MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 727  Four Pillars: Six Rarities, Nine  Forms

Chapter 727  Four Pillars: Six Rarities, Nine Forms


Hearing a notification sound go off in his mind as the voice announced his completion, a wave of relief washed over Valyr's body.

With that, the young man gradually closed his eyes, feeling as if they were heavy for some reason.

However, before he could fully close them, Valyr took a step forward and put all of his strength into it.


Letting out a loud exhale, the young man took out a vial of rousing from his spatial bracelet and downed its contents.

"That… was close."

Thinking about how close he was to succumbing to the sleepiness, Valyr let out a low sigh.

At the same time, a wry smile adorned his face as he thought about the two other trials he had yet to go through.

"It would be nice if the trials would give me like a couple of hours to prepare," muttered the young man.

"But with how the most time they've given me so far is about ten minutes, that's probably not going to happen."

Whilst he was thinking about how nice it would be to get some proper rest, the elements making up the fourth trial gradually receded in the ground.

Not wanting to get caught up in the mess, Valyr distanced himself from the area before deciding to sit on the ground.

'I wonder how the others are faring?' Briefly staring at the sight before him, Valyr opened up his party chat and shot a message to the other four.

Surprisingly, it did not take long for the four to respond, their replies to his message only arriving after a couple of minutes had passed.

With that, Valyr found out that the four had actually not made much progress in their respective trials.

On the other hand, he had cleared the third and fourth trial of the Gates of Awakening, which made the four wonder whether the Gates of Awakening had reduced the difficulty of his trials.

After telling them that they were just as difficult as any of their trials, Valyr then read the four's messages on what kind of trials they were currently going through.

In a way, the trials were similar in nature to the ones Valyr had cleared so far, but was more tailored towards their respective classes.

With that, the young man began to ponder over why their trials seemed to pose more difficulty on them.

Though, before he could even obtain a plausible answer, a random notification sound broke his train of thought.


Deciding to close the party chat as to not disturb the others, Valyr opened up his notification screen with a slight frown.

Then again, that frown swiftly disappeared after he read the notifications he received.

[Due to the user understanding more concepts regarding the element of Fire, the active skill 'Intermediate Fire Manipulation' has evolved to Uncommon+ grade.]

[Due to the user understanding more concepts regarding the element of Fire, the active skill 'Intermediate Fire Magic Style' has evolved to Uncommon+ grade.]


Out of nowhere, a plethora of notifications had filled Valyr's screen, causing his eyes to widen in surprise as he read through each and every one.

Of course, by the time he had finished reading through all of it, Valyr had more or less understood what was going on.

"The Trial of Four Elements has that kind of effect, huh…" muttered the young man as he faintly smiled, now thinking that his previous hardships weren't actually all that bad.

After all, from what the notifications had told him, it resulted in the slight evolution of all the skills he owned related to the four elements.

"Would be nice if I come across another trial like this later on and it evolves all of the skills to the next grade," said the young man as he chuckled.

Sadly, before he could indulge himself any further with his idyllic thoughts, the monotonous voice interrupted him with yet another announcement.

Hearing the voice's words, Valyr let out a faint sigh.


After that, he stood up and listened intently to what the voice had to say.

"Let's do this."

Though the fourth trial was nowhere near what the first trial was, the fifth and sixth trial were actually pretty similar to what the second and third trial had him do.

Then again, it would be better to say that the fifth and sixth trial was indeed the second and third trial, but just extended in terms of difficulty.

With how the second trial had Valyr go through the first four rarities that an item could obtain while forging, the fifth trial improved upon that, calling itself the Trial of Six Rarities.

Of course, with that name alone, the young man already knew what to do.

Ttang! Ttang! Ttang!

Retrieving his Hammer of Beginnings from his spatial bracelet, Valyr forged six items in total, all of them meeting the minimum condition to complete the trial.

With how all six items were classified to be at least Rare grade by the system, the young man faintly smiled as he stored all six into his spatial bracelet.

Then, after what he considered a short reprieve from monotony, he was then swept into the six trial, which was aptly named the Trial of Nine Forms.

Hearing that, Valyr thought to himself that he would have to comprehend five more combat styles other than the four he had already comprehended before.

Though, after listening to the trial's words, all he needed to comprehend were just four more combat styles, which made up eight combat styles in total.

As for the additional one that gave the trial its name, the trial explained that the ninth form was a combat style that took in all of the benefits of the eight combat styles into one.

Naturally, Valyr felt like he should have chosen the second option after hearing this.

But fortunately, the trial mentioned that he only had to focus on comprehending the eight styles, with the ninth style being a sort of bonus from the trial itself.

Finding it somewhat peculiar that each even-numbered trial so far had given him a bonus reward, Valyr trudged through the monotony of the sixth trial and made progress.

Picking up the axe, dagger, whip, and bow, Valyr brought his comprehension of all these new styles, as well as the old styles, to the standard of the sixth trial.

The entrance to Uncommon grade.

Of course, it went without saying that such a task took more time than Valyr would've hoped.

In fact, he had consumed a couple of vials of rousing during the task due to how long it took.

Nevertheless, he still succeeded in the end.

'Congratulations, trial taker.'

'You have cleared the Trial of Nine Forms.'

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