Monarch of Evernight

Chapter 1385: Vibrations in The Void

Chapter 1385: Vibrations in The Void

He was also the commander of the military police. At least in name, the Northern Legion was the private army of a duke. Appointing such a person to supervise the unit was rather inappropriate, and a divine champion to boot.

Although Zhao Jundu introduced this person as Lin Wu, what Zhao Jundu recalled was his status. Not long ago, he was still cabinet inspector Fang Qingkong. The Northern Legion and Fang Qingkong used to be old subordinates of Lin Xitang, so there was definitely a connection there. Zhao Jundu decided against further questions after recalling this.

Both Zhao Jundu and Lin Wu looked calm and collected as they exchanged formalities.

The Zhao clan, the military, and the Northern Legion were the top three military powers on the Western Continent. Now that all the players were here, Zhao Ruqin briefly summarized all the intelligence reports for them.

Judging from the present circ.u.mstances, the foreign dark race fleet was targeting the rebel provinces. There were also reports that they had invested ground forces as well. Only two hours had passed since the onset, so they hadn’t received news about the actual situation on the ground.

The Empire simply couldn’t understand the purpose of this operation.

Although the rebel provinces were officially at war with both the Empire and Evernight, they were actually involved in far fewer armed conflicts between the two factions. Comparatively, they were more involved in shady trades.

Serene South and Desolate North produced very little natural resources; their wealth came from factional smuggling. The rebel provinces didn’t have any divine champion rank expert holding the fort. The commander of their White Heron Corps was reportedly at the threshold of the divine champion realm.

Hence, there was little meaning in the Evernight Council’s attack. The dark races should be very clear that the Empire wouldn’t sit by and watch them swallow the two provinces.

After Zhao Ruqin’s report, Zhao Junhong said thoughtfully, “That fleet consists solely of warsh.i.p.s, without any transports. That means their troop strength should not exceed twenty thousand.”

Zhao Ruqin nodded. “Yes, their deployed ground forces number around ten thousand.”

“No matter the quality of their troops, these numbers aren’t nearly enough to occupy two provinces,” Zhao Junhong said after some thought, “a beheading operation is quite suitable.”

Zhao Ruqin was a bit puzzled. “Whose head are we cutting off? The rebels? There has been no report of the dark races sending out their forces. Who is our target?”

It was at this moment that a small commotion arose outside, and someone ran over with heavy footsteps.

That person huffed and puffed, shouting, “General, please help Serene South! The dark races are slaughtering entire cities over there!”

Zhao Ruqin was shocked. He glanced over at his subordinate and the vice-captain of the city guard, Qi Ming. “What’s the matter? Where are our scouts? Tell them to report to us immediately.”

Qi Ming paused. “The scouts haven’t returned.”

Lin Wu said in a sinister tone, “The Zhao clan is indeed full of capable people. News reaches the defensive positions even faster than the dispatched spies.”

Zhao Jundu and Zhao Jundu turned to Lin Wu.

As an inspector, Lin Wu was notorious for being harsh, but it was also a proven fact that he never made things up or spoke without thinking. Saying such a thing now probably involved a deeper meaning.

Zhao Ruqin wasn’t in the mood to solve riddles. His subordinate had charged through the defensive perimeter in the presence of the Zhao siblings, only to make this random report. This mistake would be his to bear, so he couldn’t help but ask angrily, “Where did you get this information?”

Qi Ming mumbled, “Some people escaped from Serene South and have arrived here.”

Zhao Ruqin frowned. There were too many problems behind this reply, but this wasn’t the right time to bicker with the man. All he could do was give the most direct order, “Summon them!”

Qi Ming immediately ran down the building.

Lin Wu spoke at this point, “General Zhao, you know that the times are special. You should be more cautious about the defenses, don’t let them trick you into opening the gates.”

Zhao Ruqin was angry, but he had nothing to say. There was really an incident where the rebels had helped the dark races attack the Zhao clan by pretending to be refugees. It was just that such a scheme wouldn’t work so well in a place like Serene Pass, where there were powerful experts.

Zhao Jundu and Zhao Junhong said nothing besides exchanging a few glances. The two of them could sense some faint hostility from Lin Wu—it was as though he knew some secrets—those that could harm the Zhao clan.

Qi Ming returned swiftly, bringing with him a panicked middle-aged man.

After questioning him, they learned that he was a trader who happened to be delivering some goods to White Heron Corps’ city of Fucheng. There, he ran into the dark races slaughtering the entire city.

The trader couldn’t recount the details because he turned and fled from the city gates. He was fortunate enough to have used a small airship to transport his goods. There was no way he would’ve escaped otherwise.

His message confirmed a few points. Firstly, the city gates were open, which meant that the battle had broken out before they could prepare. Second, the White Heron Corps had been devoured by flames. Third, the dark race soldiers were killing indiscriminately on the streets. The citizens there were mostly mixed-breeds who looked more like dark race members, but the soldiers did not care. Fourth, he saw signs of fighting in several other cities on his way to Serene Pass.

Everyone was surprised.

Zhao Ruqin waved his hand, gesturing for Qi Ming to take the man away. The latter only accompanied the merchant to the stairs before returning to the room, seeking permission to do battle.

Zhao Ruqin frowned deeply. This matter wasn’t so simple—not to mention this message from the merchant was a one-sided story, the Zhao clan would have to think carefully even if he were speaking the complete truth.

Marching by land would draw fire from the rebel cities along the way. Going by air would put them within range of the duke-grade fleet in the void. They would have to be prepared for a major battle.

Qi Ming was clearly anxious. He could recognize the Zhao siblings, and he could also tell from Lin Wu’s clothing that he was a general. He didn’t dare speak loudly after the initial burst of recklessness. All he could do was try to convince Zhao Ruqin quietly.

The latter cut him short, “Go and see if our scouts have returned.” They could not rely on a single merchant’s words for such an important matter.

Qi Ming wanted to say something, but Lin Wu suddenly jumped down from the city wall and returned with the merchant from before.

Without so much as a word, he cut open the merchant’s shirt and revealed the bluish-white flexible armor within.

This was an inner armor characteristic of elite soldiers, and the color happened to match the White Heron Corps. Apparently, things were so urgent that he had no time to change his inner armor.

The man began to tremble in fear. Qi Ming’s expression also shifted drastically.

Zhao Ruqin’s expression turned dark as he glared at the man.

It was clear that this merchant and Qi Ming were acquaintances. How else could a stranger visiting Serene Pass for the first time meet the vice-captain of the guard and even convince him of his story? No one pointed that out because both the Empire and rebels were humans. Despite the state of war, the two sides weren’t without contact.

As vice-captain of the guard, however, it made a big difference whether his friend was a member of the rebel army or an ordinary merchant.

Knowing that he could no longer hide the truth, Qi Ming explained urgently that this person was actually the White Heron Corps’ logistics officer and that everything he said was true except for his identity.

Zhao Ruqin summoned the guards and ordered them to take the logistics officer into custody. Before they could deal with Qi Ming, however, everyone glanced toward a certain direction at the same time—they seemed to have sensed something.

Even from this distance, they could see something akin to a curtain in the sky being lifted by a giant hand. And from this space emerged a city in the sky!

Those with a greater visual range like Zhao Jundu and Lin Wu could even see the silhouettes of dark race soldiers within. The little dots in the sky above the city were actually warsh.i.p.s.

The monitoring sentries sent an urgent report at this point, saying that the duke-grade fleet had descended into the airspace of Serene South.

Zhao Ruqin exclaimed in shock, “What is that thing?”

Qi Ming cried out, “General, look! I told you, this is an invasion!”

Lin Wu said, “Even if it’s an invasion, it’s an invasion of Serene South. What does that have to do with you?”

Qi Ming turned around with bloodshot eyes, no longer caring what major character Lin Wu was. “Those in Serene South are also humans!”

Lin Wu said coldly, “They’re humans, yes, but why must the Empire fight for them if they’re not part of the Empire?”

Zhao Jundu and Zhao Junhong frowned. Lin Wu’s words were a clear trap, and Qi Ming was already jumping into it.

Before anyone could stop him, Qi Ming tightened his fists. “Even if they are rebels, there are a lot of civilians too!”

Lin Wu’s expression was indifferent as he sized the man up. “I’m guessing your family is there?”

Even Zhao Qinru, who had been unresponsive all this time, realized that things weren’t going well.

As expected, Qi Ming said, “Correct, my wife is in Fucheng and she just gave birth to a son three months ago. War is war, but the women and children are innocent. As humans, we should be helping one another against the Evernight!”

At the same time that Lin Wu let out a soft chuckle, Zhao Ruqin knocked Qi Ming out and asked the men to drag him away.

Lin Wu said calmly, “There are quite a few people exchanging information between the two sides, but I really wonder why he would put his family there.”

Zhao Ruqin had nothing to say at this point. Zhao Junhong cleared his throat and said, “Commander Lin might be in the capital most of the time, but you seem to know a lot about the Western Continent.”

Lin Wu said, “Rumors that Marshal Lin wasn’t dead yet spread from Fucheng of Serene South. It spread through the Swallow West Province in a single day, reaching the Imperial capital by the second. The news had reached Victory Hall by midnight and even to the city of Revelation. I finally know where this efficiency comes from.”

Lin Wu’s words were so direct that there was no way to feign ignorance. Even Zhao Junhong couldn’t help but look distressed and Zhao Ruqin wanted nothing more than to be deaf at this point.

Only Zhao Jundu looked the man in the eye. “I’ll definitely give Commander Lin an explanation about this.”

He pointed at the floating city in the distance. “That flying fortress looks like the semi-dimensional weapon we have in our records. What are your thoughts on that?”

Lin Wu said, “Northridge Monarch said he sensed a vibration in the void; that must’ve come from the floating city’s spatial jump.”

Zhao Jundu said with a frown, “Does this mean only heavenly monarchs can sense it?”

Lin Wu said, “I’m afraid so. There’s no guarantee that our current surveillance technology can detect it reliably. There is no moment of calm in the void, and the vibrations could be from void tempests, star trails, or prismatic turbulence.”

Zhao Jundu nodded. “I’ll go and take a look.”

Lin Wu said, “You’d best not. Our records say that this weapon’s range can cover an entire province, and it’s capable of destroying all land structures. Now that it has appeared after a thousand years of dormancy, I have a feeling it’s not just to intimidate us. They’re going to fire it. Let’s observe the situation before doing anything.”

Zhao Jundu repeated, “Destroy all land structures.”

Everyone was silent. They could tell what this meant if the records weren’t exaggerated.

Lin Wu said, “According to the Empire’s weaponry classification, this is at least a heavenly monarch grade weapon. However, we shouldn’t ask the Elder Prince before we get some data at least.

The silence this time was even longer. No one dared to mention anything about helping Serene South. Regardless of whether the rebels were setting up a trap for the Empire or if they were purely victims, the sole purpose of grey zones—as far as the Empire was concerned—was to serve as buffer zones. To be blunt, it was also to acc.u.mulate data about the new weapon.

A sudden voice descended from above, “The Old Prince will oversee Everlasting City.”

A figure slowly landed before the group, a man wearing a marshal’s uniform with no insignia whatsoever. Apart from the ramrod-straight posture of a soldier, there was no special characteristic about him.

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