Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 41: Chapter 41 - Rotten Family.

As the mother and her two daughters were reminiscing about their life, on the other hand the faces of the other people wer't good at all.

Mo Futian, being a Cultivator of Foundation building stage simply couldn't believe what just happed.

His eyes couldn't follow her movemts and the speed at which she dealt with all his private guards made him a wary of who this person is.

However the next momt he including all the others prest at this momt were dumbfounded by what they witnessed.

'She is Mo Yuxin!!!"

The momt they listed to the conversation betwe the mother and daughter trio, they simply couldn't believe their eyes at all.

Infront of their faces stood an almost ethereal immortal who face did have a resemblance to the previous Mo Yuxin but other than that everything about her was completely differt.

But their fear of the unknown lasted only a second before it was drowned in sea of superiority and internal disdain for the trio of mother and daughters.

Their eyes immediately changed and the amazemt in them was replaced with scheming calculation and naked greed.

Fgfg was immediately scared by their terrifying desires in their eyes and the way they glanced at them.

She immediately trotted towards Mo Yuxin in small steps and tugged at the corner of robes.

"Jiejie, I'm scared." She said in a very distressed voice.

Mo Yuxin looked at her and found that her shoulders were trembling from fright.

In all the years before, they've always had to dure their disdainful looks casted towards them.

Although little fgfg never complained to her mother or sister, she definitely felt distressed by countering such things at such a young age.

"Don't worry, Your jiejie is here. What are you afraid of?"

The momt she heard her jiejie say this, she immediately became relaxed.

She has an almost blind trust in her jiejie and in the eyes of this young and innoct little sister, her big sister is truly the most powerful person in the world.

'I also want to be like jiejie. I also want to protect jiejie and mother.' Little Fgfg thought in her heart as she vowed in her heart.

Ev though the atmosphere for the mother and daughter trio was harmonious but the faces of the Mo family siblings were not good at all.

Ev though they looked down upon the their family, they wer't stupid.

The display of power that Mo Yuxin showed earlier was ough to scare them out of their wits.

They huddled together at the back and whispered betwe each other.

"Shit, shit. Brother, is that really Mo Yuxin?"

"Didn't she died ev after being injured like that??"

"Yeah, yeah. We fought for so long and she should've be on the verge of death. How did she survive?"

"Sshh.. that damn woman is soo tacious. Not only did we not get to taste her but now she's gott soo much more powerful than before!!"

"Eldest brother!! What do we do???"

All the younger siblings were chattering among themselves nonstop and panicking thinking in lowered voice fearing that if she heard them, she will definitely take revge on them.

They knew in their hearts that what they wanted to do in the forest that day with her.

Ev though she comes from a differt mother, she is still their half sister.

But not only they wanted to kill her but had such vile thoughts towards her.

If not for the perseverance of the previous Mo Yuxin and her undying will, any other ordinary woman would not have come outscathed from such an ordeal.

Though unfortunately, ev after all that torture and during such injury, heavs didn't seem to plan to give her any other chances.

She could only die alone on that cliff while slowly bleeding to death.

At such a young age, what that child has be through was ough to sd shivers down any other person.

"Shut up!!!"

At this point the eldest brother couldn't dure their chatter and glared at them with his gloomy dark eyes.

This eldest brother is named 'Mo Shg' and is being trained as the next successor of the Mo Family by Mo Futian.

That being the case, he is at the cter of power and joys the most luxury and befits in the whole family.

And with the help of countless expsive treasures and elixirs he received from a very young age and combined with his slightly superior talt that the other five siblings, he became the fastest to reach perfection qi condsation stage cultivator at a relatively young age.

He seems like a soft gtleman with his fair complexion and handsome face but behind that fake persona lies a darker side that only the people in the inner circle of the 'Azure Dragon city's noble circle knows.

He has a disgusting hobby of trapping young wom either by force or by his gtle sior brother persona and torture them for countless days and and have them killed.

So much so that he didn't want to leave ev his half sister.

The momt he glared at the other siblings, they all shut up and waited for him to talk.

"Bahh.. stupid idiots. So what if she came back more powerful at most she has tered foundation building by some chance counter.

She was already at the perfection qi condsation stage before and being in a life and death situation must've pushed her towards the edge of foundation building.

And our father is a comprehsion foundation building stage warrior, do you think a newly tered foundation building cultivator will be able to match up to him.

Sigh .. what a damn tacious woman. Why won't she just be submissive to me.

But it's good. Now she has become ev more beautiful. I want to see how she will escape this time."

After listing to the eldest brother all the others also relaxed and immediately felt that what he said truly makes sse.

And with the fear being replaced by the delusions, they immediately became lustful towards not only Mo Yuxin but little fgfg as well.

"Sigh... What a rott family. I truly need to clean this mess up, otherwise it will leave a bad taste in my mouth." Mo Yuxin laughed a little and said these word by word and in the strange awkward silce, it was heard by everyone prest.





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Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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