MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 171 - 171 The Strength

171 The Strength

Leo’s eyes were fixed on the towering golem, its massive bone body standing like a mountain before him. He felt his Shadow Soldiers, standing beside him, ready for action. But for now, he watched as other players launched their attacks, each one chipping away at the golem’s health.

Arrows flew through the air, thudding into the golem’s bony skin, leaving small cracks in their wake. Spells rained down, exploding against the golem’s surface, sending chunks of bone flying. Leo could feel the golem’s rage building, its movements becoming more erratic as its health dwindled.


As Leo surveyed the massive form of the Golem, he realized that its health was already almost halfway depleted. He knew that he had to act quickly if they were going to have any chance of defeating this formidable foe.

“Climb up the Golem’s body and wait for me!”

With a nod, his Shadows sprang into action, using their incredible agility and speed to run towards the Golem’s towering form. Leo followed closely behind, his eyes fixed on the creature’s massive frame as he prepared to strike.

Adrenaline coursed through his veins, causing his heart to pound in his chest. The golem was surrounded by a haze of magic, a maelstrom of spells that crackled in the air like electricity.

Leo knew that he had to act fast if he was going to kill the monster. The bone golem was impervious to most attacks, and even a single spell could have devastating effects on him.

If Leo didn’t act quickly, he would miss his chance to reap all the rewards. He had to make it to the monster’s neck before it entered the second stage.


He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. He sprinted forward, his feet pounding against the hard ground. The monster was getting closer, its massive form looming over him like a mountain.

Leo gritted his teeth and pushed himself harder, his heart racing as he neared the monster’s body. He could feel the heat emanating from the creature, an aftereffect of many spells hitting it.

Leo could see dark silhouettes standing on the creature’s massive shoulders and immediately knew that they were his Shadows.

Picking up his pace, he ran towards the Golem, his eyes fixed on his Shadows. He could see the golem’s massive body looming over him, but he was determined to reach its neck.

As he drew closer, he could see the golem’s massive feet slamming into the ground, the shockwaves rippling outwards. But somehow, Leo managed to slip past the creature’s radar, avoiding its deadly strikes.

With a burst of energy, he leapt onto the creature’s back, using his incredible agility to scale its massive frame. He could feel the bones creaking beneath him as he climbed higher, the wind whipping past his face.

But he didn’t let that slow him down. He was focused on his goal – reaching his Shadows and shattering the orange orb that was hidden within the golem’s neck.


As Leo climbed up the golem’s massive back, he could feel the spells and arrows hitting against its surface. Vibrations passed through the creature’s body, almost making Leo lose his balance and fall off its back. He gritted his teeth and held on tight, determined not to let anything stop him.

The air around him was filled with the sounds of battle, the shouts of his players, and the deep rumble of the golem’s movements. Spells and arrows rained down from all sides, some of them coming perilously close to hitting him.

Leo dodged and weaved, using his agility and quick reflexes to avoid the deadly projectiles. But even with his skill, he knew that it was only a matter of time before he was hit.

And then it happened. A spell came hurtling towards him, its flames crackling with malevolent power. Leo had no time to react, he could only deploy his ‘Shadow Protection’ in an attempt to avoid being hit.


The spell struck the barrier with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Leo felt the force of the blow, but he managed to hold on, his eyes fixed on the golem’s nape that was getting closer and closer.

This happened a few more times, and each time Leo was forced to deploy his ‘Shadow Protection’ to avoid being hit. But he refused to be deterred.

‘It’s getting annoying...’

Leo gritted his teeth as he narrowly avoided yet another explosive arrow that landed just a few feet beneath him. He could feel the heat of the blast on his face, and he stumbled for a moment before regaining his balance.

“Might need to invest in some better armor after this...”

He muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the creature’s massive back for any sign of danger. Leo could already make his Shadow Soldiers’ features, their dark forms standing out against the yellow bones of the golem.

Making a final push to reach the top, Leo felt his strength failing him. His arms burned with exhaustion, and he struggled to keep his grip on the golem’s back.

Thankfully, his Shadows were there to help him. They reached down, grabbing hold of his arms and pulling him over the edge.

Leo collapsed onto the golem’s shoulders, panting heavily. He knew that his strength attribute was terrible, and this adventure had certainly proven it.

‘Ok... Let’s end this!’

Regaining his composure, he looked over to the shadow that had pulled him over the edge, giving a nod of gratitude. The shadow nodded back, silently acknowledging their success in getting him to the top.

But there was no time to waste. The golem was still under attack, and Leo knew that they needed to act quickly if they wanted to have any chance of defeating it.

He quickly moved to the side of the golem’s neck, taking cover behind the massive bones. From this position, he could see the projectiles coming their way, but they were largely blocked by the creature’s body.

With the mages and archers taken care of, Leo turned his attention to the task at hand. He moved his hand to the massive bones of the golem’s neck, feeling the rough surface beneath his fingers.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. Then, he spoke in a low, commanding voice.

“Go and check the orange orb. Let me know if it’s still there.”

One of his Shadows immediately stepped forward, moving with a graceful and fluid motion. It approached the golem’s neck and disappeared from view, slipping between the bones with ease.

Leo waited anxiously, his eyes fixed on the spot where the shadow had disappeared. He knew that the orange orb was the key to their victory, and he couldn’t afford to lose it now.

After what felt like an eternity, the shadow reappeared, nodding to Leo.

‘All we need to do now is wait...’

As Leo and his Shadows continued to scan the weak spots in Golem’s neck, he began to feel the wind picking up. The hood of his cloak was suddenly buffeting his face, obstructing his eyes and making it difficult to focus on his movements.

With a quick motion, Leo reached up and pulled the hood down, revealing his masked face to the world. His striking purple eyes shone in the darkness, glinting like two orbs of fire.

There was a wild, feral look in Leo’s eyes, as if he was a predator waiting to pounce on its prey. He was completely focused on the task at hand.

Since Leo’s purple eyes were really glowing brightly in the darkness, they started to attract attention. Some of the other players had stopped their attacks, pointing in his direction and whispering among themselves.

“Is that another monster?”

“What’s the two orbs shining on the golem’s nape?”

“Isn’t that unknown player’s eyes?”

The crowd quickly caught up to the fact that it was in fact Leo standing on the giant and their demeanor instantly shifted.

“I guess we’ll make it to the news... As side characters though...”

Leo noticed that the sudden barrage of the projectiles halved. He cast a look towards the wall and saw many people pointing towards him.

“Ah... Shit!”

Leo frowned as he realized that he had been spotted by the crowd. He had been trying to remain inconspicuous, blending into the shadows like a phantom, but it seemed that his efforts had been in vain.

With a resigned sigh, Leo decided to abandon his hiding spot, since no projectiles seemed to come his way. As he did so, a rush of energy surged through him, causing his body to glow with an intense, otherworldly flame.

“It’s really the Unknown Player!”

The players whispered among themselves as they noticed white flames gathering near Leo’s feet. The flames grew brighter and hotter, slowly spreading onto the golem’s bones that seemed to be highly resistant to heat.

The onlookers gasped in amazement as the golem’s bones became engulfed in the blazing white fire.

But Leo remained calm and focused, his eyes fixed on the health bar hovering above the golem’s head.


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