Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 31: The world's background

The three girls gasped siltly, covering their mouths as they discovered who was in front of them. Although they felt familiar, Ling Qingyu's currt outlook was too plain.

Most focused on her beauty and temperamt; the three girls hardly connected the dots with infamous C.E.O. photos printed on the business magazine cover.

However, Ling Qingyu's admission of her name at least drove away the mistrust and hesitant precognition as she herself was the idol among ambitious young wom.

Ling Qingyu smiled at their cute reactions and her heart was filled with duty for justice. These young girls should have a wonderful family life and marry good m. With their expertise and salary, their lives should have be comfortable.

Instead, merely because they attracted the atttion of a demonic being, everything was foregone. True, after everything was over they could continue their normal life, but the scars remained.

The reason why Ling Qingyu opposed their initial primary plan was to minimize the scars. The society was harsh on both m and wom. But wh it came to sexual-related violt cases, ev if the wom were the victims, there were still some who thought wom were at fault.

Everyone's eyes would no longer be the same for them. The prejudgmt by the public could turn the worst for these poor girls.

Before everything settled, she decided to be their backing. The girls whispered to one another and Ling Qingyu couldn't hear what they were saying.

By the tone of their conversation, Ling Qingyu felt their excitemt as she noticed their eyes appeared more bright.

While waiting for the doctor she trusted to come, Ling Qingyu looked outside through the window again. The reason why she called for Mo Yunxi instead of other female doctors was the issue of confidtiality.

Mo Yunxi was the first person she had contact with wh she tered this world and her combined experice from her previous life and currt memory told Ling Qingyu she was trustworthy.

Ling Qingyu was comfortable confiding about these three girls and sding them under Dr. Mo's care. She believed she could put all these evts under wrap with Mo Yunxi's support.

She was 0 perct sure Dr. Mo would agree with her action.

Now, she recollected all the thoughts about what she had known from her memory fusion. As the system had already stated, she wasn't in the same world.

So, Ling Qingyu immediately thought since the vironmt was similar to Earth's backg, the technology wasn't differt and she was likely in a parallel world.

Many scitists in her previous world had applied numerous equations and experimts to prove parallel worlds existed. Now Ling Qingyu could attribute this to their words.

However, the world she stayed currtly in was more than just a parallel world she thought because nothing from her previous life matched here.

Of course, not really everything. But on the surface, it didn't resemble the Earth in her previous life anyway.

The planet was still called Earth and the technological advancemt seemed no differt. However, the geographies and politics were completely disparate.

Water comprised 85% of the planet's composition; the land consisted of 9 contints: Northern Tree, Southern Bush, Alyssia, Bear's Paw, Phoix, Elephant, Iceland, Middle Kingdom, and Oceania.

The naming was weird if one didn't comprehd the geographical distribution here but Ling Qingyu nodded at the names in her heart. Tree, Bush, Bear's paw, Elephant and Phoix were giv because the land resembled such structures. Alyssia was named after Empress Alyssia the Great who unified the land.

Iceland was like the name suggested a freezing contint in the south while the Middle Kingdom ctered on every other contint, except Oceania further away which comprised chains of many islands—big and small—and were located in the southeast of Phoix.

According to the memory, Northern Tree, Southern Bush, Alyssia, Bear's Paw, Phoix, Elephant, Iceland, Middle Kingdom, and Oceania represt her old world: North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Ctral Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Middle-east, and Island countries respectively.

In many laym's terminology here, they simply shorted the form like Contint N or Contint S, taking the initial letters.

Ling Qingyu had to exclaim these contints never really connected with one another. Ev the closest one had water separating the land. She already imagined every country inside the contint was isolated from faraway distances until the advt of maritime travel and exploration.

Although the map looked weird from the previous life's viewpoint, she must admit the land's diagrams were more beautiful. However, what baffled her was the political situation on this planet.

The ancit history wt similar but strangely in the 7th Ctury, people appeared to be lighted causing sparks of revolution a the globe. The lower class overthrew the upper class, causing the nation to abolish monarchy or react a constitutional one.

Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity were slogans in this tire world. Republics and Constitutional monarchies popped one after another. Democracy prevailed.

Peace was for certain right? Nope, humans could never wash away their greed. War clashed betwe nations and in the 0th Ctury, two World War broke out just like in Ling Qingyu's previous life.

The reason was the discovery of crude oil, available in the Middle Kingdom. At first, no one cared until someone invted the technologies that might change the world and required these oil resources.

People traded initially but the political leverage began to hurt other contints, completely altering the nations' status. The Middle Kingdom's nations thrived and their influce grew.

Weak countries were fine with the status quo but the stronger ones didn't favor this change and decided to solve the issue—War.

Soon after subjugating the Middle Kingdom countries, nations couldn't find an agreemt, the big ones fought one another and it was a Second World War.

At last, the catastrophe stunned everyone to a new understanding due to terribly high numbers of casualties. War must be prevted and every governmt formed a new order called—the World Governmt. Ling Qingyu regarded it like a certain United Nation party.

Fortunately, perhaps democracy and similar ideologies were everywhere, and the mindset of fascism and race supremacism wer't bred; thus, horrible gocide was avoided although other atrocities occurred. Ev th, the horrors of wars reminded every human from happing again.

Despite the World Governmt's good inttions, the issues wer't solvable. Sometimes, small border battles and wars still existed betwe nations but it was undiable they prevted the bigger ones.

The greatest and most violt war occurrce was in the Middle Kingdom contint due to many parties involved in the conflict. No great power wanted this contint to have peace so that oil resources wer't monopolized. Separating against one another was the game of big powers here.

Ling Qingyu rubbed her forehead, recalling this information. Similar yet too contrasting. Phoix contint included Country I, C, H and K, and Ling Qingyu resided in Country C, the largest area controlling nation.

She was at least happy to feel the country she belonged to was stronger than others.

A knock regained her consciousness. As she turned her head toward the sound, Dr. Mo tered with a smile. "I heard you need my help. What's that?"

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