Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Chapter 81: Problematic Summons

Chapter 81: Problematic Summons


"What'cha doin'?" Harley jumps on me while I'm sitting in front of the Central Computer. Is there something about my lap that makes girls want to sit on it? Not that I'm complaining tho.

She hugs my neck, her legs moving back and forth childishly while she looks around the screens.

"Ya know, Batsy had something similar."

"..." Only if she knew

"The many screens, a huge chair where ya sit to brood, it only lacks a butler and a T-rex fossil."

"So you know that Bruce Wayne is Batman..." Interesting.

"Yep, discovered when I was taking Little Bruce on a trip to memory land. Weird day that one... It's on my Top 10 of weird days."

Not even a Top 5?

"But answer me~" She turns to me again in her bratty voice "Whatcha doin', my pannacotta?"

"...pannacotta?" I was about to answer before I registered her choice of pet name.

"Yeah, I thought looong and haaard about what nickname to give you... I betcha you wouldn't like 'pudding' right?" She eyes me playfully, her twin tails swinging as she talks

"Please don't."

"I knew it! So I need to give ya a good one... I even went to search for desserts on the internet!"

"And you decided on Pannacotta?" I deadpan

"Yess! It's perfect! Look at you~ White and fluffly~" She squeezes my cheeks like a grandma "And with a dark topping~" She ruffles my hair this time "Pannacotta is perfect!"

"..." I think it could've been worse, I guess "Okay, then... To answer your question..." I decide to let it go, earning a satisfied smile from her "...I was not even focusing on the screens. I was deciding which allies to summon now."

"Like me?"

"Yes... There are some that are more magic inclined, and I plan to bring them all together in batch." I give her ass a squeeze "You're special for being the first and coming alone."

Meh, it was between her and Juri Han to try the seduction through the D. method... Harley is crazier...

She doesn't need to know this, she is even smiling at me sweetly. She is cute like this, I can admit.

I continue "In some days, I planned to attack the labs and bases of some evil-doers, so I need more people on my side. Not because I need, but because it would be a good opportunity to train and test the new powers that I will give to you all."

"New powers?" She looks interested

But her words made me narrow my eyes "You didn't watch the class, right?"

"..." She looks around whistling.

"Harley... I know that this world is very similar to yours, but watch the class." I made it so didactic! "Do you know that it was a book before?"

"I know, I know! I will watch it later..."

"There's a portfolio too..." I pull the 'You just have been summoned: Everything you need to know' portfolio and show it to her.

"..." She looks at it for a moment before turning to me with a strange expression. "Your sense of humor is strange, Mistah H." She pats my head

"..." Does this clown is saying that I'm strange? "If you don't complete your class, I can't give you your new weapons and supersuits."

"All right! I will do it now!" She grabs the portfolio and runs away.

"..." Energetic her, huh?


"..." I keep a straight face while looking at the "Magical Batch", or maybe I should call it Demon Batch? Monster Batch?

These ones I don't plan to have a friendly relationship with, well with some exceptions.

Loona, Selene, Charmcaster, Power... And Macht and Nosferatu Zodd. I thought and reconsidered many times if I wanted to summon Power now but fuck it... The band-aid needs to be pulled off at some point.

"I will assign you all places to live and duties to be performed... Outside this, you all are free to do whatever pleases you." I address them "With some exceptions, of course... Like killing innocents and all that. More details will be in the class."

"..." Everyone has their own reactions.

It is surprisingly easy to read Loona's expression. Even though she is a furry Wolf. Maybe is my time with the minks... She is trying to pass the vibe she does not care about anything I'm saying, but I can feel her wariness.

Selene only stares unblinkingly at me. The goth vampire(wait, is this a pleonasm? Is there a vampire that is not a goth?) that carried the Underworld franchise is much more successful than Loona in not showing anything on her face, maybe because she has nothing to show. I think this version of hers is from very early in her life, like the beginning of Movie 1.

Charmcaster almost sounds bossy, looking at me like she is evaluating my worth... Girl, you're the one who accepted coming here. I was okay with any other version of you.

Power is... Hm? Where is power??

I look around to sigh in relief that she is only glued to the glass window showing Earth. She hasn't destroyed anything, just acting like a curious child. She is surprisingly quiet... I thought she would be more loud. Is this because she lost her connection with her home world? She is intrinsically linked with the concept of Blood there, right? It's one of the things I considered before summoning her... Is her strength now dependent only on her, or she is still leeches on people's fear of blood here? I will investigate it later.

Now the two males... See, Shego? Even with that catastrophic "Harem Gacha" I'm still summoning boys.

Macht has such similarities with Johan that is almost uncanny. I think the two would be best friends. The psychopathic demon just stays still with his eyes closed wearing a serene expression, apparently unbothered with everything. He is a thousand-year-old demon, after all, the guy needs to have some decorum and composure.

Zodd is the same, even in this weird environment he keeps himself quiet, but on guard. I think he already figured out my strength and is acting docile... But...

"Why don't we all spar a little, so that I can gauge your strengths..." I smile

But I still need to put them in their places a little.

Except Loona.


"Weak..." I say while passing through the fallen Selene.

"Weak..." I repeat myself when I step over Power.

"Passable fighting skills at least..." I say to the fallen Zodd

"Subpar magical skills..." I scoff at Charmcaster, making her glare at me.

"Passable." I give the best grade to Macht, he is on his knees, supporting himself with his cape-turned-golden-sword.

Loona is the one spared of the beatdown- I mean, spar. I walk over them, stopping at her side before turning again.

"But it's okay, you guys have some potential and uses. And I can turn even a tree into a powerhouse."

Materializing a chair for me to sit I continue "I can help you guys with your ambitions and dreams... Master magic? Fight strong opponents? Just live a quiet life? Easy. But you need to retribute with some work at least... The first test will be in a few days, where I will take some of you to attack certain enemies of mine. I will give the details later."

No disagreements, okay. I can see a slight increase in relationship loyalty from them, just by being strong. Zodd is the one with the most increase.

"After that, all of you, with the exception of Selene here..." I point at the vampire "Will live in a hell dimension. And no, it's not as bad as you guys think. It's a hub of magical activity, very fitting to your personalities. There's fights to the death, the concentration of magic, demons etc etc." I point to Zodd, Charmcaster, Macht, and Loona in order "Selene will infiltrate the vampires of this world. There's a certain city of monsters here, and I want some eyes and ears there. And your mission on these places is..."

I pause for dramatic effect.

"...just do what you want."


"What? I said that I would give you all a lot of freedom. If I don't give direct orders you can live how you want, but try to be reasonable and live in a way that will not make me go and kill you..." I exert some pressure on them with a glare, making their knees visibly shake "And I will expect weekly reports. Anything is good, gossips, accomplishments, interesting people... Even the things that you may think are useless or boring, just report. Any question?"

"What about me?!" Power at some point got too close to Comfort, putting her face close to my own. I didn't point at her during the explanation after all...

"You will stay with me because you're stupid, so I need to train you a little." I say honestly

"Gah?! I'm not stupid! Don't you dare look down on me human!" She moves back and strikes a pose pointing her finger at me "I have an IQ of... a HUNDRED!"

"That's pretty average..." I say making her gasp

"I mean an IQ of 200!! I didn't want to scare you!"

"Oh, that's pretty good then." I comment, making her smile smugly "I think my IQ goes over 300..."

"Ah! 400! It's 400! I bite my tongue before." The pathological liar changes her narrative easily.

Damn, she is more shameless than me... I will throw her at Shego~

"I see, but you don't need to be smart about what I'm planning for you..." I comment


"Yes, come here..." I beckon her to come close, and she cautiously steps at me, till she enters my reach and I start scratching beneath her chin like she is a cat. By the way, I brought Meowy too, like with Harley's hyenas "I just need you to kill who I want to kill.

"Hmmm~~ I can do that! I'm pretty good at killing humans! So good that I killed all humans from my world! There's none left!" Then how do you still exist? If you're born because of the fear of humans?

"I see, I see. Good job then." I pet and caress her like a cat. My hand going behind her ear, her ribs... At some point she was on the ground, moving from side to side while I rub her belly. She is literally purring, her eyes closed, and flaying her arms a little...

"..." Their faces are funny "What? Do you want a rub too?" I ask Loona

"I'm not a dog!" She says with her eyes brimming with hell fury "Try that and I would bite your hand! And fuck you and your powers!"

"Heh~ A very dog-like answer, by the way." I say, making her anger grow. I will train her later, like Cesar Millan.

Straightening up and stopping to caress Power, I address all of them again.

"Let's go on a tour on the Limbo..." I open a portal

"Ah! You tricked me, human! You and your very good hands caught me off guard!! Deceitful creatures you all are!" I ignored Power's sudden shout, after she realized how she was led so easily, and led everyone through the portal.


Later... After a visit to Limbo.

Who's to summon now?

"Power... Don't fight the hyenas!" I warn the Blood Devil who is in a growling dispute with Harley's pets.

"They started it! They tried to eat Meowy!" She defends herself by showing her fat cat and growling at the hyenas again.

"They wouldn't dare... They are simply getting familiarized with Meowy."

"You're lying! Humans are liars!" Said the pathological liar

"Did you forget that I can talk with animals? I already warned Bud and Lou."

"Another lie!"

"I'm not you and come here..." I call her to shut her up

"No! You're going to do that weird thing with your hands that feels really good!"

"..." She is kinda annoying. If I summoned her earlier, maybe I would have humored her till we became friends, now I think I will dump her on someone... Should I fuck her? Meh, I don't think she cares enough for sex to develop feelings this way. "Power..." I say in a tone not different from a Father giving his last warning to his child.

"Ugh..." She makes a face but gets closer with wary steps.

"Good girl..."

She can't help but close her eyes in contentment while I caress her face

"Do you remember the rules?"

"...not eat humans."

"Yes, that is the first one. But I also talked about trying to kill our own people, right?"


"Do you remember the last rule?"

"...ehhh" She doesn't.

"Only I can break the rules and allow you to break them too..." I say "Do you know what this means?"

"..." She doesn't. The little monkey beating the plates in her brain must be out of power. Hah, power...

"Behave Power, and I will take you to kill a lot of people, bathe in their blood, and all that."

"Really?" Now she is excited again

"I don't lie. Play nice with everyone and you can indulge, then you will return to your peak strength."

"Yes! Gahahahahaha! Then I will show the world that Power is the strongest!" Then she went into a tirade on how she would make people suffer, bow, and grovel under her feet. Increase the taxes on single mothers and all that.

She is lucky I read the dumpster scene in Chainsawman and know that she has the potential to be a surprisingly loyal girl-er, Devil. I can tolerate her a little.

Hmm, and I think I will change her name. At least how is written... She doesn't deserve the "Power" name. Maybe Pawa... Same thing and there's a "paw" there. Like a cat paw...

Damn, I'm kinda good with names. Who was the one that said that I suck at naming things?

Where I am again? Ah yes, summoning people...

There are other three women that I need to bring, that will be useful now.

But... Ugh. Why does the Gacha tend to give me this type?

"Summon." I prepare mentally

I go through all the trouble of creating a backstory, customizing a house, and bank account with inheritance, and all that to the two new members, before finishing the procedures.

One is crazy and the other is a textbook psychopath.

The motes of light start forming the silhouettes... Feminine, with great curves. One is taller than the other, one has a big high ponytail and the other appears to have horns, but it's only her hair.

"Haaa~ What is this place? I was ready for a trap, but this looks boring!" Juri Han comments loudly while looking around.

"..." Widowmaker, or should I say Amelie Lacroix is much calmer, eyeing me patiently, waiting for me to talk or act.

The two are in the "default skin" of their games. A purple pair of dangerous women that can kill you and make you feel grateful for that. I admit, the two are hot as fuck... But I have more self-control than that, and the test with Harley will not repeat itself so soon.

Maybe with Amelie, she is kind of an unfeeling bitch, so I will probably need to be a little more forceful to raise the Relationship Loyalty. The test with Harley is to use in people like her, by the way.

But later...

"I trust that you two understand your circumstances..." I speak from my chair, Power is close by, observing the two for some moments before losing interest and going back to play with Meowy

"Yeah, yeah. Servitude or something, but just to you know boy I don't plan to listen to you or anything like that." Juri says in a dismissive tone

"Oh, that's cute." I stand up with a friendly smile. "It has been some time since one of my summons challenged my authority so openly." When was the last one? Uvogin? Zodd kind of did it too...

All Relationship Loyalty starts with zero. We are all strangers... But most are cautious of the guy that can rip them off the jaws of death and cross time and space to bring them here. And the Essence takes violence out of their minds when the subject is me.

Some challenge my authority subtly, like Johan... Even though he eventually stopped.

However, it appears that Juri Han is not one who enjoys being subtle.

"Cute? Do you want a taste of this?" Juri puts a fighting stance, raising one leg at me

"Even a civilized person like me knows the benefit of talking through fists..." I laugh while walking at her in a relaxed stance, hands behind my back. Not putting her in my eyes at all. "Move aside a little, Amelie." I say politely, a subtle act of manipulation where I treat a little better the one that acts in a civilized manner.

The blue/purple assassin obeys without a word, she is really waiting to choose how she will act around me.

Power stopped playing and is now waiting eagerly for me to kick Juri's ass, probably expecting to see her suffer like she suffered. She enjoys other people's misery.

"Do you want me to overpower you with technique? Or is brute force enough?" I tilt my head to ask a genuine question

"I want you to eat my foot!" It appears that she took that as a form of trash talk. Poor girl, she is not worth my trash talk.

She lunges at me to deliver a spin kick... Hmm, how to approach this now?

She moves in slow motion when my brain decides to work to weigh the options. I have enough time to recite Shakespeare in my mind before her attack hits me.

But let's see... Should I block all her attacks with only one hand while not moving from this place? Should I end it in a millisecond? Should I play with her a little before finishing it effortlessly?

No... The better option... The option that will make her hunger for me, for my power. Hunger for growing even stronger...

It's doing nothing.


Her attack hits my face, but I don't even move a millimeter.

"!" Her eyes widen, but she is not a beginner.

From that position, she moves and sets a combo of kicks that would overwhelm a normal fighter and break all of his bones. Something Sanji would do.

Head, shoulder, femur, knee, ribs, arm, solar plexus...

She kicks all of that. Even my crotch...

But I maintain myself still. Only my hair is moved by the wind of her kicks. At some point purple energy starts to empower her attacks, the ki of her universe, I guess.

And changes nothing.

An overwhelming difference... Not on technique, not on Martial arts... But an abysmal difference in power. Her mortal martial arts are less than a fancy dance in the face of such an overwhelming existence.

I can get her respect later when I show her my martial arts.

Now I want her to fear me a little, to desire what I have...

'This is my power... Do you want a little?'

 *Haah* *Haah*

She is panting now, but I need to give her credit where is due. She is not stopping. She is stubborn and has a lot of willpower.

"You are wrinkling my clothes..." One last jab on her pride before I raise my hand at her.

It almost appears in slow motion too, but is unnavoidable... The tip of my middle finger lightly touches her stomach, my hand is relaxed. Till it is suddenly not...

Like the one-inch Punch of Bruce Lee, my hand changes fast and strikes with a palm strike, her toned stomach rippling beneath my hand, the shockwaves traveling the entirety of her body.


A good use of Fishman Karate to shake the stubbornness off her bones.

"Gah!" She spits blood before she is sent flying and hits the wall.

"Gahahaahahahahaha" Power laughs at her misfortune, cutting the pin-drop silence of my actions.

I turn to Amelie "Till she wakes up, why don't we talk like civilized people?" I ask with a smile

And now it seems she decided how she will act around me.

"Of course, anything you want, mon cher." She answers with a sultry smile in that sexy accent of hers, changing her posture and putting a hand on her hip.

"..." Yeah... I will not ever say anything anymore. No one will believe me if I say I'm not doing this on purpose...


"If this is all you ask, I will be more than happy to kill anyone for you, mon cher~" Amelie whispers in my ear, she is currently sitting on my lap while I face forward with a stony face.

"..." She has a really great ass. For real, a great ass... I think it's perfect, and I do not say these words lightly. It's perfect on her body.

And now I'm feeling it on my lap... But for real, what is the deal with my lap? Must be a common seduction tactic of women... Keeping the target sitting, defenseless.

"Your talents will be the most appreciated, Amelie." I answer with a calm expression.

"I have other talents that I bet you would appreciate too~"

"..." She is literally Shego.

Trying to have a comfortable standing at my side, by seducing me. A defense mechanism and all that. Shego was like that in the beginning, but time changed that...

I don't think time will change Amelie, because she is literally a psychopath.

Actions will change her... Because even if she is unfeeling to the whole world, she can't be unfeeling to me. Because of the Essence.

'I can fix her' – Hector.

"First, you don't need to do that..." I say truthfully "I will not kill you on a whim like a cliche villain or anything."


"It's okay if you don't believe in me... I can understand considering how you lived." She is an assassin, duh. Obviously, she trusts no one. "We have time, after all, you are with me for life" I move her out of my lap, carrying her effortlessly. "Or for eternity, if you want." I give her a nice smile

"..." She looks a little shocked, maybe for me rejecting her advances, or maybe because of my words. I can't figure it out because she hides it a second later, she is good.

"It's probably pointless to try to talk with you now, when you don't even know what you want." How can I negotiate with her now? I will give her a good life and make her want to keep it that way. "So just go watch the class. Later I will give you some powers, and depending on how you perform in that mission..." I left the rest unsaid while shooing her away

"..." Yeah, you're hot and no one ever dismissed you like that... I know, I saw this face in many other hot women. Bye.

She goes away while swaying her hips, her butts jiggling with each step of her high heels, but I don't look because women like that can feel the male gaze.

And like Shego in the beginning, I don't want to give her the satisfaction.

Deny a woman what she already considers something normal makes them go crazy~ Heh~

"Enjoyed the nap, Juri?" I turned to face the Korean fighter.

She is blinking groggily, probably trying to figure out the plate of the truck that hit her.

"You..." She points a trembling finger at me, she can barely support herself with her elbows.


"Ugh..." She groans with a dejected face

No this can't do, I can't have her spirit be broken by the difference in strength, it's counterproductive. I mean, she would probably not be intimidated for long, but even so... I don't have time to waste.

"Don't be like that..." I say in a coddling tone "The same hand that took you out can destroy your home world. The problem was not on you..." I show her my hand to illustrate that "I just show a glimpse of the ceiling where you are below right now, Juri Han. You can reach much higher because the ceiling is higher."

"..." Now I have her attention.

"Why don't we start by me showing you some nice techniques that everyone can learn? Don't worry, it will be fast..." I say, using the same right hand to reach for her head.

So easy to upload some skills into other people's minds and bodies... But let's give only the basics, as a good master I don't want to take away the joy of learning from her~


"Awawawa~" The woman that I'm currently hugging is flinging her arms around all flustered. She doesn't know where to put her hands... It's so cute.

"You're my oasis, Yor." I say to the red-faced assassin.

She is surprisingly the only one normal!!

"I don't want to deal with those crazy people for now... Just hug me back."

"Ah..." She is still confused "There. There..." But she still pats my back in a comforting way. What a good woman~ Marry me!


I go to Mutant Town, or Meta Town which I call in my head as Eidolon.

"A raid?" Callisto asks me as we supervise the changes being made on some buildings. 100% work of the residents, of course, they need to earn their self-sufficiency. I only give the ideas and materials.

And even this will change in the future.

In no time, Meta Town will be a good place to inhabit.

And in the future, when I have a little more sway over the government, I will make it a good place to live and thrive.

"Yes," I answer her "Gather anyone that wants to fight for our people and you judge that is ready." I give her the final say on whom to bring "I will provide some weapons and tactical armor to at least defend you all."

I will not give them any important work, just to go crazy on some bases without hostages. These people are survivors, but not trained soldiers, but fighters nonetheless. Like wild animals.

"I can think of some names..." She says while looking a little ahead.

That's also a test, depending on their attitudes, actions, and everything else, I may give some importance to one or another. I still need to take off the little" tumors"(like Mask), but I need them to make some trouble first.

A clear division in treatment based on merit will do just fine to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Oh yeah, everything is proceeding smoothly~ I love this feeling.

But at the same time, I ready myself for the curve ball the Marvel Universe will throw at me.

You're not gonna let me be without any surprises, right? I'm about to change the fate of the world, and destroy many dark timelines...

Huhu~ In the past, I would dread it a little more... but now? on!


A.N.: Hello There.

Next Chapter it starts the raid.

If you want to read ahead, go check my P.a.t.r.e.o.n... Linke below, without spaces.

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Thank you everyone for the support, comments, reviews and power stones. 

It hypes me up.

Till next week, bye-bye.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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