Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 90: Negotiation

Chapter 90: Negotiation

In the following days, Su'en's life became more fulfilling.

After successfully integrating the eight-arm spider spear implant, he needed a lot of time to practice controlling puppets with multitasking abilities, as well as climbing and shifting positions, and fighting and killing...

Moreover, in order not to waste the two expensive body training potions he bought, he also needed to spend several hours a day on physical training.

Fortunately, the lifestyle of the gang was very relaxed. Except for the mandatory street patrol at seven o'clock every night, he could arrange his time freely if there were no emergencies.

Recently, Su'en also found that harvesting ordinary corpses brought him less and less experience, so he didn't waste time in the casino during the first half of the night. He only went to watch the professional fights in the second half of the night.

In this way, time passed quickly, and peaceful and fulfilling days flew by in just over a month.


On this day, Su'en was tinkering with mechanical modifications in the basement.

This dilapidated basement had changed a lot since he moved in a month ago. During this time, Su'en had been moving a large number of mechanical equipment and parts in, like ants moving their nest, and even a small steam lathe.

Various mechanical tools hung on the walls, which he bought from various shops and good items from the black market.

He had transformed this place into his own mechanical workshop.

At this moment, Su'en was wearing a greasy work suit, wearing goggles, and his hands were also equipped with two external "PT3 single-cylinder steam-powered arms." He was tinkering with something.

The steam boiler provided the mechanical arms with powerful power, allowing him to shape the steel materials in his hands without using a lathe.

He was making ammunition belts and ammunition boxes for his customized gun, "Qing Gui."

This gun had a super high rate of fire. If used only as a pistol, its firepower advantage could not be fully utilized.

But if it was fired continuously, even with an extended magazine, it would run out of bullets in a few seconds.

So, he thought of the kind of ammunition belt and externally attached super-capacity ammunition box used by heavy machine guns. When he really encountered a need for firepower suppression, he could hang the ammunition box on himself, connect it with the ammunition belt, and the pistol would immediately turn into a "tututu" heavy machine gun.

While his hands were busy, his eight spider arms behind him were not idle either.

Because it was not convenient to hold other things with the working mechanical arms, when he was thirsty, one of the spider arms would bring a cup of tea from a table several meters away and feed him a sip of water.

The eight spider arms saved him a lot of time and completed some simple but time-consuming tasks.

For example, loading bullets into the ammunition belt.

It didn't require precise control. With the cooperation of several spider arms, they could easily pour the bullets from the box onto the specially made bullet press, and then press the handle. With the rhythmic metallic sound of "click, click, click," the bullets would be neatly loaded onto the ammunition belt.

In no time, the last two modified ammunition boxes from the black market were also completed, and Su'en breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at his work and seemed satisfied, muttering to himself, "Finally done, ten ammunition boxes should be enough."

These ammunition boxes were not only suitable for Su'en's "Qing Gui," but also for another thing in this room: a mechanical power armor.

Su'en took the ammunition box and walked to the suspended mech on the wall. He tried the card slot, and it fit perfectly.

This mech was just an experimental product that Su'en put together, very rough, but basically formed.

Su'en named this lump of iron "Iron Man Generation One."

It didn't have any extra things on it, not even a shell.

The old and mottled body frame was a rough modification of the "Hunter VIII external mechanical skeleton"; the core was a "PT9 four-cylinder steam boiler" bought from the old goods market, which provided power for this lump of iron; the two arms were simple and crude six-barreled guns, connected with ammunition belts and bulletproof plates. There were also some hydraulic transmission devices, high-pressure valves, and other components that were dismantled from various old goods...

Although it didn't have much technical content, this thing was Su'en's attempt.

He tried to control this kind of power armor like a puppet with steel wires.

But because the technology was far from enough and the machinery was too heavy, he hadn't even solved the problem of easily falling when running.

Now its only use was as a semi-fixed turret. Su'en could remotely control it to fire, make simple movements, and aim.

It could be considered as a small step towards his idea of becoming a mechanical puppeteer.


It was midnight now, and Su'en originally had several hours to arrange freely in his studio.

After completing his mechanical manufacturing tasks for the day, he wanted to practice making "Rune Puppets."

But at this moment, the communicator suddenly transmitted Kay's urgent voice: "Everyone, bring your weapons and gather at the Elephant Tavern!"

Upon hearing this, Su'en frowned.

The communicator was a tool used by the Cross Society members to gather manpower in the event of a very important emergency. For small fights and disputes, a few shouts in Green Street would be enough to gather twenty or thirty people, and there was no need for a communicator.

He had only used it once when the Cross Society headquarters was attacked on the first day he joined. Now he heard it again?

Judging from Kay's tone, it seemed that the situation was not small.

"Could it be those guys from the Steam Party causing trouble?"

Su'en speculated. Conflicts often occurred at the boundary between Green Street and the Steam Party's territory. If there was a big disturbance, it was probably those guys.

He didn't delay and changed out of his work suit.

Because his combat equipment was always stored in his storage ring, there was nothing to tidy up. Su'en left the basement and then started his motorcycle, racing all the way. In less than two minutes, he arrived in front of the Elephant Tavern.


When Su'en arrived, two groups of people were already confronting each other on the street outside the tavern.The ordinary customers on the street have disappeared, and two gangs of about two to three hundred people each are standing outside the tavern with long guns and short cannons, facing each other. The number of people is still increasing.

Su'en took a glance and saw that the Cross Society was not just a few dozen people from Green Street, but also captains and gang members from other districts.

It seems that there is going to be a big fight tonight.

The elimination rate of gang members at the bottom of the gang is very high, and Su'en is already considered an old man in Green Street.

Because of his close relationship with Kay, although he has not been officially appointed, the gang members also regard him as the "vice captain". Especially the newcomers, when they see his motorcycle coming, they wave and greet him.

A familiar newcomer walked over and greeted Su'en, "Vice Captain, you're here..."

Su'en didn't see Kay and looked at the situation tonight, feeling a bit exaggerated, and asked, "What's going on?"

The person whispered, "The Steam Party suddenly gathered people to Green Street, and the cadres are negotiating in the tavern..."


Su'en frowned as he listened.

He looked at the arrogant motorcycle gang members of the Steam Party not far away and realized that something was wrong.

In a normal situation, such a large-scale invasion would lead to direct warfare.

But they are sitting down to negotiate?

However, looking at the current situation, he also knew that they couldn't fight for the time being. Since there are cadres negotiating, at least before there is any movement in the tavern, the people outside cannot provoke or fight.


Su'en roughly understood the reason for the gathering and didn't plan to mix in the crowd. He walked to the corner of the street and squatted in a place near the alley.

In case a fight really breaks out, crowded places will definitely be the focus of grenade attacks.

After squatting for a while, he saw Kay walking out of the tavern.

Kay also saw Su'en and gestured for him to come to a secluded corner, indicating that there was something to discuss.

The two bumped their heads against the side wall of the tavern.

Su'en had never seen such an ugly expression on Kay's face before, so he asked, "What's going on?"

Kay gestured for him to look inside the tavern.

Su'en glanced through the window and saw that there were no ordinary customers in the tavern, only a group of strong men in black leather jackets with guns.

Two cadres from the Cross Society, "Red Devil" Gelong and "Smoke Ghost" Sambu, came. And on the opposite side of the negotiation table was the scar-faced man from the Steam Party whom Su'en also knew, second-tier cadre "Mad Dog" Hogg Wiesnat, with the talent of a werewolf in the Beast Transformation system, and strong combat power. He was also an old strongman of the Steam Party.

At this time, Kay finally said, "There's a big problem in the inner city, we might be in trouble..."

Su'en listened to the tone and his face remained unchanged.

If there's a problem, there's a problem. It won't affect the livelihoods of the lower-level gang members like them...

Kay was concise and said, "I just received news that the top-level financial consortium 'Reyes Family' in the inner city has split into seven parts. The industry in Green Street is now in the hands of the third branch. Today, the young master of the third branch, Martin Reyes, is also here. He's upstairs."

"The Reyes Family?"

Su'en heard this and felt that something good seemed to suddenly have something to do with him.

Isn't this the family of Rena, the rich woman?

Their benefactor, Lady Finov, has a very close relationship with the Reyes Family...

What happened in just one month?

Could it be that Rena couldn't control the situation and her uncles split the family?

Kay continued, "I don't know the specific situation. But I heard that the Black Tower high-levels put pressure on them, and the major families in the inner city don't want to see the Reyes Family dominate alone, so they forced the Reyes Family to agree to split the consortium."


Hearing this familiar pattern, Su'en immediately understood.

The "Reyes Consortium" almost monopolizes the residents' water and mining in Old Lingdun, a true oligopoly.

But the fate of an "oligopoly" is usually already determined.

Either they have immense power and control over the government.

If they can't reach the top, the final outcome is getting beaten up.

This is not a new thing in the previous life either, just like the seven oligarchs in Russia, how glorious they were at their peak, but in the end, they were all hammered without any resistance...

Old Lingdun is a privately owned feudal lord system. In theory, everything in the city is the private property of the lord "Grand Duke Raphael". As long as the Black Tower, the highest authority in the inner city, is there, no matter how big the "oligopoly" is, they have to bow down.


What does the split of the Reyes Family have to do with their Green Street?

Su'en looked at the Steam Party, who was negotiating on the other side, and seemed to have guessed something.

At this moment, Kay finally expressed his concern, "Most of the entertainment industry in Green Street is owned by the Reyes Family. Now that the Reyes Family has split, the taverns and gambling dens are mostly in the hands of the third branch. And those guys from the Steam Party somehow got involved with Martin Young Master. Now their intention is for the Cross Society to withdraw from Green Street and let the Steam Party take over..."

Su'en understood immediately upon hearing this.


Su'en felt that negotiations like this were likely to break down.

Sure enough, after a few words, there was suddenly a commotion in the tavern.

The voices were loud and could be heard on the street.

"Mad Dog" Hogg was very tough in his attitude and aggressively said, "Within three days, you Cross Society will withdraw from Green Street, otherwise..."

Gangs do rely on their benefactors for their livelihood, but not entirely.

They are not so weak as to give up their territory that they fought for.


"Smoke Ghost" Sambu directly slammed the table and interrupted the conversation.

With a gloomy face and a slow pace of speech, he said, "Green Street has always been the territory of our Cross Society, Hogg, don't come up with these empty words. If the Steam Party wants the territory, they should come at us with open weapons!"

The benefactor of the Cross Society is Lady Finov. As long as she doesn't speak, no one can do anything.

With these words, it meant that the negotiation had collapsed.As soon as the words "come and fight" fell, it irritated the nerves of both sides. Everyone in the tavern aimed their guns at each other.

Su'en and Kay reacted quickly, pulling out their guns and aiming at the members of the Steam Party in the room.

This action triggered a chain reaction. The members of both sides outside the door immediately became tense, hearing the sound of bullets being loaded, "click, click."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, like a lit fuse on a barrel of explosives. Any slight movement would immediately ignite a fierce fire.

For a moment, the large Elephant Tavern fell silent.

No one dared to fire the first shot.

If a fight were to break out now, it would undoubtedly be the spark that ignites a full-scale war between the two factions!


In gang negotiations, it's all about showing off and flipping tables, but the possibility of actually fighting on the negotiation table is low.

Normally, in this situation, a third party would come out to mediate, to calm both sides down and sit down to negotiate again...

But unexpectedly, something unimaginable happened.

At this moment, a bottle of wine suddenly fell from the sky and smashed onto the negotiation table.

With a "crash," it shattered, splashing everyone with wine stains.

Everyone was stunned. This action clearly showed that they didn't take the two major factions seriously and was a blatant provocation.

Everyone's gaze turned to the second floor of the tavern. However, when they saw who it was, their anger subsided one by one.

A young man in a silver suit leaned against the railing, looking down at everyone with a contemptuous expression. "Hmph! A bunch of ignorant fools. I gave you a little taste of sweetness, and you actually think highly of yourselves?"

These words were clearly directed at them.

Su'en didn't know this young man, but judging from his luxurious suit, he guessed that he must be someone important from the inner city.

Clearly, this person is the protagonist of today, the third young master of the Reyes family, Martin Reyes.

PS. Seeking votes on Monday~

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