Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 147: One Month Later

Chapter 147: One Month Later

Minho strutted along the aisles with his team in tow, trying to keep up with him. Jongin and Lia were nervous as they followed their boss around the shopping mall while he checked all the shops for their revenue generation reports.

"Sir, this one is our highest earning store," Jongin explained, pointing at an apparel shop which catered to the high end and upscale customers.

"Also our biggest spender," Minho rebutted. "Its earnings were twenty five million per month but spending was thirty million. Get rid of their wifi connections. All staff are to be charged for cell phone data instead. They've been spending way too much on the internet, browsing unnecessary websites."

"But sir-"

"And cut off their electricity line for one hour everyday."


"And none of the staff are to work overtime without informing their managers. I want a roster for it. They've been taking too many overtime shifts for unnecessary tasks."

Jongin gaped at his boss who kept on walking. Donning a long dark coat and sunglasses, their CEO looked like a runway model. Yet, he still had the temper of a volcano.

"Vesudas has been making our lives miserable!" Lia complained. "Why doesn't he go home? It's been so many days! He's been going home after 1 am every night and arrives at work at 6 am!"

"Shhh!" Jongin warned her. "Don't talk about home! You know how riled up he gets whenever someone talks about his home."

Lia scowled. For the past one month, the Vesudas had been literally staying at the office, making everyone's lives a living nightmare with his numerous projects and infinite amount of tasks. The employees thought after his girlfriend got discharged, he would go home to her. But to their dismay, he kept on overworking himself to the point he rarely went back home anymore.

"Rumor is that there's trouble in paradise," Jongin whispered. "If you talk about his girlfriend, he'll flare up."

"But she's still living with him, isn't she?" Lia asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes," he replied. "The CEO's girlfriend is living with him. But they're in separate rooms! She's been staying with his daughter ever since she has been discharged. Just yesterday, she called me to check up on him but he refused to talk."

"I wonder what's going on," Lia wondered. 

"Jongin!" Minho barked. "Where are the sales report for shop number 271?"

"Yes sir!" Jongin exclaimed and scurried towards Minho. The latter took the reports and frowned.

"They made 0.5% profit less than last month," he stated. "What happened to my 0.5% profit, Jongin?"

Jongin gulped as Minho gave him a threatening look. "The shop had to be refurbished," Jongin squeaked. "Their old furniture were scrapping off so we had to order a few new ones! But their revenue picked up after-"

"And they couldn't work harder to cover up those costs?" Minho spat. "Tell them to either pick up their business or get outta here!"

"Yes sir!" Jongin squeaked. Why doesn't this nightmare end? He moaned silently. He could not even go on a date with his new girlfriend over the past month and she was on the verge of breaking up with him!

Please fix the CEO's love life, he prayed to all the gods he could think of. Please!


Jongin wanted to cry while Lia pitied his state. It was going to be a long day for all of them.


Jina was concentrating very hard. The atmosphere was tense as she eyed the red piece while Gayoon peered at her. Putting her hand on the striker, she hit it towards the red piece. Gayoon held her breath as the striker slid towards the red piece and missed it by a few inches.

"Oh no!" Jina wailed while Gayoon smiled smugly. 

"My turn!" she said gleefully only for someone to clear their throat loudly.

"I believe it's Casper's turn," Yumi pointed out. 

"Technically, we're on the same team," Gayoon stated. "Since you guys can't touch the pieces directly, you'll have to direct our hands to aim."

Casper nodded as Gayoon took her position. He put his cold fingers on hers, directing her aim towards the red piece. They had been playing carrom for hours and so far it was a tie. Jina and Yumi had won twice while Gayoon and Casper had also won twice. This was a tie breaker round. Whichever team struck the red piece first, would win.

"This one's mine!" Gayoon declared. Casper impatiently tapped on her palm.

"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes. "This one is ours!"

She carefully aimed the striker at the red piece and struck it. As if in a slow motion, the striker slid through the board, hitting the red piece. Jina and Yumi watched in dismay as the piece went into the hole.

"YES!" Gayoon yelled in victory, holding out her hand in the air for Casper to high five her. "WE WON!"

She wanted to do a victory dance but her stitches might reopen if she did. Instead she held up a V sign.

"Tch!" Jina scowled. "Aren't you ashamed to be so harsh on your own daughter?"

"Everything is fair in love and war dear," Gayoon said wisely. "And carrom is war."

"You won against an eight year old!" Yumi protested. "If I were alive, I'd have beaten you in a snap!"

Gayoon stuck out her tongue towards Yumi's direction. After being discharged from the hospital, she had been spending her days spending time with Jina and also got to know the ghosts she hung out with. Surprisingly, Casper turned out to be a wise one and even befriended Gayoon. He was mute but had a friendly attitude, something which was rare in the ghost world. 

Yumi, on the other hand, was impulsive and loud yet, kind hearted. She and Jina squabbled a lot but the ghost was fiercely protective of the little girl.

"Jina, it's almost 9 PM!" Yumi reminded her.

"Oh oh yes!" Jina squealed. "It's time for...him!"

"Him?" Gayoon questioned. "Who?"

"It's this idol we've been crushing on!" Yumi told her. Turning to Jina, she added, "Turn on the TV!"

Jina moved over to pick up the remote and turn on the TV in front of them. Instantly, the screen came to life, showing a live audience. A portly host, Kim Changshin, came into view.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" he roared. "Now it's time to introduce our special guest for tonight. He's the heartthrob who has been your top idol for the past nine years! The man who won all the international music awards and is fresh from his Oscar win for Best Original Song! Put your hand together for, Ahn Jaewan!"

The audience cheered loudly as the tall, muscular man entered the stage. He was the same age as Gayoon, with short dark hair. His hazel eyes held a devilish charm while his full lips broke into a crooked smile. The man was as handsome as a Greek god and was even dubbed as the 'Apollo of Country K'.

"You really made it big," Gayoon murmured with a small smile. "Ahn Jaewan."

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