MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 180 The World Net

Of course, even though Valyr decided to focus on the other features the Extended NPC Feature Set had to offer for now, he still wanted to find out the real answer to the question that boggled his mind earlier. Nevertheless, he knew for a fact that he would only grow more exasperated once he continued diving into that rabbit hole, so he eventually accepted the fact that his idea was the best answer he could get for now.

With that, he closed the chat screen before him, commanding the system to bring up the screen that contained the quest appointment feature soon after.


Surprisingly, akin to the simplistic layout of the chat function he had checked earlier, the quest appointment function he had unlocked through the Extended NPC Feature Set was of a similar nature. On the screen was an area where he could set the quest's name, the quest's difficulty level, its objectives, and then its rewards.

With the first three parts of the quest appointment feature being more or less intuitive to understand, Valyr went ahead and focused on the rewards section of the feature, noticing that the choices were mostly split up into four sections: experience, Technology Points, affinity and reputation, and miscellaneous.

Naturally, having experience as a reward was self-explanatory. After all, most quests would give a decent amount of experience as a reward, depending on the difficulty of the quest. However, what Valyr didn't expect was the fact that the experience reward when appointing a quest would be obtained from the stockpile of unused experience he had.

With that in mind, he could not help but wonder how much unused experience Alfaera had, considering how she had increased the experience reward of the quest he had gotten from her to 200,000 XP.

Nevertheless, choosing the experience option as a reward allowed him to see how much unused experience he currently had, which was roughly 25,000 points short of reaching 200,000. After experimenting with the selection for a bit more, he eventually discovered that appointing a quest had a fee attached to it in the form of experience, with the fee changing depending on the difficulty level of the quest.

Though curious as to where this experience fee went towards, he decided there was not much point thinking about it as he focused his attention on the other reward types he could select. Similar to how the experience reward worked, choosing Technology Points as a reward meant that the quest would obtain it from the unused Technology Points one had.

However, unlike the former, choosing Technology Points as a reward also gave one the option to obtain the points had not claimed from one's respective class guild yet, with Valyr being notified that he still had 100 Technology Points to claim from the guild. Of course, Valyr also took note of the 10 Technology Points written below it, which was the exact amount of Technology Points he could give each month per individual with his current rank.

As for affinity, reputation, and the miscellaneous rewards, they were more or less self-explanatory like the experience reward. Though, Valyr did take note of the fact that when choosing to give a miscellaneous reward for a quest, he could choose to give items, equipment, titles, and so on.

Finding the last choice of rewards he could use in appointing a quest quite useful for when he was finished with the quest Damian gave him, he then moved onto the forum function of the Extended NPC Feature Set, a knowing smile adorning his face as the contents of the screen before him changed.

"Already expected as much," Valyr muttered to himself as he looked at the screen before him, letting out a light chuckle as the screen was as barren as it could be. Aside from the fact that there were a few buttons he could choose to press on the side that allowed him to head to the different sections of the forum, there was no content that could be found in the forum whatsoever.

"Then again, Greater Beyond is only in its beta version. It'll only start to gain traction once the first public version is released." As he recalled how the forum function worked in his previous life, being a place where both players and NPCs could post anything they wanted on it, Valyr could not help but wonder why there were no posts on the forum from NPCs, recalling Tristan's earlier words that they had unlocked the same abilities he had when an earlier version of Greater Beyond began.

Pondering over whether to ask Tristan about it again, Valyr eventually decided not to, thinking that he would be better finding off the answers to his questions at Clossbay City's library. Or perhaps, if the library did not have the answers he sought, then he would ask Arcenne about it.

After all, compared to Tristan, both the library and Arcenne had access to a wider range of information that might allow them to answer the questions he sought to find a proper response to.

Seeing as there was not much point in him perusing the forum function in the meantime, Valyr shifted his attention onto the last feature the Extended NPC Feature Set unlocked for him.

"The World Net." Unlike the first three features, which he knew that the NPCs often used in his previous life, Valyr was pleasantly surprised to find out that he had access to the World Net while being an NPC. After all, having access to the World Net meant having access to everything that was going on in Earth, not only being limited to information related to Greater Beyond.

With that, he commanded the system to bring up the World Net with bated breaths, wondering if the system would restrict him to information only pertaining to Greater Beyond. Though, he eventually let out an inward sigh of relief as the ever familiar homepage of the World Net appeared on the screen before him, deciding to check what was currently going on in Earth through the world news, keeping in mind the time ratio existing between Greater Beyond and Earth.

"As expected. Everyone's hyped to enter the world of Greater Beyond as soon as possible." Reading article upon article written by journalists that mentioned how Greater Beyond was the pioneer of the next generation of True Immersion VRMMORPGs, Valyr knew at that moment that a great portion of the world's population was only biding their time until Greater Beyond was publicly released, recalling his reactions back when the beta version was announced in his previous life.

Chuckling at the memory, he then recalled that a hundred players were chosen by the company to participate in the game's beta version, deciding to take a look at their livestreams through the World Net to see in which settlement they ended up spawning in.

"So, the Five Leviathans have been spawned in Astella City." Valyr inwardly nodded as he muttered, swiftly noticing the trend that all of the 100 players of the beta version had been sent to either a core city or a city. Thinking about the clueless expressions the 100 beta testers had when they entered Greater Beyond once the public version was released, Valyr could not help but let out a bit of laughter once more, thinking that the company had an ulterior motive behind that action.

Though, as he was clueless on what ulterior motive was, Valyr decided to check on the livestreams of the other players, eventually focusing his attention on the players that had spawned in Clossbay City, which amounted to four people.

However, as he took a look at the players that were in Clossbay City, one of them could not help but pique Valyr's interest, finding the player quite familiar. Thankfully, it did not take long for him to recall who the player was, letting out a light gasp in shock as he never expected the man to appear this early on in the game.

"Wait a minute… isn't that…"

"The guild leader?"

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