Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 211: World of the Dead (3)

Chapter 211: World of the Dead (3)


Gayoon had just finished narrating the whole story about what happened to Minjung to Jaewan. They were sitting at the school's balcony, hiding from the rest of the school. Jaewan was visibly disgusted by what Sengjo did to her. She might have been a bully but no one deserved that kind of fate!

"What is she going to do about it?" Jaewan asked.

"I don't know," Gayoon said. "She's too scared to talk to anyone. Her mental state is in disarray and I tried to coax her into complaining but she wouldn't. She's scared of her parents' reputation."

"But the police must know about this!" Jaewan argued. Gayoon did not retort, knowing fully well that he was correct. But the situation was not so simple. Once Minjung opens her mouth, she would be crucified first by the police and then by the society. Wherever she would go, people would point at her and whisper things behind her back. They would not let her forget the incident and the whole ordeal will put immense pressure on her, worsening her mental state.

"We can't do anything if she doesn't complain," Gayoon said bitterly. Why? Why was it the victim who was always at fault? Why wasn't the perpetrator accused? Minjung was not simply scared but traumatized. 

Even if Seungjo got his due punishment someday, it was Minjung who would suffer for the rest of her life. What was the worst punishment Seungjo could get? Jail time? A little bit of labor work? He was still seventeen, so that would mean he would be tried under the minor laws. He would be out within four years and continue his monstrosity.

Jaewan let out a loud sigh. Gayoon was right. If Minjung did not complain, then there was little they could do. It was a sick and twisted system which was at fault. 

Just then, they were called by a teacher to help out with the fair which was to be taking place the next day. The two of them picked up their bags and headed towards their stall being set up at the field. Gayoon was instantly swept by the decoration team to help them out while Jaewan went off to help out the guys with the freezers carrying the food.

They worked till late night to finish up the stall. Their class was doing a traditional cafe corner. The stall was built using bamboo sticks and a makeshift floor of mahogany wood. The canopy was made of hay, adding the much needed elegance to the cafe. Inside, there were no tables and chairs. Instead, the customers would be seated on soft pillows with a low table set for keeping the food. 

The place was kept airy and the open space made it feel comfortable and cozy. It was not much different from the outside traditional cafes but the class worked hard on it and were proud. Everyone was so enthusiastic into making this project a success, that Gayoon's classmates did not even bother her much. Other than Yoo and his friend's occasional jeers, everyone was too preoccupied to bully anyone else.

"The walls need more artwork," Gayoon frowned. She was doing the last minute inspections to make sure that they did not miss out on anything.

"I can bring some traditional paintings I have at home," one of her classmates, Lia, stated. "Those should do it."

Gayoon nodded and the class began to clean up the remaining supplies and dust from the cafe. Finally, they were done setting up the place. 

"Good work everyone!" Teacher Kang exclaimed. "Now remember, all of you must be here by 6 AM sharp! The fair might start at 10 AM but we still have a lot of work left to do before the visitors arrive!"

The students yelled ,"Yes!" and dispersed. Gayoon stretched her limbs and picked up her bag. Jaewan had texted her to wait for him at the entrance because one of the teachers had summoned him to the teacher's room for some work. She shrugged and walked towards the front gate. Many of the students had already left while others were finishing up the last minute work for the fair so she was standing at the secluded entrance all by herself.


Startled, Gayoon looked around to see the pale faced ghost she had helped a few months back. 

"You're still around?" Gayoon asked warily. After listening to Sooyeon's 'singing' for a few days, Gayoon decided that it was impossible for anyone to hear that torturous melody. The ghost was tone deaf and Gayoon could see why she was rejected from all sorts of auditions.

"No one wants to hear my songs boss!" Sooyeon whined. "I tried out for the annual ghostly singing competitions last week but those idiots didn't take me in! They thought I was too powerful and would outshine everyone."

"There's an annual ghostly singing competition?" Gayoon gaped.

"Yep!" Sooyeon declared. "It takes place every year and is only for us ghosts! You wanna attend one? I can get you the tickets."

And get chased by ghosts all over the country? "I'm good," Gayoon winced. "How come you're still around?"

"I'm trying to hook up with the cute ghost in the toilet," Sooyeon confessed, her face turning palmers as if she was blushing. She giggled like a school girl and Gayoon could only shake her head.

"He promised to take me out on a date to the haunted banyan tree at the park," Sooyeon said dreamily. "But he's sad lately. People have been avoiding his toilet for a while. All he wants to do is hand them toilet paper! It's not his fault that the papers drag them to hell or throttle them! His business is falling , ya know!"

"He can just change his brand of toilet paper," Gayoon suggested, stifling her laughter. Maybe he could use those toilet paper on those who'd listen to your singing, she added in her mind. They'd need it to kill themselves anyway.

"I wish!" Sooyeon sighed. "But he's obsessed with them. Says the colors red and blue are pretty."

She then glanced at something over Gayoon's shoulder. 

"Boss, isn't it that creepy kid who stalks you around?" she frowned.

Gayoon turned around and instantly, her blood began to boil. Sooyeon was right. Seungjo was walking towards her. Gayoon did not want to talk to that sicko but if he had an inkling that she had one of his tapes, he might end up releasing the video he possessed on the internet. That would completely ruin Minjung and throw her on another suicidal path.

"Gayoonie!" he called her. 

"Don't call me that!" she snapped. "What do you want?"

Seungjo blushed and looked at his feet. "W-would you like to have dinner with me?" he stammered. "My mom is cooking shellfish for us! I told her that I'm gonna bring a friend."

Gayoon glared at him in disdain. Was this boy a psycho? What the hell was wrong with him?

"Park Seungjo, how many times do I have to tell you?" she snarled. "I'm not interested in being your friend. You are a sick person! How can you even make a promise to your mother you can't keep?"

"I-I told her that you would come!" he insisted. "She's so happy! Gayoonie, just come with me!"

He grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her but Gayoon did not budge. 

"Let me go," she said in a cool tone, trying not to lose her cool. The boy in front of her was dangerous and even though it was difficult, she must suppress her anger. Otherwise, he might end up doing something worse.

"Why don't you get it Gayoonie?" he begged. "I'm in love with you!"

"You're a sick bastard!" Gayoon cursed. "And I am not going anywhere with you!"

She wrenched her hand away from his, feeling disgusted. The very thought of this monster even touching her was sickening her. He might look like a harmless nerd but he was a sadistic criminal who deserved nothing but only punishment.

"Gayoonie!" he yelled and stepped forward to touch her again. She backed off and slapped him with all her might.

Jaewan had just arrived at the gate only to see a stunned Seungjo standing near Gayoon and the latter looked furious. He quickly ran towards them, realizing that something was wrong. The sound of the slap also echoed loudly, causing a few more students to arrive to where the commotion was taking place.

"What happened?" Jaewan demanded.

Gayoon did not hesitate when she pointed at Seungjo and said, "He's harassing me! And he's a creep who's been following me relentlessly."

"Wait, he's not your boyfriend?" one of the students asked. "I thought you two were dating?"

"Yeah!" Lia frowned. "He told everyone that you're his girlfriend! But is he actually stalking you?"

There was a loud murmur of confusion. Gayoon was stumped by the rumors the asshole had spread about her.

"No, he's a stalker who keeps on following girls around!" she declared. "He followed me to my house and a few days back, someone threw a stone at my window, breaking the glass. I think it was him! And he spread these rumors too!"

Seungjo gulped as the students looked at him in disgust. Jaewan grabbed him by the collar, glaring at him. 

"Get outta here!" he warned. "Otherwise, it won't end well for you."

He threw Seungjo to the ground. The boy wheezed, rubbing his collar as he walked away. Giving one last glare to Gayoon, who had rejected his love, he went away.

But inwardly, he was biding his time. Gayoon had dared to reject his true love. Now, it was time for her to pay.

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