Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 130 - 130: The Security Is Excellent

"It's getting late Mr. Sterling. You and Miss Schultz might as well stay here tonight," Curtis said after dinner.

Dylan had no objections. It was all the same for him to stay here or go back to the hotel.

"One room or two?" Curtis asked tentatively.

"Two rooms, of course!" Savannah blushed and blurted out. "Curtis, I said Mr. Sterling and I came here on a business trip. I'm only Mr. Sterling's secretary."

She thought she had explained it clearly, but Curtis still could guess that she had a special relationship with Dylan.

Dylan's face clouded over at her speedy answer, but he didn't say anything.

Curtis took the silence of Dylan as an approval. "Okay," Curtis

"Take Miss Schultz upstairs to her room, please," Curtis said to one of the maids.

Upstairs, the maid led her to a room, already clean and ready, and left.

It was a guest room, but it was beautifully decorated and the clothes and supplies were ready.

She took a shower, put on her bathrobe, and left the bathroom as she dried her long, wet hair with a towel.

Dylan was sitting on her bed.

"Why are you here?" She was startled.

"It's my home. Why can't I be here?" Dylan rolled his eyes unpleasantly.

"I mean… Curtis clearly arranged this room for me to live alone. Don't you have your own room? You can go back to your room to have a rest…"

"Can't I go around before I rest?"

She pursed her lips. Sure, this is your house!

Staring at the unconvinced face of the little woman, Dylan put his arm around her waist and abruptly pulled her close.

Before Savannah could respond, she was pulled over by a powerful force and dumped into his hot arms.

He pressed her against his chest, leaning close to her ear, and said in a low voice, "You will not be spared if you take it upon yourself to make any decision in front of other people again."

She kept a distance from him in front of Curtis, and asked for two rooms without permission!

His anger had not dissipated, though he hadn't shown it in front of the others. Her face burned, and her heart pounded.

"We are really on a business trip here. It's not good to live in one room. Curtis would have been embarrassed to see that," she replied, pressing her fist against his chest.

"Fuck the business," without taking his eyes off hers, his hot hand moved down from her neck, skimming her, and glided slowly down her backside to her thighs.

Savannah moaned and felt his length against her thighs.

That's why she didn't even dare to share a room with him during her period!

She was afraid that when the beast in him came out, he would turn a blind eye to the blood and take her on her period!

"Dylan! Don't forget… that my…my aunt Flo is visiting…" she almost stammered.

Dylan frowned and paused. Of course, he did not forget it. If he had no scruples, he would have already fucked her last night.

Finally, he repressed his desire and straightened up.

Savannah slid out like a fish, wrapped herself up with her messy bathrobe, and stepped back.

Looking at her red face, Dylan felt he would burn in desire again if he stayed here. He strode away and slammed the door.

Savannah breathed a sigh of relief, climbed into bed, and covered herself with a blanket.

Maybe she was too excited today, or maybe she was afraid that Dylan would return, but she tossed and turned for a long time.

Abruptly, late into the night, Savannah sat straight up, deciding to go down to ask Curtis for a key so she could lock her door.

She changed into a nightgown and went downstairs. The drawing-room was empty.

It was after ten o 'clock at night, and everyone was probably asleep.

Looking up, Savannah noticed a feeble lamplight gleaming in the garden.

It was from the pavilion.

Savannah walked out of the house, moving to the pavilion in the garden.

Approaching the pavilion, she saw a tall, familiar figure, dressed in nightclothes, sitting on the steps of the pavilion.

It was Dylan.

He couldn't sleep, either, it seemed.

Dylan looked quite different on the steps. Normally, he was calm, cold, and domineering. Even though he had always kept a low profile, he still behaved in a kingly way.

But now…

He was gazing at the bricks and tiles of the pavilion, his eyes soft, as if remembering something or somebody. She could even saw a faint smile play on his lips.

It was the first time Savannah had seen such an expression of great tenderness in his face.

When he smiled, it seemed as if he was displaying the softest part of his heart to someone.

She didn't know what or who he was thinking about.

But whatever it was - the thing, or the person - must have been a warm and happy memory, a precious treasure in his life.

A breeze blew over the garden. Savannah turned to herself and did not want to disturb him. She walked away quietly.

Back to the house, she saw Curtis reading a newspaper on the sofa by the French window in the living room.

"Curtis," She said sweetly, walking over to him.

"Savannah? Is everything alright? Why are you up so late?" Curtis asked, not unkindly.

"I'd like to ask you for the key to my room and lock the door at night," Savannah smiled.

Curtis laughed, "There are so many servants and security guards here. The security is excellent."

Savannah bit her lip. She was not afraid of robbers and thieves, but Dylan...

Curtis, your young Master, was more terrible than a bandit!

But she could not say this to Curtis.

"Hmm, I have had a habit since childhood, no matter where I am, I must lock the door to sleep, even at home."

"Oh, I see. All right." Curtis took out a bunch of keys and, with almost no trouble, chose the correct one.

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