MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 645 Four Pillars: What Lies Below

Chapter 645 Four Pillars: What Lies Below



[Primitive Humanoid Quadrant Leader (Ancient Elite)] (Level 90 | Mini-boss)

Class: Elite Primitive Humanoid (Rare)

HP: 132,000/132,000

MP: 179,160/179,160

Attack: 5,216 - 5,216

Defense: 3,300 - 3,300

Stats: 825 VIT, 1304 STR, 1287 AGI, 825 DEX, 1493 INT, 1287 WIS, 657 PER, 300 LUK

Skills: [Great Primitive Combat Style], [Advanced Physical Damage Resistance], [Advanced Magical Damage Resistance], [Intermediate Physical Damage Nullification], [Intermediate Magical Damage Nullification], and 16 other skills.

Concepts: [Intent of Power]

Remarks: Has faint signs of sentience and conscience compared to its peers, allowing it to utilize its power more efficiently. Nevertheless, it still cannot be considered an actual human.


Looking at the content on the screen that appeared before him, Valyr instantly took note of the fact that four of the quadrant leader's stats had already far surpassed the four-digit mark.

Though it might seem like a four-digit stat was to be expected from those at the same rank as the quadrant leader, the reality couldn't be any further away from the truth.

Rather than aiming to reach Rank 5 for its strength, most people sought to reach Rank 5 for the sake of lengthening their lives. 

With that, these people opted to choose classes of lower rarities to hasten the process, with those that cared only a smidgen about strength selecting an Uncommon grade class at the very last minute.

Other than that, those people would've chosen a Common class all the way through.

Of course, that did not mean that it was impossible for a class of lower rarity to obtain stats that reached four digits. After all, there were many ways to obtain more stats, such as passive skills, elixirs, and the like.

However, that did not change the fact that beings with those kinds of stats were incredibly rare in the world of Veldanyr. 

In fact, those that have achieved such a feat had only done so either through choosing a high-rarity class, or by accumulating a lot of treasures for a long time.

With that, even though Valyr already had two stats that broke the four-digit mark without even equipping his armor set on, the young man did not treat the quadrant leader lightly, especially after taking note of its appearance.

Being mentioned by the remarks of the system itself, the quadrant leader seemed to show a low level of sentience, taking note of its territory as it flared its aura every once in a while to scare other primitive humanoids away.

Not only that, but compared to the other primitive humanoids, the quadrant leader looked incredibly close to a human. 

If anything, the only thing differentiating it from an actual human was the fact that there was a gaping hole on where its heart would be, prompting Valyr to wonder how the primitive humanoid could still remain standing.

Combined with the fact that the being seemed to be at least one and a half heads taller than him, Valyr felt somewhat intimidated by the quadrant leader, even though him going all out would undoubtedly even the playing field.

"Doesn't mean it doesn't have its own tricks up its sleeve," muttered the young man while shrugging after committing the information to memory. "Who knows what techniques [Great Primitive Combat Style] has?"

"Either way, I'll inform the others about this once we meet up later." Satisfied with the information he had gained from his quick reconnaissance session, Valyr began to make his return to where he previously was in the west quadrant.

Making sure to not attract the attention of any primitive humanoids along the way, the young man inwardly let out a sigh of relief after he had completely gotten out of the west quadrant's center.

Then, seeing that there were only a few primitive humanoids in the area he currently stood in, Valyr decided to activate [Traceless Slither] again, wanting to make the most of his time killing primitive humanoids before meeting up with the others.

However, just as he had shrouded his entire body in Shadow Energy…


"The hell?" Out of nowhere, the ground began to greatly shake all of a sudden, causing all of the primitive humanoids in the area to run away to safety.

As for Valyr, he forcefully suppressed the effects of the skill for the meantime, looking at his current surroundings with great curiosity as he wondered where the rumbling was coming from.

Then again, it did not take long for him to find out.


Hearing the ground beginning to crack, Valyr used [Hunter's Tracking Eyes] to its entirety to find where the crack had originated.

Though, at the very moment he did, he reactivated [Traceless Slither] and poured more Shadow Energy into it, incessantly cursing as the ground beneath him began to cave in.

"Oh, for fuck's sake."


In less than an instant, the crack underneath Valyr's feet quickly spread throughout the area, growing larger and larger until the entire thing had covered over a hundred meters in radius.

Then, with Valyr's weight acting as a catalyst, the ground began to cave in on itself, causing a large hole to soon appear near the center of the west quadrant.

Fortunately, the quadrant leader did not seem to care about parts of the west quadrant crumbling.

Or else Valyr's current situation would've gone from bad to worse.

"Totally fucked around and found out," murmured the young man, tightly gripping onto a long piece of rebar that jutted out from the edge of the large hole.

Then, putting all of his strength into his arms, he threw himself out of the hole, deftly landing on both of his feet a few meters away.

"Well, it could've been worse." Faintly sighing at the fact that it would be a while before he could return to his usual grinding spot, Valyr took a look at the sun's position for a bit before returning his attention to the large hole that had appeared.

Then, changing the perspective of [Hunter's Tracking Eyes] to hyperfocus, the young man eventually noticed that there were a few pathways at the bottom of the hole, all of which were barely illuminated by the light from the sun.

"To think there's more to the city ruins than the surface." Continuing to examine the bottom even further, Valyr eventually surmised that the surface and the bottom was separated by a couple hundred of meters at the very least.

With that, he wondered whether the bottom was just a network of paths that was used for fast transportation such as subways and the like.

However, he quickly pushed that thought to the back of his mind once his vision showed him a plethora of pitch-black circles beneath the pathways, all of which seemed to be moving every once in a while.

"Does that mean…?" Widening his eyes in disbelief, Valyr looked at the sun for a bit, then at the bottom of the hole.

Staring back and forth between the two, the young man eventually made up his mind and jumped down into the hole. "My curiosity won't let me rest if I don't get to the bottom of this."

"I guess it's time to take a detour and find out what lies below."

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