Chapter 26: Overthinking

The rest of the one week resting time quickly flew by as all Anthony did was go for classes, sleep or waste his time on phones and laptops and playing games, he wanted to invents apps here that were popular back on earth but after some thought he forgot about it, though social media could be used to control the information masses received and can be used to manipulate the masses and make money but he saw no need for that since he was already too rich, his family was rich and they could also control information, he would simply be wasting his time and creating more work for himself for such thankless task

Within the days people started flocking Tiara and were bootlicking since they found out the Vice president took her as a disciple so everyone wanted to make friends and form connections but she simply ignored everyone as usual

She had no time for any of it as she spent time on only classes, library and training, and cultivation, she simply had no time to make fake friends or interact too much or a certain white haired human would increase the gap

As for Bryan he became quiet as usual after his loss, but his brother Keron kept glaring at Anthony whenever he saw him as if he wanted to put a lead through his skull but Anthony simply ignored him

Until now children from other five families hasn't struck up any kind of conversation with Anthony which surprised him, but he guessed their pride must run too deep, even after consecutive display of his strength they still refused to think of themselves lower.

Of course Anthony didn't see a wrong at any of this, it's not like he wants someone to gravel at his feet because he is rank 1, he always reminded himself of his past life in other not to get arrogant because of a small power which the being can just decide to take away at any moment if it so decides and Anthony would just revert back to zero

As Anthony had the thought of the being taking away his power he became restless

Though he convinced himself that the being won't do that to him or stoop that low, Anthony didn't want to make any bets on that, he remembered the being played with him for a little while and compensated him, but what if this time the being took away his power or seals it away and he becomes trash, then the being comes back years later and compensates him.

This wasn't any different than other novels he read in his first life where they would suffer for almost twenty years then ascend the heavens in one step, or they were already ascending the heavens, then they become crippled for some years, then they come back cured and reascend again, he was already ascending, there was no need to reascend again.

Anthony didn't want to go through any of this at all no matter the compensation he would be given, he can't endure the humiliation he would receive after sitting at the first rank, the disgrace to his father, grandparents, especially his mother whom he loved too well, and was ready to burn down the world for her.

This gave Anthony sleepless nights, even sometimes when he manages to sleep, he woke up due to nightmare of becoming a cripple and falling from grace.

His dream alternated between the Demon king and Dragon king swooping down to capture him for his handsome face and the other five families smiling at his demise of being a cripple, he also saw Bryan coming for revenge and him being expelled from the Academy due to his crippleness.

(He is overthinking things again please don't mind him, leave him to his delusion)

This past few days were hectic for him due to his wild imagination, Anthony regretted resting, if he didn't rest he won't have time to think of all of these nonsense, he would be toiling through his bloodline and physique knowledge or cultivating.

He banned things like vacation or rest from his life due to this

(He is just overreacting, he won't ban anything in his life, leave him to overthinking)

If not for having a thought compartment passively sign-in he might forget.

But after some days he returned to normal from his overthinking behaviour and slept like a baby through out the day and woke up with a smile on his face

******In a hidden location******

A man was sitting in darkness that reeked pure Chaos, any living being that entered here would immediately be corrupted due to the environment, another man wearing a mask on his face appeared out of the shadows and kneeled in front of the man.

"Have you arranged a list of the prodigies" the man sitting asked

"Yes leader, I have made a list, I would send out assassins after them" the man with a mask replied, while passing a file to the leader

The man without a mask read it but didn't reply, he tapped his finger on his arm rest of the chair he sat on while deep in thought

"Send Peak Master ranks after the rest immediately they step out of the Academy, send five Peak Grandmaster rank on the boy from the Null family, the talent of this generation is too great, mistakes can't be made at all"

The man on a mask was shocked by his words, it has be known that these students were barely at the A rank at most, and when they step out of the academy they are without security, so even SS rank members would be able to complete the mission.

But to send Peak master rankers and Grandmaster rank after students who were just barely first week in the academy, this was no different than using an elephant to stomp a cockroach, but the man didn't dare voice his thoughts, he simply followed orders that were given to him to the T like he always does

"Yes leader, it would be done immediately they step out of the Academy" he replied and left how he came

Anthony was sitting in his balcony drinking a juice, he didn't know what was going on since the information wasn't gathered, the information the cult had on him was through the ones their spies sent from what they saw during the exam.

If the cult did extra diging, he would have known through the skill 'The Perfect one', but they didn't and just acted on the information as their source never failed.

So he remained clueless, but if he did know, it won't really change anything but just make him excited that a bounty was finally placed on his head.

After sitting for some time he stood up and went back to his room and sat down and sighed as his resting period was over already and it was time to get back to work.

He created a clone and gave his clone a mission to complete, then he vanished from his place as he thought 'Its time to get back on my grind'

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