MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 177 Memories

Later that day, Alfaera had signaled the official end of the celebration, prompting everyone to return to their respective homes with smiles and satisfied grins on their faces. Although some of them wouldn't have minded celebrating for a bit longer, the thoughts in their minds were similar to those who went back home early, that of a positive outlook towards the village's future.

Naturally, Valyr and the others had also returned to their respective homes, with Valyr first making a quick detour to the carriage and horse shop owners to inform them that he would be picking up them up early tomorrow. With them giving him the green light, Valyr thanked the two of them before making his way back to the barracks, looking at the village where his journey in Greater Beyond began.

"Well, it won't be a true goodbye yet. I still have to come back here to receive the rewards from the quest Damian gave me once I complete it." Muttering these words out to himself, Valyr could not help but let out a chuckle, only to let out a sigh soon after.

Continuing to walk through the village's main street, he went ahead and pulled up his friend list, taking a look at the people he had added as friends throughout his journey in Greater Beyond so far. At the top was Tryndall, who he knew was waiting for him to come back to Clossbay City so they could finish their quest together.

After that was Damian, who decided to add him and Wells once they were about to make their way to Anadhar City. The latest additions were Alfaera, Tristan, and Myst, who he had added to his friend list while the five of them were in the midst of celebrating among themselves at the village's inn.

As he thought about the things that he had done in the village, as well as the people he had met, a thought could not help but resurface in Valyr's mind, thinking that he would definitely miss the village once he left it for good.

Nevertheless, he placed this thought at the back of his head once more as he recalled his earlier words, eventually arriving at the barracks and heading straight to his dormitory room since he had already eaten dinner outside thanks to the village feast.

Recalling some of the shenanigans that had transpired earlier during the celebration, Valyr could not help but lightly chuckle as he got into the bathroom and took a shower, committing all of them to memory, as well as all of the precious memories he had made so far. By the time he was finished showering, a relaxed yet content smile donned his face as he changed into a set of clothes made for sleeping, lying down on his bed as he let out a slight carefree sigh.

"I should take a look at the titles Alfaera gave me." As he tried to fall asleep, he recalled that he had not seen the effects of the titles yet. With that in mind, it did not take long for him to recall that he had also not checked the effects of the titles he gained from the combat training hall back in Clossbay.

Lightly scratching his head for a bit, he eventually came to the decision to check on the titles Alfaera had given him for now and check on the titles from the combat training hall tomorrow while he was in the middle of his journey.

"Speaking of which, I should also take a look at that Extended NPC Feature Set thing while I'm on my way to Clossbay… whatever that may be." With his mind made up, Valyr went ahead and brought up the three titles he had gained from the celebration.



[Astarto's Beacon of Hope] (Title)

Rarity: Epic

You have cleared the evil that lurks beneath the village. You have given the village a sense of relief. Your feats shall be sung for eons to come and spun into tales commanding great awe, for you have given the village hope. You are the beacon of hope.

> All villagers of Astarto Village who know of your feats shall look at your actions and words in a positive light

> Shop owners in Astarto Village shall give you a 25% discount when purchasing wares from them

> +50% gain in affinity from quests and tasks from Astarto Village

> +50% gain in reputation from quests and tasks from Astarto Village


[Astarto's Light] (Title)

Rarity: Legendary

You are the wall that protects the village from the tides of ruin. You are the being that everyone seeks to become. You have given the village a future filled with prosperity, a future filled with greatness. The village shall never forget you, the one who has given them hope. The one who has given them light.


> +20% damage to all monsters within a five kilometer radius around Astarto Village

> +20% reduction to all damage received within a five kilometer radius around Astarto Village

> +20% boost to VIT and STR within a five kilometer radius around Astarto Village

> +2% to all stats


[Knight] (Nobility Title)

Rarity: Uncommon

The first rank of nobility to be obtained, as well as the easiest to obtain. You have gained this title due to a feat that has garnered the interest of a higher-ranked noble. Work hard, new noble. Your journey through the ranks has only begun.

> +10% gain in affinity from quests and tasks

> +10% gain in all types of reputation from quests and tasks


"I see… that's why the owners of those carriage and horse shops were adamant that I accept their lowered price." After reading through the effects of the titles he had gained, Valyr now had a greater understanding of the situations he had got caught in earlier, only to find it odd. "But wait a minute… I didn't have the titles earlier."

After pondering over this peculiarity for a bit, he eventually came to the idea that Alfaera had probably given him the effects of completing the quest, even though he hadn't obtained the titles yet. Though he was not sure if that was indeed the case, it would definitely explain the situations he had been in.

Aside from that, he took note of the fact that [Astarto's Light], which used to be [Astarto's Tidebreaker], now contained an effect that gave a small boost to all stats. Though he could not help but lament the fact that most of the effects from the upgraded title would be useless for the most part, he was quite curious how much of an effect it would have once he came back to the village for the monster tide.

"Other than the upgraded title, the two other titles focus on increasing the amount of affinity and reputation I gain from quests and tasks. Then again, I have the [Spear Adept] and [Combat Elite] title to still look at, so it's fine." Closing up the screen before him, Valyr lightly nodded in satisfaction, contemplating whether to take a look at the two remaining titles now or stick to his decision from earlier.

In the end, with a light yawn, he went with the latter, his eyes gradually closing as he eventually fell into a deep sleep.

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