Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 180: Cashless, Kissless Date (1)

Chapter 180: Cashless, Kissless Date (1)

Minho was alarmed at Gayoon's reaction. While narrating the story, he noticed how clammy her palms were becoming and even though she did not realize it, her body was shivering. The shivering was becoming more evident with every word and whatever happened next was definitely something she did not want to recall.

Gayoon paused, unsure of how to go on. All those memories from nine years ago were haunting her again, but she owed Minho the truth.

"After that night I-" she went on but to her surprise, Minho put his palm on her lips. He stood too close to her and whilst she was scared, she was also grateful for the warmth emitting from him. She did not realize how fast her heart was beating while she narrated her tale but seeing him up close, she

"That's enough for today," he whispered. 

"But you need to know the truth," she mumbled from behind his palm, causing him to sigh.

"Not when you're clearly becoming traumatized," he told her. "I'll listen to the rest when you're ready to tell me."

Gayoon blinked at him with her large round eyes. A blush crept up in her cheeks as he removed his palm from her lips. She averted her eyes and nstead focused on Mimi who was still catatonic.

"She still couldn't fight off her demons," she said softly. Seeing Mimi in such a state saddened her and she wished that she could do something for her.

Mimi's mouth was drooling and saliva was flowing out of it. She made some grunting noise. Minho was about to step in to help her but Gayoon beat him to it. She picked up a cloth and gently wiped the drool off her face. Mimi's mouth moved a little before she turned the other way.

"Is there any way to heal her?" Gayoon asked. "Any treatment? Medicine? Anything?"

"No," Minho sighed. "There isn't any way to cure her. The doctors have tried everything but she's not responding to any treatment."

It was the only failure in his life. He could not help the woman who had saved them. The pain inflicted by CCK was so great that no matter how much she tried, she simply could not fight it off. Not many people had the guts to face their fears like Mimi did.

He glanced at Gayoon and could not help but marvel at her quiet strength. In his anger, he did not realize that she had passed not one but several hurdles, each worse the one before. She managed to survive CCK's torture, something which even he could not tolerate. If it was not for her, he would have caved in to CCK's ploy to shoot Dohyun and become a murderer.

"Let's go," he suggested. "She needs to rest."

Gayoon nodded and they slowly walked out of the room. She glanced one last time at Mimi who was still lying on the bed, unable to fathom anything around her. The woman who was the first survivor of CCK, could not survive her demons. Seeing her only strengthened Gayoon's resolve to live a full life with her loved ones.

We'll live a happy life, she promised. For your sake, we will.

Minho led her to his car and opened the door for her. She got in and after a few seconds, he also entered the car. Gayoon was about to pull her seat belt when Minho leaned over and pulled it for her. She drew a sharp breath as his honey flavored scent hit her nostrils. He was careful not to touch her as he buckled her seat belt.

She was very still, her heart racing madly at their proximity. They had not been this close ever since that night at the garden which seemed like a hundred years ago. Minho noted her cheeks had turned redder and he smirked at her before pulling back.

Don't cave in! Gayoon told herself. You can't let him off the hook this easily!

Minho was highly amused at her internal dilemma. He knew very well that she was trying hard to stay angry at him but was fighting a losing battle. For some reason, he found her antics extremely adorable. In many ways, Jina resembled her and inwardly, he was glad that their daughter was growing up to be as feisty as her.

Gayoon suddenly felt something patting her head. She looked around to find Minho giving her a rare yet genuine smile.

"You did well," he said. "Little pet of mine."

"Pet?" she frowned. "Who the hell are you calling a pet, you money lover?"

She slapped his hand away in annoyance. Minho was about to laugh but seeing Gayoon's angry expression, he stifled his amusement. Her curses still echoed in his ears and he did not want a reenactment of that night.

"If I remember correctly," she said with a stern look. "You are my pet for the week. Didn't someone say that he'd do my bidding?"

Minho narrowed his eyes at the sly detective. He had hoped that she would probably forget about her anger and they could resume their relationship but it seemed like climbing the Everest would be easier than winning over Jeon Gayoon's heart.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked her. "Name anything and I'll do it. If you want me to buy you the most expensive thing on this planet, I'll get it as well."

"Huh?" Gayoon scowled. "You'll actually spend money for my sake?"

Minho seemed to be struggling with himself at the thought of spending money but finally said, "Yes. I will."

A sly grin came upon Gayoon's face. The money lover was willing to spend money on her and it was one chance most girls would not let go of. Too bad he was dealing with her.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "It's the easy way out. Buying my affections with money won't do. You gotta do the exact opposite."

"Opposite?" Minho echoed.

"Yep," Gayoon declared. She turned towards him, her face beaming as if she was very proud at herself for coming up with a plan to torment him.

"I want you to take me on a cashless, kissless date!" she announced.

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