Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 162: Money Lover's Repentance (4)

Chapter 162: Money Lover's Repentance (4)

"Oppa, you were so cool in that spy movie!" Jina chattered. "The way you jumped from the building made my heart flutter!"

She blushed hard, remembering the scene where Jaewan chased a villain of the movie and jumped from the ten storey building only to catch the bad guy using a parachute. She could not help but repeat the scene over and over again. It was her favorite movie and she never got tired of watching it.

"It was a tough scene," Jaewan bragged. "I did the stunts myself. My body is very strong and I work out a lot."

He flexed his biceps which made the little girl squeal. Even Gayoon was impressed by how much he maintained himself. Minho, on the other hand, scowled. The guy was a skinny chicken!

"You really do work out," she said in astonishment, poking the bicep only for Minho's temper to reach boiling point. For the first time in his life, the Vesudas was forced to keep his lave from erupting as Gayoon checked out Jaewan's muscles.

"Tch!" Minho scoffed. "Going to the gym is no biggie!"

"Oh really?" Jaewan shot back. "What would spoilt billionaires like you know about good health? We work hard to maintain our image unlike you folks who die young due to the stress and bad habits you accumulate over the years."

Before Minho could reply, Gayoon said, "But Hwang Minho goes to the gym everyday. In fact, he has a very good body."

She said it in an offhand way because it was the truth. After seeing him in his towel during the CCK investigation, she knew that Minho maintained himself well so she corrected Jaewan's misconception. Instead, Jaewan's face contorted into an expression of disgust while Minho smirked triumphantly.

"Yeah," Jina piped in. "Coz as per my dad, the healthier he is, the longer he'll live. The longer he lives, the more money he can earn."

"That's right," Minho agreed. "You see, unlike some people, we earn money through hard work and not just by our pretty faces."

"At least my face will remain pretty," Jaewan said with a smile. "The faces of CEO's become old and wrinkled by the time they're in their later thirties. You're thirty six, right? You better start taking care of your skin now. Although"

He peered at Minho's skin making the money lover uncomfortable. 

"Yep, your wrinkles are already showing," Jaewan said smugly. Gayoon and Jina also glanced at Minho's shocked expression.

"Yeah I do see some around the eyes," Gayoon murmured.

"Dad, you really need to take care of your skin more," Jina nodded.

"I'm naturally very handsome," Minho boasted. "I don't need to take extra care of my skin when I can use the time to make money. Unlike some people, I don't have the time to indulge myself with cosmetic surgeries!"

Jaewan was aghast at the jibe. He did have a surgery done on his nose but that was because it was injured during a performance! The doctor just happened to reduce it a little as per Jaewan's instructions.

"Your nose does look different-" Gayoon was saying but Jaewan was irritated at the money lover and overrode her words.

"At least I have something more to value than money!" he snapped. "My face earns millions on its own so I can focus on things that really matter."

"And what is that?" Minho asked in a sarcastic tone. "Bathroom cleaners?"

"Oh you think you're better than me?" Jaewan snorted. "Let's have an arm wrestling competition to see who's better!"

"You sure you can handle my strength with your bony hands?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow. Truthfully, both of them were of the same build and possibly had the same amount of strength. But with Gayoon's affections on the line, they wanted to beat each other and win her over by showing off their superiority. 

Their prize jewel, on the other hand, was getting annoyed while Jina chanted, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Are you two crazy-" Gayoon began but was overridden again, this time by Minho.

"I used to box during high school," Minho stated, putting his arm on the table.

"I used to do karate," Jaewan shot back.

"I can lift at least 100 kilos of weight!"

"I can lift 200 kilos!"

Gayoon's nerve was now twitching as the two grown men acted like children, glaring at each other like some kind of love rivals. Jina, however, was very amused and took out her phone to click pictures of her idol and her father having a go at each other. 

She was having the best week of her life. First she got to meet her idol and now her father was competing with Jaewan in arm wrestling. This was a dream come true for her!

"Are you sure those muscles aren't for show?" Jaewan taunted, as he clasped Minho's hand.

"Unlike you, I don't make false claims!" Minho retorted, tightening his fingers around Jaewan's palm. Their reputation was at stake and both men were determined to bring the other down in Gayoon's eyes. 

What they failed to notice was that Gayoon was reaching her maximum limit with the two big babies. Pulling her sleeves behind and flexing her fingers, she was ready to smack sense into them.

"On three!" Jaewan declared. Minho nodded as Jaewan counted, "One...two.thr-"

Suddenly both of their heads were pinned to the table as a pair of strong hands pressed on them hard. Gayoon's eyes were filled with her ferocious temper while Jina clicked pictures on her phone. 

After all their big talks about strength, they could not stand a chance against Gayoon's assault.

"You two are annoying," she gritted. "Boasting about strength when you know very well that between us three, I'm stronger than two of you combined. Now, enough of this nonsense and let's eat in peace!"

Minho and Jaewan wheezed as she pressed them harder before letting them go. The two men panted, rubbing their heads and murmuring apologies while Gayoon returned to her seat. The staff around they were impressed by the lady who subdued two men twice her size and height. 

"Mommy is the best!" Jina exclaimed happily, kissing her mother's cheek. Minho and Jaewan's eyes met for a brief second, both of them realizing that they did agree on one crucial fact.

Jeon Gayoon was freakishly strong.

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