Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 1: Resurrection of Demonic Cultivator

Chapter 1: Resurrection of Demonic Cultivator


So cold.

On the dusky and narrow single bed, a man, no, to be exact, a boy, brows furrowed and lips chapped, was talking in his sleep.

Half awake and half asleep, Gu Xizhou struggled to get up but his body was completely strengthless, his consciousness seems to stick together and his body seems to be pressed down by an invisible force, causing him to be unable to move even a little bit.

After about a minute, Gu Xizhou finally accumulated a bit of strength and forcibly opened his eyes.

Although his vision was blurry, Gu Xizhou can distinguish the moonlight that fell upon his body.



The sound of water dripping.

Warm droplets of water trickled onto his body, a familiar, warm, and moist sensation but the him in comparison felt that his body was cold, so cold

Gu Xizhou, with much difficulty, looked around at his surroundings. A small narrow room, besides himself there are three other human silhouettes.

It hurts.

It hurts so much.

His neck hurts so much.

Gu Xizhou struggled, using his entire bodys strength, he finally managed to move his right hand. Slowly, he lifted his hand and pressed it against his neck, his fingertips felt a warm and moist sensation, his nose scented in the air the fishy sweet smell of blood.

It turns out that it wasnt water on his body, it was blood.

Gu Xizhou grabbed onto the bed rail and slowly sat up. Entering his vision, he saw that beneath the bed were six desks placed side by side. Piled up on the desks were all sorts of reference problem sets as well as a homework book that was left open.

This was an ordinary and cant be any more ordinary school dormitory.

Gu Xizhou who was shocked and at a loss simultaneously used his hand to tightly press down on his neck. Turning around he saw his bed that was covered in blood, the blood had permeated through the bed board making it completely crimson.

He was back?


He has returned.

Enduring the pain, Gu Xizhou carefully scrutinized the pattern before him. The scarlet bed was placed against the wall and outlined with blood, a complicated pattern was drawn out on the wall. Gu Xizhou, as a demonic cultivator, recognized at a glance that this was a formation that offers ones body in order to summon evil spirits.


Dont tell him that he was summoned here?!

Under the moonlight, the corner of Gu Xizhous lips indiscernibly twitched a couple of times.

No matter what, he Gu Xizhou, before he was transmigrated, was a law-abiding citizen that upheld core socialist values, a three good citizen representative. How come after visiting another world, he became a heinous evil spirit after coming back?!

Gu Xizhou supported himself on the desks and moved a couple of steps, his eyes swept the room and saw the mirror that showed to him his reflection. He sucked in a cold breath.

Short black hair that supplely stuck to both sides of his ears, red, no white pajamas, with the margin between his brows excluding a youthful air.

The next second, Gu Xizhou noticed the slit on his throat and the exposed flesh that was facing outward, blood flowed down the wound on his neck, dyeing the white pajama on his body red. Only on the hems of his clothes could he still see some hints of white.

No, this wont do, he must stop the bleeding first.

Gu Xizhou rummaged through the dormitory room but because he was worried about waking the people sleeping in the room his movements were not too large. If he accidentally woke them, how was he going to explain the bed full of blood as well as the wound on his neck?

Quietly without any noise, Gu Xizhous was very worried that his movements would be discovered by the people in this room but other than the two empty beds, the other three people all slept like dead pigs, completely unaware of any noise that hes making.

After stopping the blood, Gu Xizhou suddenly thought of something. Turning around, he searched the bed without any result.

This isnt right, why is there no knife?

Gu Xizhou stroked the cut on his neck. The wound on his neck was definitely caused by a sharp blade but there is no knife. It couldnt be that after this kid committed suicide he could still hide the knife?

Whether its on the bed or underneath the bed, Gu Xizhou all searched through it once but he still couldnt find that knife.

Without any leads, Gu Xizhou fortunately also did not want to think about this matter but when he sat down on the bedside, he suddenly found it difficult to not.

Those paper towels that he had just used, he could just throw them down the toilet to destroy the evidence but where can he throw the things on the bed? Not to mention the formation that was drawn onto the wall, if any normal person saw it they would not think it is anything good.

Gu Xizhou retreated two steps and sat down by the bedside without any strength, he grabbed at the air without catching anything.

Discovering that he had returned to the modern world, Gu Xizhou had calmed down after an only a moment of surprise and astonishment, after all, when he was transmigrated to another world, he had become a demonic cultivator in only a short amount of time. The only thing made him uncomfortable was that in his line of sight there was an additional string of strange numbers 00:00:01

What is this?

No memories, this boys memory, he didnt receive any of it.

Could it be that the sacrificial soul died too fast, resulting in that he didnt receive even the slightest bit of memories?

This body is really too weak, leaning against the wall, he could just barely support his body up. At this time, suddenly, Gu Xizhou heard a voice.


Gu Xizhou subconsciously looked for the source of the voice. He unsteadily stood up and nearly fell onto the floor but quickly he was able to confirm the origin of the voice. It was the guy in the bunk above him talking in his sleep.

N-noit wasnt me

Gu Xizhou took a look at the kid on the top bunk and couldnt help but shake his head.

This kid, dont know what hes dreaming about but hes actually crying. Gu Xizhou saw the tears that streaked down the corner of the boys eyes and felt that it was a bit interesting.

Unsteadily, Gu Xizhou sat back down onto his own bed. A stirring in his heart, as far as his eyes can see, everything is unfamiliar yet also familiar.

He, Gu Xizhou, was back.

Gu Xizhou knitted his brows as he took a look at his bed that was dyed red by blood. Just as he was about to lie down, he heard again a muttering sound.

I, I dont want to diespare me

Fear, only when a person reaches the height of extreme fear would they act like this. Gu Xizhou looked over at the source of the voice. It was the roommate from the bed across the room.

Really Gu Xizhou was surprised for a moment. Helplessly shaking his head, he flipped his blanket around and placed it over himself. Cold and tired, he didnt want to bother with the bloodstains on the blanket, he only wants to sleep. As for the blood on the beddont care anymore, let him sleep first.

If theres anything it can wait until tomorrow.

Warmthless rays of light slantedly sprinkled across the floors surface, Gu Xizhou slightly knitted his brows and opened his eyes. The sunlight was somewhat unpleasant to the eye. Making a sound, he got off the bed and stretched his body.

When Gu Xizhou saw this kind of sunlight, he suddenly got a headache as he massaged his forehead. Under the sunlight, the bloodstains on the bed were even more unsightly than last night. After a whole night, the bloodstains have already turned a black-red color.

If the original hosts roommate asks him about it, how was he going to explain?

Gu Xizhous mind was a mess, taking advantage of the fact that none of his roommates were awake yet, he wanted to throw the bedding from his bed into the laundry basket on the balcony and hide it, however, soon Gu Xizhou discovered that his worries were unnecessary.

In the dormitory, it was completely silent, other than him there was no one else.

Other than the two beds that were originally empty, the other three beds in fact, have long been vacant.

His roommates have all left.

Gu Xizhou was surprised, it seems that his three roommates have woken up a long time ago, the blankets on the beds were all folded neatly. Even the book bags that were placed on the stools yesterday were gone.

They went to class?

No, even if they were going to class, if they saw that their roommates bed was covered in blood, they wont just leave without waking their roommate up ba?

Anyone who woke up in the morning and saw this bed of his would be scared into screaming.

Gu Xizhou rubbed his temple and quickly set this matter aside, instead, he turned his head to look at desks.

Among these desks, there was one desk with a homework book on it, opened, just like the previous night. Gu Xizhou massaged his neck and with one handpicked up the homework book. On it he read High school, year three class ten, Gu Ran.

This should be his homework book.

It seems like his luck wasnt bad, at the very least his surname stayed the same.

Somethings not right. Gu Xizhou couldnt help but wrinkled his eyebrows. He took two steps forward, facing the mirror in the dormitory from last night.

He suddenly discovered that the four centimeter wound from yesterday has already completely healed, not even the slightest scar remains.

Gu Xizhou stared blankly for a moment, checking again to confirm it. In the mirror, the fierce wound from last night is indeed gone, his hand gently caressed the soft skin on his neck, there was no sense of pain, only the tactile sensation of flesh.

It was really healed.

Gu Xizhou oddly looked at the seventeen-eighteen child in the mirror, he couldnt help but feel that something strange is going on. At this moment, a voice interrupted his train of thought.

Hurry up, theres only ten more minutes until seven-thirty, today is self-study English morning class, hurry up!

I know I know, wait, let me grab some milk and go!

Not waiting for you anymore, annoying to death!

Alright, alright, Im ready, lets go!

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrow. Suddenly, he thought of the information on the homework book. Right now he is also a year three high school student. Gu Xizhou used two minutes to change his clothes before carrying his school bag and headed outside running.

Gu Xizhou didnt directly walk ahead, instead, he followed behind two students that had come out of the dormitory building at around the same time as him. Bypassing a curve, Gu Xizhou saw an old fashioned three-story school building. On the exterior were blocks of white ceramic tiles and in some places, it was missing one or two pieces.

The two students walked ahead as he followed behind.


An ear-piercing scream caused him to subconsciously turn his head. Behind him, a girl wearing ponytail pointed her trembling finger in the air

Kuang dang!

Gu Xizhou heard a loud noise ringing beside his ears, something moistened his face.

Thump thump thump!

Gu Xizhou wrinkled his eyebrows but remained unperturbed. In front of him laid three badly mutilated corpses. His heart skipped a beat. Taking a closer look, the three dead bodies were holding each others hand, warm blood flowed out of their broken skin and arteries onto the floor. What had moistened his face before was a drop of splattered blood.

They-they were just standing there, holding each others hand and then they jumpedWuwuI-I dont want to die, please, let me go, let me go ba

The girl behind him that screamed before, having witnessed the act of three people holding hands and jumping off the building, collapsed onto the floor.

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