Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 160: Money Lover's Repentance (2)

Chapter 160: Money Lover's Repentance (2)

The people around them were snickering at the strange man who stood on his leg, creepily smiling at the school building. Some were even whispering at his odd behavior.

"Is he a pedophile?" one woman whispered.

"Why is he doing that?"


Minho was painfully aware of the things people were telling about him and he wanted to run away from the spot with his pride intact. But his pride would have to be trampled upon if he wanted Gayoon to truly forgive him.

The task, it seemed, was going to be more difficult than he had imagined.

As he stood in front of the gate in the strange pose, his insides were screaming at him. Gayoon was laughing hard and took out her phone to take pictures. The view was too funny to miss and she would make sure to remind him of this for the rest of his life.

"Yo money lover!" she giggled. "Smile for the camera!"

He turned to the camera, forcing a scary smile on his lips. The guy really did not know how to laugh, Gayoon sighed. Her mind was flashing with ideas of what she wanted him to do for the week. 

Revenge was so sweet.

Jina was happily humming and strolling out of the school building when the sight caught her eyes. She stopped in her steps, rubbing her eyes over and over again to make sure that she was seeing it right.

"What the hell?" she frowned. "Is that my dad?"

Her dad was standing in front of the school building, posing like a scarecrow! That too with a scary smile!

She did not say anything but covered her face and pretended not to know him. If anyone found out that her dad was the scary guy at the school entrance. Minho had hoped his daughter would come to his rescue but she bolted towards her mother completely ignoring him!

"What is he doing?" Jina whispered at her mother.

"Your dad is gonna do my bidding for the rest of the week," Gayoon smirked. 


"Let's just say that he deserved it," she giggled with her eyes on the money lover who was now clearly in pain from standing on one foot for too long.

"Can I shift to the other leg?" he asked, not breaking his smile.

"No!" Gayoon replied. Minho sighed and continued to stand in that pose while people laughed at him. It was going to be one long week.


Junwan was in his office, reading the files on the CCK investigation. Taejoon stood in front of him, reporting every detail of it.

"The girl, Dohyun, is still mentally not fit to stand for trial," Taejoon reported. "She has permanent brain injury and the courts will probably give a not guilty verdict."

"This is an embarrassment!" Junwan cursed, throwing the files away. "My highly competitive police force could not catch the criminal and instead let her be apprehended by a bunch of amaetuer sleuths!"

He was very much ashamed of how Taejoon's team handled the situation. Moreover, they even let another detective get kidnapped and almost killed!

"We should thank the gods that Gayoon did not report a case of negligence against you!" he spat. "Otherwise, no one would have been able to save you from this."

"Gayoon was not even supposed to be in this case!" Taejoon argued.

"But she was hired by Hwang Minho to find his sister and technically, she had solved her part of the case," Junwan countered. "I made the mistake of letting her off the case and hand it to a bunch of imbeciles who could not even put their egos aside! This is an embarrassment!"

Taejoon looked down in shame. He was guilty for letting his ego get to him which had almost killed Gayoon. But there was no point in crying over spilt milk.

"I'll try to do even better," he promised. 

"What did you see when you found the doctor in that cabin?" Junwan asked.


How should he explain it? The sight they had seen was strange and inhuman, making him question as to what really happened that night.

"That night, my team arrived at the spot around five minutes after midnight," he narrated. "But when we entered, the place was a mess. Detective Jeon Gayoon was heavily injured by the CCK and Hwang Minho rushed her outside towards the police car which we had brought along. My team and I went inside the cabin and saw"

He trailed off for a while, unable to form his words.

"What did you see?" Junwan pressed.

"The place was a complete mess," Taejoon finally said. "It looked as if a storm had blown over there! The lab equipment was broken and scattered all over the floor while the window panes were shattered to pieces. There was blood all over the room and Doctor Dohyun...she did not look like a human at all!"

"What nonsense are you spouting, Taejoon?" Junwan scoffed.

"She looked as if she was badly beaten but they were all self inflicted" Taejoon replied. "In fact, when we got there, she was lashing out at everyone, scratching and biting herself. She was not sane at all. She kept on picking on her wounds, making them bleed even more. And she had surprising strength! We needed ten people to tie her down and take her to the van. It was insane!"

Junwan sat back and frowned at what he had just heard. "But this girl didn't have any prior medical diagnosis, right?" he asked. "She always had a healthy mind according to her family members. They were shocked to hear of her deeds."

"She never had any fascination with the CCK either," Taejoon stated. "In fact, she only visited Doctor Nam's room briefly during one of her routine check ups which were part of her medical curriculum. Other than those, she never had any contact with him. Furthermore, she would have been too young to remember what the CCK did all those years ago."

"And no one knew about Doctor Nam being the CCK," he added. "So how did she come across such details? It's almost as if she was possessed by the CCK himself."

Possessed? Junwan was fixated on that word. His eyes fell on Lan Dongwook's file which lay next to him. Even if the cases were unrelated, Lan Dongwook's wife had also searched for spirit possessions before she was killed. In both cases, the culprits had no prior mental disorder and yet, ended up killing people around them. 

How did two seemingly normal people change so abruptly? Was that even possible? Were they truly hiding a sinister side or was there something more?

I must find out, he decided.

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