Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 182: Cashless, Kissless Date (3)

Chapter 182: Cashless, Kissless Date (3)

"You what?" Mina exclaimed, almost sputtering out her coffee. Gayoon sat across her, sipping on caramel latte while describing her mission to Minho. The latter had arrived at Mina's hospital to talk about the latest task and Mina could not help but gape at her. Jina was at the children's ward, playing with the kids there while Gayoon and Mina talked about the recent developments. Mina canceled on her brother in order to help Gayoon with her relationship woes.

"A cashless and kissless date!" Gayoon stated. "He has to prepare a date where he can't spend money and can't kiss me."

Mina snorted. "Knowing my brother, you just handed him a plate full of gold bars!" she snapped. "The guy must have been elated to know that he doesn't have to spend any money on this date!"

"He actually offered me to buy the most expensive thing in the world," Gayoon shrugged.

"What was he gonna get you? The Titanic?" Mina scoffed. "I'd say, rip his wallet apart and bankrupt him!"

"That seemed too easy," Gayoon mumbled. Mina was peering at her with suspicion.

"Don't tell me" she began, leaning over her desk. Gayoon backed off under her scrutiny.


"Shhh!" Gayoon shushed her. "Yes," she admitted. "I did."

She was not going to lie but she really missed Minho over the past month. His anger hurt her and this was a good opportunity to get to know each other more. Just the thought of what he was going to plan made her heart flutter like a schoolgirl.

"I...I just want to have a normal life," Gayoon said, looking at her fingers. "And give Jina a good example. I mean. Everything so far has been not so normal. What is Jina learning from us? She's seeing her parents being distant and this is gonna shape up her views about relationships in the future! Besides, I don't like to fight with him. Maybe this is what we need. To stop for a minute and"

Mina stared at her for a minute before sighing. "After hearing that, I can't even be mad at you for letting him off so easily," she grumbled. Then she frowned.

"But I've heard your last date was a disaster," she stated. "Kanji told me how my brother got you flowers you were allergic to, almost took you to a sad play and you ended up paying for dinner."

"What are you talking about?" Gayoon asked curiously. "I had a lot of fun!"


"He didn't know about the flowers," Gayoon went on. "But at dinner, he was kind to the restaurant owner and even offered her a full time catering job in this office. Then he got me a really nice bracelet and even wore the tie I gifted him. It was hard to get it because everything was so expensive at the mall! Thankfully, they put up a last minute discount sale. Everything was sold at a huge discount."

Mina's mouth fell in shock while Gayoon was oblivious to everything else. She was recalling their first date with a misty look in her eyes and a shy smile on her lips.

"And when he dropped me off at home, he"

Gayoon trailed off, remembering their kiss. It was unexpected and his gesture threw her off guard but she enjoyed the feelings which filled her heart at that time. She could not describe them in words but their first date held some of her fondest memories and for once, she felt that there was hope for some normalcy in their lives.

Meanwhile, Mina was about to faint from shock but somehow managed to keep her balance. Her stone cold, money loving brother took the initiative to kiss a girl? She had assumed Gayoon was the bold one in their relationship but it seemed like it was the opposite!

"I wish I could save that cute video he sent me," Gayoon sighed. "He wished me good night using bunny ear filters."

"Okay, that I can't believe," Mina said. "My brother doesn't take selfies! He calls them a waste of time."

"B-b-but," Gayoon stammered. 

"Forget about all that!" Mina waved, feeling annoyed. "You need to focus on how to torment my brother more. You can't let him off this easily! Show him that you're the boss in this relationship!"

She looked fierce and was determined to make Gayoon torture her brother for his folly. Just on time, Gayoon's phone's notification bell rang. She picked it up to find a message from Minho.

"He told me to pack some trekking gear and an overnight bag," she stated. "We'll be going to the steam lake nearby for camping."

Mina clapped her hands together. "Perfect!" she exclaimed. 

There was a dangerous glint in her eyes as she thought of a devious plan. Steam lake huh? She thought. Hehe.

"Let's make it a date the money lover won't forget for the rest of his life!" Mina declared while Gayoon could only stare at her in confusion. Huh?


"This is not fair!" Jina protested. They were back in the mansion where Mina was packing Gayoon's bag for the date. Minho said that he'd pick her up at 6 PM so they had little time to prepare.

"Jina, you can go on dates when you grow up," Mina said warily. But Gayoon was concerned for her daughter who was pouting.

"Maybe I should take her along," Gayoon said. Jina's ears perked up upon hearing that but Mina was stern.

"No!" Mina stated firmly. "She can't go."

"But-" Jina began to argue but Mina added, "If you stay back tonight, I'll take you to Ahn Jaewan's fan event next week."

That cheered up Jina. "Really?" she asked excitedly. "You'll take me to my oppa's event?"

"And Gayoon will get you a premium seat," Mina said. "Won't you Gayoon?"

"Uh" Gayoon glanced at her daughter's hopeful eyes which were begging her. 

"Fine," she conceded. "I'll ask him."

Jina yelped in victory, her earlier desire to tag along was thrown out of the window. The doorbell rang. Gayoon glanced at the clock and it was already 6 PM.

"I think that's him!" she gasped. She suddenly felt very nervous. Was she asking too much from him? Maybe she should have given him an easier task.

"You'll be fine!" Mina assured her, reading her mind. "Just don't give in. Make him get blue balls tonight!"

"I'm not so sure it'll work" Gayoon said, feeling doubtful. But Mina was confident in her words.

"Trust me," she stated. "He's gonna suffer all night long. The cashless part may not faze him but the kissless part will definitely torture him. Especially when you equip yourself with the weapon of mass destruction!"

"What weapon?" Gayoon frowned. Mina smirked and whispered something into her ear. Gayoon's eyes widened in shock.


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