Monster Breeder

60. Under the Mountain, Part 6: Spindle (R-18)

60. Under the Mountain, Part 6: Spindle (R-18)


“Exquisite,” Spindle says, her voice husky with excitement. The Webling Matron aspirant circles me as her appreciative gaze sears my breasts and assets. I'm confident in my appearance and used to running around naked, so I don't find this embarrassing. “She's never had a playmate so... well-endowed.” 

Her eyes land on my erect (yes, I can't help it) member, but she refrains from touching me. “This intrigues Spindle. What is it?”

“A Mermaid Ovipositor,” I reply with factual simplicity.

“Indeed? The length is promising, but the girth and texture leave something to be desired.”

I can't let her prick my prick’s pride without comment. “I can change cocks.”

“Ara ara, such a lewd ability my human has... Do be careful speaking out of turn, Vermillion. Your honesty is appreciated in this case, but there are always consequences. Can you change it into something that will impress her?”

“At the moment...” I went and bragged about my ability despite not wanting to use my marks willy-nilly right now, “I can do a Lizardman cock.”

“Yes, she'd find that preferable for her first time with you. We'll have opportunities to sample your other features at a later date.”

“So you say.” Despite my reservations, I manipulate my tattoos to achieve the intended result.

Reevaluating my Draconic marks reveals little of note. Lizardman Inner Spark is their evolution of Inner Heat. Everything else is a higher-tier version of the Kobold abilities I didn't take.


*Selected Kobold Hemipenis!*


*Switch or Amalgamate?*


Obvious choice this time. My long, slender member shortens, thickens, and splits in two. Thankfully, it's not a painful process. Two erect dicks perch proudly on my groin, each covered with fleshy protrusions that look spiky but I'm guessing are soft to the touch. The Amalgamation appears to borrow some of the Mermaid Ovipositor’s excessive length, along with its ability to implant embryos from my womb.


*Selected Lizardman Hemipenis!*

*Slime Amalgamation can only combine two body modifications.*

Mermaid Ovipositor

Kobold Hemipenis

Lizardman Hemipenis

Choosing the Ovipositor and Lizardman appendages gives me respectable nine-inch twins, which is by far more total length per mark than any other option I have.

“You need to navigate those strange marks to use that ability?” the spider girl says. I squint at her suspiciously, but her expression is curiosity and mischief rather than malicious. I don't bother answering. Her hungry eyes fall on my twin rods. “Prime specimens you have, much better than average. Lizardmen make terrible playmates, by the way. No imagination. Spindle never gets her fill of fun.” 

She still hasn't touched me. 

“Hand,” she instructs, extending one of her four to me palm up. Shrugging, I place mine in her smaller grip. She proceeds to tie a silken knot around my wrist with string from her spinneret. 

“You're tying me up? I already did that with Miss Web.”

“That crude bitch knew nothing of the erotic arts! Her threadwork was lazy and amateurish with nothing on her mind besides filling butts with unholy spawn. Relax. Put yourself in Spindle's capable hands, and she'll treat you like the prize you are.”

I already resolved to give her a chance, so I don’t resist as the spider girl clitters around me on her arachnid legs, taking my other hand in hers to tie mine together behind my back. She proceeds with efficiency and focus. She throws lines across my body in complex patterns, over my shoulders, around my middle, and between my legs.

“Spread,” she commands, close enough for me to feel the heat of her breath on my ass cheeks. I obediently adjust my stance to slightly spread my buttocks and air out my quim. A long minute passes where neither of us moves. A smirk quirks my lips by the time I finally hear her say, “…Mmm, later.”

She passes silk through the gap between my thighs once, and again. Her rope touches nearly every area of my body, her fingers placing clever knots at intervals as she climbs all over me. Then she skitters up to the ceiling, where she anchors the lines before leaping to the floor with the ends clutched in her hands. Her meager weight is enough to hoist me aloft with whatever pully system she engineered. The pose she put me in has my cocks and tits accessible on full display while taking away all my leverage and stability, leaving me at her mercy.

When I behold the product of her efforts, I have to say… I’m a little impressed.

“What is this?” I ask, dumbfounded.

“It’s Shibari. Spindle inherited these techniques from her elder sisters, who’ve passed them down for generations dating back to practices learned from ancient human husbandos and waifus. The pride of Arachne’s daughters!”

Criss-crossing strings hug my body like a dress accentuating my best features. My breasts pop through the elegant net surrounding and dividing them. Knots press on my erogenous zones. I shift in a halfhearted attempt to struggle, causing said silken bunches to grind against the aroused swell of my pussy. My weight is distributed through the entire network, keeping me surprisingly comfortable.

I’ve become a work of (erotic) art.


“She could say the same,” Spindle is fucking me with her eyes as she steps into view with a complicated braid of silk cradled in her hands. I recognize the crafted tool as a nine-tailed flogger. “However, despite your physical compliance, Vermillion, you’ve been flagrantly speaking out of turn.” She cracks the whips on a rock, eliciting a satisfying series of leathery thwacks. “Spindle needs to instill some discipline in her new favorite toy.”

I swallow loudly and bite my lip as my heart races. “W-what are you going to do with that?”

The spider girl titters as she leans forward to lift my chin with the butt of the handle, staring into my eyes with her octagonal gaze, and says, “If Spindle didn’t know any better, she’d think you were looking forward to this.”

“How could that be? What’s there to like about being restrained and punished by a sexy dominatrix?”

The flogger whips around to leave streaks of sweet heat across my backside.


“Keep talking, Vermillion. It’s one lash per sentence spoken without Spindle’s permission.”

“Please, be gentle.”

Crack! I hiss in pleasure as bright sensations fill my mind, kindling embers of lust in my core. My flesh tingles afterward as if begging for attention.

“Your mouth says no, but your eyes say, ‘hit me harder.’”

Smack! The flogger marks my ass, spine, and shoulders. Spindle’s deft hands never slip, always landing where she wants me to feel the pleasure-pain next. The strikes are potent enough to redden skin and make impressive sounds, but never draw blood.

“Gah! Ahn!”

My skin becomes highly sensitive in the flogger’s wake, making Spindle’s light touches feel like fire. As she calibrates her blows by my reactions, she grows bolder, targeting more sensitive areas. I feel the lash on my inner thighs, breasts, and abdomen.


The whip’s tails caress me like a lover. I arch my spine, thrusting my chest at my captor.


Embarrassing sounds leave my lips as everything about the experience compounds. The tightness of my restraints. The exposure of my private genitals. The dark seclusion of the setting. Alone with my nubile little torturer. The electric thrill of each stroke on delicate skin.

Liquid lust drips from my honey tunnel as I writhe against the knot pressing into my vulva. Beads of dew form at the tips of my Lizard cocks. The embers in my core have ignited into an inferno of desire.

“She likes that expression, Vermillion. The hunger for what comes next. Spindle thinks you’re ready.”

The spider girl nestles between my legs to take a cock in each hand. I was right, the fleshy spikes on my shaft are supple and yielding in her grip. My mind momentarily wanders to imagine how they’d feel in my pussy, and I almost want to grab a Lizardman to find out.

Spindle refocuses my attention as her tongue laps at the precum I’d secreted. “Mmm, this taste… it’s like nothing she’s had before. So, this is the fabled human flavor.” She smiles at me to flash those hypodermic needlelike fangs in the gloom.

Her lips part to consume my length. She takes me into her throat without gagging, a sure sign she’s played with similar equipment many times before. Spindle’s tongue circles my length, playing with the protrusions as she sucks while pulling me out to go again. She switches from rod to rod, thoroughly lubricating both with her saliva.

Both hands move on me, squeezing my shafts with her soft palms as she licks, flooding my mind with twice the usual sensations. Two is definitely better than one.

She strokes me faster. My breaths grow shorter. Her mouth descends to the ‘v’ where the two meet to tickle my base with her tongue. My hips buck in helpless delight, as I can do nothing to speed my release while stuck in this harness. I can’t grab her head to plunge into her throat for relief or hold her face steady to fuck to completion.

Spindle continues her double hand/blow job at a sedated pace until the pressure within me becomes uncomfortable, and I realize she’s toying with me. I look down, one of the few movements this bondage allows, to see her diabolic grin.

“Beg for release.”

I shake my head, refusing to capitulate to this last indignation.

Her smile widens in glee.

This time, Spindle attacks my groin with dark joy. Her second pair of hands massage my buttocks as her first two continue their agonizingly slow pace on my shafts. Pressing my dicks together, she fits both tips into her mouth and sloppily runs her tongue around and between them. Her saliva dribbles everywhere, lubricating her double hand job.

Then she takes one cock in her mouth, going down, down, letting me fill her throat until she kisses my crotch. Her black eyes glimmer up at me, watching my face as a freed hand squeezes my dangling breast.

She swallows around me while her fingertips drag up and down my other cock, playing with the protrusions I’ve come to learn are highly sensitive. My hips tremble as flickers of pleasure shoot through my lower body.

Her second pair of arms move on from my butt to my pussy and ass. A finger drags through my sopping channel to coat itself in grool before drilling into my pucker. Two fingers invade my tunnel to stir my insides while a thumb rubs against the base of my dicks. The muscles in my legs tense as my mouth opens in an ‘o,’ though no words come out. My groin rolls, involuntarily seeking more stimulation to reach climax.

I press my lips together hard as I resist the temptation to give in. All the while, Spindle smiles around my left dick without showing signs of being short of breath.

Her fingers pump my holes with methodical purpose. Her tongue brushes my base as her throat pulses around me. She pinches a nipple as her fist pounds my second cock. But nothing she does to me is enough to push me over the edge that remains tauntingly close and yet so far. Her eyes dare me to say the word.

I shake my head again.

Spindle’s fingers slow and withdraw. Her hands leave my breast and groin as she lifts her head, dragging my cock from her oral cavern. Being refused my well-earned orgasm is a worse agony than every blow of the lash combined. If I had any, my balls would be blue from my denial. However, I know any coming climax will be all the more intense.

She gasps, then licks her lips with a twinkle in her eye. “If you won’t beg, Spindle will have to punish you again~”

The spider girl climbs atop me and mounts my face. She presents her flowery pussy to me for close inspection. Her scent is damp and earthy like rain-slick stone with deeper undertones reminiscent of an exotic mushroom. I extend my tongue to brush the cool petals of her labia and taste the richness of her musky dew. Puckering my lips, I kiss the divot of her opening and lick upward to the pearl of her clit.

“So eager! A good girl like you needs no encouragement… but even good girls sometimes need punishment.”

Spindle’s pedipalps, located where feminine waist meets arachnid body, lunge forward to grab my head with surprising strength, crushing my face against her cunt. I can’t breathe, but she’s shoving her musk up my nose and filling my mouth with her labia. The spider girl undulates her girl half in aggressive sexual thrusts like a belly dancer humping a table corner.

It’s that uncaring, almost violent force with which she pursues her release against my tongue and nose. I’m just something to shove between her legs to grind on. Looking up, I know that’s an affectation, a bit of roleplay, because she’s looking down at me with such dark desire on her face.

My lungs scream for fresh air, but she’s not done. Spindle grabs my hair by the root in four fistfuls as she rides me until she doubles over.

“Ahhh! Ahn!!!”

Juices squirt into my mouth as she drives herself to heights of pleasure, or perhaps depths of ecstasy. She drapes those A-cup breasts on my head, embraces my skull with all her arms, and quivers as her sex pulses in my stuffed mouth. I try to slip a breath past her, but each of my airways is flush against her sweet flesh.

She senses my struggles and straightens to meet my gaze again, but doesn’t release me with her pedipalps, keeping me locked against her groin. She smirks at me.

“Mmm, mph.”

“What’s that Vermillion? Want to go again?”

She must have spotted a flash of fear flit across my face because her grin shifts to crude schadenfreude as she chuckles at my expense.

“Shouldn’t you give Alex a safeword if you’re going to be that rough?”

Spindle and I both look to see Flou in her bunny-eared Slime form with two crystal-blood weapon pseudopods, an axe and a spear, at the ready.

The spider girl scoffs at the Small Red Swarm Slime, “Vermillion doesn’t need a safeword. She can free herself at any time.” Spindle releases her pedipalps’ grip on my head just as my vision goes blurry.

I gasp at fresh air and cough to clear my throat. “Y-you knew?”

I’d been holding more than a few aces in my back pocket (so to speak) the whole time, but I didn’t expect Spindle to realize that. I live dangerously and get my rocks off to some potentially perilous play, but I’m not that stupid.

“Miss Web was an idiot who didn’t know when she bit more than she could chew. Spindle enjoys playing with monsters that could crush her with ease on the daily. She knows how to string them along, read their tolerance, and reward them before they lose patience.”

In short, she’s a good dom.

“Now, put those things away. You’re ruining the scene.” The spider girl dismisses the armed Slime and turns to me, “Unless Vermillion isn’t curious what happens next?”

Gulp. I’m definitely thinking with my blue balls. But, fuck it.

“D-do what she says, Flou.” My familiar retracts the weapons and reforms an inconspicuous Blood Star sitting nearby.

“That’s a good girl,” the spider dom coos. “Now, where were we?” She crawls down my body to stop at my breasts. “That’s right, Spindle was going to teach you a lesson about flaunting these disgusting udders.” She leans forward with a mischievous grin as she rubs her ironing board A-cups against my motherly mammaries. “All they’re good for is making milk.”

The spider girl slides lower to take a nipple in her mouth. She suckles a little until my bounty spills onto her tongue. “Mmm, this taste, it’s better than I imagined…” Spindle hums with delight. “But there’s one thing we can improve on.” She flicks the nipple with her finger, which barely registers as an annoyance. “Sensitivity.”

Her mouth opens wide to reveal hypodermic fangs. I flinch but don’t respond in time before she sinks them into the nearest tit. She injects me with venom, but there’s no acrid melting of flesh I’d expect from a Burrower bite. Instead, a tingling sensation spreads from the prick that transitions into a subtle warmth.

The little sadist then repeats the bite on my other poor, defenseless boob. Both my nipples stiffen as the warmth becomes a glowing heat. My skin flushes as if I’ve been soaking in a hot bath.

“What did you…?” I mumble, but the venom goes to work quickly. My figurative blue balls swell, creating pressure in my groin. Pressure builds inside me like a boiling kettle. My whole body feels raw and yet touch-starved.

Spindle flicks my nipple again.


Pleasure-pain shoots through my chest like an electric shock and I tense until the sharp sensation fades.

“Excellent,” she circles my nipple with her finger, making me squirm beneath her as best I can in these restraints, “Now, you’re ripe and ready to pluck.” Her fingers clamp onto my nipple and tug, stretching the skin, sending sparks through me until she releases me with a snap like a rubber band stretched to the limit.


“Don’t you feel embarrassed lugging around these sacks of fat?”


“Kya!” She slapped my boob! The little bitch slapped my fucking tits, and it feels…

“Do you get off on making others seem inferior?”


“Ahn, yes!” Spindle slaps my other breast, full open palm slaps it, and powerful shockwaves reverberate through me, stoking the internal flames. My core drools. Pressure rises.

“So, you admit it!”

Slap, slap.

“No! I… Ahn!” It hurts, but it’s really good too. I’ve never experienced anything quite like this. Having my breasts played with always feels nice, but this is ridiculous! The tingling skin beneath her handprints feels like it’s been dusted with sugar.

“You love shoving your lewd honkers in peoples’ faces!”

Slap, slap!

“Ah, ahn! Y-yes!”

I bite my lip, hard. Sweetness is the only description my addled mind can register. The pain is candy-coated. Dripping with flavor. Spindle’s slaps are cinnamon sugar. My cocks dribble with pre.

“Say you like small breasts.”

I think Spindle may have a complex.

Four hands massage my melons into caramel. My ass clenches, rubbing my pussy into the knot pressing against it. My heart thumps in my chest.

“I… l-l-like… small breasts.”

She squeezes my tatas into nougat. Molten marshmallow fluff boils inside me, expanding, rising, hurting so deliciously.

“Say, ‘flat chests are the bestest!’”

Two hands wring my knockers while her other pair pinches my nipples and pulls them like taffy. My cocks leak cum uncontrollably. I can’t think beyond the coming climax.

“F-flat c-chests, are t-t-the bheshtesht!”

A saccharine-sweet orgasm explodes through my chest to wrack my entire being. My brain is cotton candy for an eternity until I return from an almost out-of-body experience. Suspended in the air with the aftershocks of the sugary climax echoing through me feels like a bath in hot chocolate.

Meanwhile, Spindle has been peacefully nursing at my chest while using my boobs as pillows. The spider girl is shockingly cute when she’s not being naughty. She notices me stir, wipes her milk mustache with the back of her hand, and eagerly props herself up to ask, “Ready?”

I wonder what there could be left for a moment, then realize my lower body is aching for release. My cunny is throbbing with need. Despite dripping semen, my cocks are dying to finally cum for real.

“W-was that a nipple orgasm? I thought those were a myth.”

“They’re difficult to achieve without assistance, but Spindle has her ways.” The spider girl flashes me a grin with those hypodermic fangs of hers on prominent display. “Now, she wants to ride her new toy until she forgets her name. Any objections?”

“No. Are you fertile?”

“Very. Does that scare you, Vermillion?”

“Never. I’m taking you home, and you’re going to do to all my girls what you just did to me.”

“More humans?”

“I’ve got a bunny, a Goblin, and a wolf living together. I’m on this trip to find a Harpy I’ve had my eye on, so that’s four plus my Kobold.” I don’t bother counting my Slime familiars, my bargain with an ogress, or my oceanic bride and lover, as the details or circumstances are overly complicated.

The spider girl goes very quiet and very still. She looks at me with wide eyes and new appreciation. “And… Spindle gets to play with all of them?”



Lightning fast, the arachnid monster girl darts to my groin, inhales one of my cocks, and bites the base to inject me with more of her venom. I feel a momentary sharp pain that quickly dulls, overwritten by warmth and followed by sudden hypersensitivity. She switches positions, exchanging her mouth for lower lips, and impales her sopping-wet sex on my rod.

“Spindle. Wants. To. Breed!”

The spider girl bounces on my cock like a rodeo champ. Her four hands land on my breasts and waist for balance and leverage. The look in her eyes is manic and wild.

Venom spreads through my system like a candy shop on fire. Her pussy is a butter churner filled with milk and honey, and my dick is the plunger. Sweet ecstasy fills me as the little pest rides me like a mounted dildo.

I thrust my hips up into her as best I can. My second cock sandwiched between our tummies is massaged by smooth, supple skin like a good boob job. We grunt in unison as we make pleasure together.

My body grows warmer as we work, and I realize it’s the venom continuing to affect me. My heart is hammering. I can imagine an older man having a heart attack after taking this much of Spindle’s venom! She’s been humping me at top speed from the beginning, but I don’t feel any closer to cumming. Instead, I feel the blue-balled pressure inside me accumulating as if my body were stockpiling all the climaxes I’m owed.

It’s not like Bunny Stamina, where I can maintain an erection as long as I have the will to continue. It feels… uncomfortable. It’s a burning, painful need that can only be quenched by cumming.

Except, I can’t orgasm through my dick. It’s a new kind of pain like sour candy that makes you pucker your lips but go back for seconds.

The longer this goes on, the more desperate I am to find a release. I contort and gyrate my body to fuck her harder, to smash my second cock between our bellies, but nothing is working. We’re both panting heavily as we fuck each other like animals. Sweat slickens our bodies.

It’s not enough! My cock is cinnamon sugar flame! I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t fuck her harder!

“You brought this on yourself!”

Ember magic throws heat from my hands, melting through the restraints on my wrists, and my arms are free. After deactivating the magic, I grab Spindle by her girlish waist, and I finally have the leverage I crave.


It’s the spider girl screaming this time as I pull her onto my rod with Orc Strength over and over. Sweaty flesh smacks together. Plap! Plap! Plap!

She laughs and screams while throwing her head back. Her tongue lolls from her lips and her eyes lose focus.


“Ah! Ahhhnnn!!!”

My vision goes white as every climax I’d been denied goes off simultaneously. I clutch Spindle to me like my own flesh. My second cock explodes between us as the first fills her belly with my seed. Cream spurts in jet after jet that splatters onto my tits and her petite little A-cups, shoots onto her open o-face, and lands in her mouth.

*Webling Jumper Lover – One Darkling Mark!*

*Impregnation Successful! – One Male Breeder Mark!*

Spindle lays there with her head using my boobs for pillows, hair matted with sweat and semen, gazing at me with her dreamy dark octet. I run my fingers through her disheveled hair. She lifts her face to mine, and I meet her halfway. Our lips touch.

It’s a soft, creamy kiss. Her flavor is a subtle truffle that lingers after we part.

“You sure came a lot, Vermillion.” She leans back, peeling herself off of me to look at the mess I made. She scoops a dollop off my breast and slurps it down. “Mmm! But Spindle doesn’t know if she can finish all of this…”

“That’s my job,” Flou says as she resumes her bunny Slime form.

Pink Slime squirts from my secret tunnel as Olindia emerges and reforms herself. The Jellyfish Slime looks around rather comically before her eyes land on Spindle with exaggerated disappointment. “I thought for sure I was getting another helping of spider guts.”

“Everyone, this is Spindle. She’s going to help us get Opal back.”

As I speak, Flou shlorps forward with pseudopods tipped with terrifying Fuzzy Slime maws. The spider girl doesn’t flinch (which I’ve learned from Opal is an impressive feat) as Flou slurps the spider silk off me like pasta and licks the spilled cream from every surface. Olindia, once she realizes she’s not getting anything else, starts competing with Flou for whatever edible scraps she can find.

I hook an arm around the spider girl to hold her close as I fall from suspension to land on my feet. My deflating cock slips from her channel, spilling more seed that is quickly devoured as both our genitals are thoroughly cleaned. On the ground, Spindle skitters up my body to perch on my back with her upper body draped over my shoulders.

“So, what’s the plan?” I ask.

She cocks her head askew while listening to my question, then smiles.

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