Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 145: The Classroom

Chapter 145: The Classroom

The classroom was dark and empty sans for one person. She was shivering in a corner even though it was a hot summer night. The girl was barely seventeen and was wearing a school uniform. Her name tag 'Jeon Gayoon' was stuck on her chest.

The girl was shaking badly as she hid her head in her knees, desperately shutting her ears.

"Stop" she moaned. "Please stop"

The soft thumping of footsteps was approaching her way. There was no one else in the school except her and yet, the footsteps were slowly heading towards the classroom. Gayoon cowered back in fear, her cheeks stained with tears. It could sense her presence there and no matter how much she tried, she could not get rid of it. 

The footsteps stopped in front of the classroom door. Gayoon backed up against the wall as the door slowly opened. She dreaded the thing that was about to come in.

No! She begged. Someone save me! Please!

The door was fully open. A pale looking boy in large, nerdy glasses entered the classroom. He had slick hair and was taller than her by a foot. He wore the same uniform as her and scanned the room until his eyes fell on her.

"Gayoon?" he asked in astonishment. "What are you doing here?"

Gayoon did not reply but backed up against the wall, not daring to talk. The boy took pity on her and came towards her. He touched her shoulder but she squirmed away.

"Why are you so scared?" he asked in a concerned voice. "Gayoon, what happened?"

She looked on the verge of crying but did not dare to do so. Her voice would not come out as the boy patted her head.

"Gayoon, why are you so afraid of me?" he asked. "Don't you know how much I love you?"

"Stop!" she begged. "Just stop!"

"Gayoon, I know we are meant to be," the boy went on. "Don't you remember how much I love you? Is it because of this?"

He pointed at the large hole on his chest and grinned. Gayoon shut her eyes and turned away from the entity which had been stalking her for months, ruining her peace of mind and driving her insane.

Ahjusshi, where are you? She cried inwardly but the boy was simply smiling at her.

"Gayoon, those bullies threw me off the roof and I ended up being spiked by the sharp fences," he said. "But I love you so much that I ended up coming back for you! And won't even look at me?"

The boy's ghost had never imagined that the girl he had loved so much would end up seeing his spirit. It was like fate. They were destined to be together and since then, he had been following her. He came into her dreams, determined to make her fall in love with him.

"Gayoonieee" he called her. The very nickname he had for her sent chills down her spine. She backed off further but there was no escape from this nightmare. No matter how many times she tried to get rid of him, he kept on coming back to haunt her. Her abilities had attracted a highly dangerous stalker who was hellbent on making her his property.

"Don't you want to be with me, Gayoonie?" he asked. A demonic grin was etched on his face and Gayoon wanted to scream but her voice betrayed her. He stretched out a cold hand towards her.


The hand kept on coming closer and closer until it was only centimeters away from her. She did not want it to touch her. The very thought of being with that spirit in that room was hellish for her.

Ahjusshi! She cried in her thoughts. Save me, please!

But there was no one to help her. She was all alone in the school and there was no one who would rescue her.

"Please...don't do this" she wept but the boy did not care. Gayoon was his and his alone. No one else could ever take her away from him.

"We are meant to be together...forever" he whispered, his hand almost brushing against her skin, making her crawl in disgust.

Suddenly, the door burst open and the lights were turned on. Gayoon collapsed in shock, her strength giving away. The bright lights shone directly above her eyes but her vision was blurry. A tall silhouette was walking towards her, calling out her name. 

"It's alright" 

Who was it? Was it ahjusshi? But that was not his voice.

"Don't be'll be okay"

She wanted to thank her savior but her body was too fatigued and she blacked out.


Gayoon slowly opened her eyes only to be momentarily confused by the white lights which were shining above her. For a second, she thought wildly that she was back in high school and tried to frantically sit up but a strong pair of hands held her down.

"NO!" she screamed. "LET ME GO!"

"The patient is being violent!" the attending doctor yelled. "I think she's in shock! Nurse! Nurse! Come in here!"

The doctor tried to hold her down but the detective was too much to handle on her own.

"NURSE!" the doctor called but Gayoon was not calming down at all.

"LET ME GO!" she yelled. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

"Detective, you have to relax!" the doctor exclaimed, trying to calm her down but Gayoon was not in her right mind. She was too scared and pushed the doctor aside before scrambling off the bed. But her body could not tolerate the sudden outburst of strength and before she could run, she fell forward only to be caught by a strong pair of arms.

The familiar warmth of the person calmed her down and she clinged on to him. Minho was taken aback by Gayoon's screams and was even more shocked to see her acting that way. She completely broke down in front of him, unaware of whom she was holding onto. There was something which had scared her a lot and she hid her face in his chest, crying hard.

The doctor tried to intervene but Minho held up his hand, motioning her to stop. She understood the cue and quietly left the room.

There were many things he wanted to ask her. He wanted her to explain what was happening to their daughter and whether she knew of Jina's abilities. They had many issues to sort out.

But at that moment, he simply let her cry.

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