and her eyes became ever more colder.

Seeing that she didn't have any expression on her face nor any reaction, the leader thought that she was scared out of her wits and became ev more excited.

"Ohoho... Don't be scared beauty. How about you let us brothers play with you a little and we could let you leave."

"Ohh boss. Don't forget those jades, they will sell for a fortune." One of the minions with a greazy smile on his face said.

"Yes boss. But who will play with her after you boss?"

"Shut up... Don't scare the beauty. After I'm done, you all take turn to play but don't get her killed idiots."

"Yes yes.. boss. You're so gerous."

Looking at these few clowns going on and on about their delusions just made me laugh a little.

Seeing that instead of getting scared, I laughed instead, they became visibly irritated.

"You! Hahhh.. you still dare to laugh. It seems you're not afraid of death."

"Sigh... A bunch of clowns." I just said as a matter of fact.

"You!! What are you bastards doing? Go and show her what happs to those who mess with the dark night group."

"Yes boss...." Several people shouted in unison as they came forward while taking tha large axes and long swords in their hands.

"Hehe... Beauty! You better surrder, we don't want to harm your beautiful face."

"Hah..." I sneered at these animals in human skins as they came forward with the obvious desires in their eyes.

"Heheee.. we will gtle so you don't break easily."

At this point manager Qin who was siltly watching everything happ came forward infront of Mo Yuxin.

"I will fight with you, miss immortal. You may be powerful but they have a foundation real leader. We can get through with this together."

Manager Qin thought that She was a powerful qi condition warrior who comes from an immortal family and seeing the fact that she could idtify two extremely rare imperial jade and red jade, he wanted to form a long term relationship with such a person of talt.

She just looked at him a little surprised as she didn't think that anyone will have the guts to help her in this situation.

Though there were some inttions behind his action but that is irrelevant.

It has to be se that from the time Mo Yuxin came to this world, all she has se are hypocritical people who fear strong and bully the weak.

So it was nice surprise to finally counter a nice person.

"You don't need to. These bugs are quite easy to kill." She said without showing ev a hint of fear.

"Hahaha... You think two of you can beat us?"

As they said that, they have already channelled qi into their weapons and came forward at really fast speed that the people a could only see a blur flash by.

Manager Qin was quite surprised at how calm she was but weirdly ough he stepped aside the momt she said those words.

As if following her orders were something he should do.

It's an instinct that wh people face a truly extraordinary and strong individuals, they have the urge to follow whatever they say.

Time seemed to have slowed down as all the thugs came towards her with incredible speed and the people all a covered their eyes in fear of the fate that was about to befall the young miss.

But the next momt, they saw a blurr flash right past them and crash right into a wood cart at a distance away.

The so called leader in the foundation building stage flew out right infront of the people eyes and trew up a mouthful of blood.

There was a heavy dt in his chest as the middle of his chest was bt inside at a horrifying angles.

All the bones in his chest wt right inside his heart directly puncturing his heart, killing him within seconds.

The area all a was deathly silt as the people's gazes automatically wt towards the young immortal and saw her standing there unharmed.

What was ev more outrageous was that all the minions were sprawled all a the g with blood coming out of their whole body.

People stared agape as the young immortal whom they thought was headed towards doom was actually holding the last minion by his neck and in the next momt, infront of everyone she twisted that neck.

With loud 'plop' sound, his neck was brok completely as the life gradually faded from his eyes.

Ev Manager Qin himself being a perfection qi Condsation realm warriors couldn't make out what just happed.

He didn't ev see her move from her position but in the time that it takes for the eyelids to close and op, everything infront of his has changed.

He felt a chill fun down

his spine as did the others.

Repeating in their minds again and again 'do not mess with the young immortal'.




Thank you for reading.

Stay tuned for more.

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