Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 227: World of the Dead (19)

Chapter 227: World of the Dead (19)

"It wasn't me!" Yoo was screaming on the top of his lungs. The police had arrested him and put him behind bars for killing the old woman. Junwan, who was at the police station, got annoyed at the yelling.

"SHUT UP!" he roared. "Wasn't it bad enough that you were involved in one murder and now you're involved in another?"

"But it wasn't me!" Yoo yelled. "I don't even know how to drive!"

"We didn't find any driver's license and yet, your fingerprints were all over the wheel," Junwan said, leaning back against his chair, looking directly at the cell in front of him. Yoo looked scared and confused.

"I was at my girlfriend Minjung's place!" he claimed. 

"Can she vouch for you?"

"She...she wasn't home," Yoo admitted. "I went to see her when something pulled me inside the closet and the last thing I remember was that I passed out. Then I woke up in my dad's car-"

"Your home's CCTV footage showed that you stole the car from his garage at around 10:30 AM," Junwan said, reading off the file the on spot officer from the accident had just sent him. "Then you were spotted driving around the town until you reached the supermarket behind the intersection. The old lady was crossing the road around 11 AM and instead of braking, you hit her. The woman fell and hurt her head, resulting in excess bleeding and she died immediately. You drove away until you were caught at the next police checkpoint."

"I swear, I have no idea about any of this!" Yoo said hotly. "I only remember waking when the police was taking me away!"

"Lies!" Junwan spat. "You were lying about your involvement in Seungjo's death and you're lying now as well. Yoo, you're a killer."

"I'm not" 

But Yoo was not sure anymore. He was at the driver's seat and even drove the vehicle. No matter how he saw it, it was the same bloody result. Except that he could not drive.


Minjung's voice came from the entrance. She looked distraught and was beside herself. 

"Minjung!" he exclaimed. She ran towards him, her cheeks stained with tears. Behind her, Gayoon also entered the precinct. Junwan was surprised to see her.

"What are you doing here?" he asked sharply.

"Minjung is a friend of mine," Gayoon said. "I was with her when she got the news about Yoo."

Yoo heard that and frowned at Minjung. "When did you two become friends?" he asked suspiciously.

Minjung was silent, unable to say anything but Gayoon saved her. "We bonded over our love for music," she lied. "We happened to run into the same fanclub and realized that we had the same interest."

"Where was your friend during Seungjo's murder?" Junwan asked. "I noticed that her name is not on the witness list. Was she not in school that day?"

"I-I've been sick for weeks," Minjung croaked. Yoo noticed that she was pale and demure which was totally not like the Minjung he used to know. Was it because she was worried for him?

"She wasn't at school," Gayoon added. "I've been bringing her homework everyday. Even on the day of the fair, she wasn't there."

Thankfully, since Seungjo had tampered with the CCTV cameras on the day of the fair, Minjung's presence went unnoticed. No one had seen her on the grounds either so she was safe. It was easier for Gayoon to lie for her and as much as she hated to do it, she must keep Minjung away from any sort of situation which might deteriorate her health more. It was the last thing the girl needed.

Minjung sniffed and looked at Yoo. She wanted to tell him many things but words would not come out of her mouth. If he found out what she was going through, he would probably leave her. And even if he did not leave her, he would go on a rampage against Park Seungjo. The guy might be dead but Yoo would probably desecrate his grave or make things harder for Seungjo's mother. 

It was the last thing she wanted.

"How did you get into this mess?" she asked. "You can't even drive!"

"They won't believe me!" Yoo claimed. "I tried to tell them that I can't drive but the police found my fingerprints on the steering wheel! And I don't remember hitting anyone with the car. I really don't!"

Junwan scoffed from behind. "Your blood reports clearly state that you were under the influence of drugs," he said, waving the file at them. "And you're saying that you were innocent?"

"I only smoked a joint in the morning!" Yoo shouted.

"And killed another person!" Junwan spat.

"Officer, he might be innocent!" Gayoon claimed. After hearing Yoo's words, she suddenly realized the truth. Yoo must have been possessed by Seungjo's spirit at Minjung's house! The ghost had warned her of dire consequences. Was this his plan? To target everyone around her?

"Jeon Gayoon, if you wanna be a police officer in the future, then you'll have to forget about all relationships and focus on evidence!" Junwan scolded her. "All evidence points against him and it's obvious that he's the one who killed that woman! He might have gotten away with Seungjo's murder but not this one."


"It's final," Junwan said sternly. "This case is going to the court. The family of the victim filed a case and Yoo will be sent to be convicted."

"He didn't do it!" Minjung shrieked but it was in vain. There was nothing they could do for Yoo.

Yoo leaned against the cold wall and slumped down. There was nothing else to do. Within days, his life was over and soon, he would become a convict. His life was over.

Minjung cried in Gayoon's arms, helpless to save her boyfriend. Gayoon was also in tears, cursing herself for not being able to save someone who really needed her help. She regretted having that cursed ability which was endangering everyone around her. If Park Seungjo was alive, she would have probably killed him with her own hands for all the trouble he was causing.

Unfortunately, she had missed that chance and now, he was back to create a bigger havoc in their lives. 

Damn this sight! She thought as tears fell from her eyes. Damn it!

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