Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars?

Chapter 156: 116: Coach, I Want to Drive a Mecha!_1

At the beginning, Jiang Chen had not fully proven his strength.

Relying solely on an invincible mecha to experience the supernatural ability gene technology or the traditional combat warrior system of the Earth Cataclysm civilization was by no means simple.

As long as he showed a need, politicians from various countries could, based on this need, demand and exchange even more benefits.

Whether those benefits were weapons, knowledge, or something else…

In any case, it would definitely involve a period of haggling.

Now, however, things were completely different.

In the presence of many generals, Jiang Chen had directly crushed such a terrifying supreme deity monster, brutally exterminating it.

He had thoroughly proven his formidable strength and also intimidated the politicians’ hearts.

Like a war deity descending upon the human world, he inspired awe and deterred any disrespectful thoughts.

Secondly, what Jiang Chen displayed was not merely the mecha—

Flight using his body, crushing monsters with iron fists.

You’re telling me this is a mecha?

It’s clearly supernatural ability!

Furthermore, the use of the apparently enigmatic magical tool [Primordial Blood Collector] by Jiang Chen exhibited an overall transcendence.

Therefore, the generals from various countries did not feel that Jiang Chen was in need of anything.

Instead, they felt he was an advanced civilization strong person who had come to alleviate poverty on a backward planet; first wanting to inspect the local civilization’s specialties and level.

Only after understanding the local level could he provide advanced guidance and help the civilization become strong.

As a powerful mecha pilot of an advanced civilization, how could he care about the trinkets of a backward civilization?

Bearing this thought in mind…

The generals not only satisfied Jiang Chen’s curiosity.

They even competed to invite Jiang Chen to their countries for a technological inspection, afraid of being a step slower than the other nations.

As for the disaster or whatever, since it was resolved, let’s not mention it for now…

The strength of a mecha pilot was laid out in front of them.

If a country could please this enigmatic mecha pilot and obtain more impartations, couldn’t they transform overnight and directly rule the world?

This could not be allowed!

“At this time, the fragmented state of civilization makes it convenient for me to trade the essence of civilization…”

Jiang Chen chuckled to himself.

The technological essence of the Earth Cataclysm civilization was concentrated in the hands of three major powers.

Among them, the supernatural ability kingdom held the most powerful, most advanced super ability gene technology, capable of creating strong super ability gene warriors.

The traditional combat kingdom had preserved the most ancient and vast traditional combat system, boasting combat masters with extremely strong fighting capabilities.

The comprehensive kingdom, though not as specialized in traditional combat, supernatural ability, or technology as the other two powers, combined the strengths of both and similarly possessed formidable power.

Jiang Chen used repair tools, putting the steam mecha into a seven-hour cooldown for repairs.

Then, accompanied by Zero in her cinders girl form, he first visited the supernatural ability kingdom.

Supernatural ability kingdom, Super Ability Research Institute.

The blond man in a white lab coat, looking at this other-worldly young man who had displayed formidable physical power, defeated monsters, and saved humanity, could barely hide the fervor in his eyes.

He even overlooked the cinders girl, speaking to Jiang Chen endlessly.

“… Living organisms naturally possess various super ability genes, which is why they can have different supernatural abilities…”

“… I once published a paper, suggesting that all life on the planet shares a common ancestor…”

“… Now it seems, it might be those ancient deities…”

“… We extract various gene fragments and inject them into volunteers, merging them with the volunteer’s own genes to awaken the corresponding transcendent genes…”

“… Since this process is filled with uncertainties, we call it [Mutation]…”

Jiang Chen listened thoughtfully to his words.

Many of the creatures in the Earth Cataclysm world naturally possessed supernatural abilities.

That’s why the supernatural ability kingdom was able to develop super ability gene technology based on it.

Planet Blue Star obviously did not have it.

If applied directly, it would most likely not work properly.

However, this problem was not serious.

Planet Blue Star’s creatures might lack super ability genes, but creatures from the abyss had them!

Just like the supreme deity monsters, at worst, one would need to collect some more materials to ensure it worked properly.

As for the technology itself, let the researchers improve it a bit to develop a gene technology suitable for Planet Blue Star’s natives.

With the enhancement of high computational power from intelligent mecha, the pace of technological decryption and research was incredibly fast.

If it weren’t for the shortage of time.

Depending solely on the computational power enhancement of intelligent mecha, without the need for these external technologies, the civilization of Planet Blue Star could also quickly enter the interstellar age.

Now, Jiang Chen was working with the same principles.

With the consolidation from the trial for ascension, plus the eighteen-fold [Autonomous Intelligence] modules, his brain’s computational power was greatly enhanced.

Combined with the ultra-fast reactions brought by 130,000 agility.

He could elevate his thought speed at any time, entering a state of ultra-fast thinking!

Just like a computer handling immense amounts of data that humans can’t imagine in an instant.

In this state of ultra-fast thinking, the world in Jiang Chen’s eyes nearly came to a halt, like time had stopped.

He could treat a second like a much longer stretch of time to learn knowledge.

This was the proper use of a super brain!

Added to that, the [Light of Impartation] from the Supreme Deity civilization brought him knowledge that could be described as vast, enhancing his knowledge base.

Jiang Chen sat in front of the computer, flipping through technical and knowledge files related to super ability genes.

In just a moment’s time, he completely understood and digested them

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