Monster Breeder

65. Harpy Mountain, Part 6: Gale

65. Harpy Mountain, Part 6: Gale

I almost approach in full armor until I realize she won’t recognize me like this. Unsummoning everything but the piece with Spindle’s cocoon stuck to it, I set that down in the shelter of a rocky outcropping. I’ll only be a few feet away in case anything happens.

“Flou, can you stick to being clothes for this conversation? I’d rather not complicate things yet, but I promise to play with you later, alright?”

“You got it, boss. I’m happy as long as I’m making you look cute.”

I smile. “Thanks, Flou. I’m lucky to have you.”

The blue and green feathered Harpy girl crouches with her head tucked beneath her wings, so she looks like a pile of feathers.

“Gale!” I call out to her as I close the distance between us.

*Cough* *Cough* “Sorry, can’t come to the Celebration, I’m sick!” *Cough* *Cough*

Wow, Gale is terrible at lying. Those fake coughs are as transparent as glass.

I guess she fooled the other Harpies, though? I’m happy she didn’t go to the ‘Celebration’ to get plowed by that Grand Harpy, but I’m confused at the same time. It’s not like she was waiting for me; she can’t even identify my voice. Wasn’t she super obedient to her mother the last time we met?

“Gale! It’s Alex, don’t you remember me?”

“A-Alex?” The Harpy girl pokes her head above the edge of her wings to find me with her eyes. Our gazes meet, and she abruptly bursts into tears. “You’re alive!!! Wait, why are you green? Is Alex sick???”

I blink in confusion, then laugh as I remember my Photosynthesis mark. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ll explain later.”

“Oh, that’s a relief!” she says as she dries her cheeks with a wing.

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m finally reunited with one of the first wild monsters I met who seemed nice. I risked my life and fought many dangerous enemies to reconnect with her after my fate-altering plummet from her grip into the sea. All to apologize and make amends.

In her excitement, Gale stands and spreads her wings, revealing her beautiful nude body and… a second small figure?

The tiny girl darts behind Gale’s legs as soon as she realizes she’s been exposed, but I get a good look.

She’s gorgeous, a little over two and a half feet tall, her proportions that of a slender woman with a nice rack. Appealing C-cup breasts adorn her chest. Tousled yellow-blond hair, emerald-green eyes, and steel grey fur catch my eye. She has mouse ears and a tail, with tufts of fur on her wrists and ankles above her rodent feet.


“Y-you’re the human who saved me from that Orc?”

“Umm, do you two know each other?” Gale looks from me to Megan and back again, innocent confusion on her face.

“Hold that thought,” I say to Megan, turning from mouse to Harpy. “Gale, are you… protecting her?”

“N-no!” the Harpy girl stutters while extending her wings around the mouse girl to ineffectively shield Megan from sight (I can see the girl’s paws). Gale won’t meet my eyes as she blatantly lies to my face. “T-this is my s-supper! I’m saving her for later!”

Megan stands on her tiptoes to peek over the edge of the wings and roll her eyes.

I give Gale a flat look.

“She’s mine, and nobody is taking her away to the larder! I caught her yesterday fair and square; Gale did a good job! Momma told me I couldn’t eat with the Chilklins anymore, and I needed to hunt for myself now. ‘If you’re too squeamish to use your claws, fly them up high and drop them on the rocks.’ That’s what Momma said.”

Megan immediately grips Gale’s left nipple and pussy in each hand, pinching and fingering aggressively as if demonstrating how things went yesterday. The Harpy girl goes weak in the knees, buckles, and sits on her lovely derriere with her creamy thighs spread wide. The mouse girl dives headfirst into that succulent valley, eliciting screams of ecstasy from the Harpy as Gale bucks her hips, writhes, and moans. In record time, Gale’s limbs go rigid in a rictus of orgasmic pleasure before she melts into a limp puddle.

The mouse girl sits up proudly and wipes the juices from her lips before licking her fingers one by one.

Gale rouses and rises to her knees next. Then the Harpy girl grabs the mouse with her wings and shoves Megan between her tangerine breasts with a crushing hug.

“This happens every time my tummy rumbles… Gale is a useless Harpy… Human Alex, I think I’m in trouble. My prey is too cute!” Gale tears up again. “If I tell Momma, she’ll take Megan away for sure! I don’t want that, but I haven’t eaten in days! I think I’m going to starve to death!”

“Thank goodness…” I say, my vision hazy.

“Alex?” Gale quizzically quirks her head to the side. Megan frowns at me in curiosity as well.

I approach them with my hand raised. Gale closes her eyes and flinches as if bracing for a blow. I rest my palm on Gale’s head and gently brush her soft blue-green hair. She opens her eyes and meets my gaze as I cup her face.

“Thank goodness the girl I’ve been chasing is such a nice person. It makes me feel like everything was worthwhile.”

After meeting so many of her brothers and sisters, I feared I’d misjudged Gale during our initial meeting. Rather than being a typical Harpy, it turns out Gale is freshly evolved from a Chicklin with her naiveté intact. If I’d delayed any further she’d inevitably have had her innocence shattered. I don’t doubt the Harpy Matron or a minion would come looking for Gale soon after her absence during the ‘Celebration.’

Megan may well have been slaughtered in front of Gale to show the young Harpy the difference between prey and predator.

“You’re a good girl, Gale. A very good girl. You deserve a reward. I know I’m too late for your first time, but I can give you a ‘first time’ with a human. You can have all of me.”

Gale’s eyes go wide as saucers. She bites her lip and grins like an idiot. Then her gaze falls as distress fills her face. “No, Gale is a bad girl. I dropped you in the ocean. I don’t deserve a reward.”

I wince, knowing this is going to suck.

“Look, Alex, I mean, I’m the one who did the bad thing. I purposefully made you drop me that day.”

The pain in her storm-grey eyes is a knife in my chest.

“You… don’t want to be with me?”

“No! No, Gale, I want you. Desperately. I want to be your wife! I just can’t spend my whole life in this nest.”

The Harpy girl furrows feathery eyebrows as she frowns in sadness and hurt.

“If I can interrupt for a moment,” Megan says, “I’d like to second Alex. Gale, you’re the nicest predator ever. You’re sweet, cute, and surprisingly tasty. I wouldn’t mind spending my life with you, but it’s awful being stuck in this nest. I admit it was kind of sexy screwing you under your mom’s nose… but we’re going to get caught eventually, and that’ll be it.”

“Come live with me,” I say, hope blooming in my heart. “Both of you. Gale, we can all be together and be free at the same time.”

“Yes!” Megan says, happily agreeing with me. She hugs Gale around the neck. “I don’t want to leave you; I just want to go somewhere safe.”

Gale’s head wobbles in a daze, holding her head with her wings as complicated ideas bounce around her bird brain. She’s trying to reconcile what she’s hearing with what she’s been told despite the difficulty. “But… but momma said the only safe place to have sex is in my nest…”

Megan and I both sigh as it seems we can’t get through to the sweet featherhead.

Wait, brainwave!

“Gale, you can build a nest next to Gabby’s hut in Fuzzy Field!”

“I’ll help!” Megan says, putting a hand on the Harpy’s thigh. “We can make it together, then all of us can fuck to your heart’s content.”

“S-s-sex with Alex?” The Harpy girl stares at me with hearts in her eyes, then her gaze drifts to the Mouse girl. “Sex with Megan…” Gale gets woozy and seems to melt in place. Then she turns to me. “Sex with Alex…” Her head spins as if these thoughts are making her dizzy. “Sex with Megan… Sex with Alex… Mmm…”

*Grumble* *Grumble*

The Harpy girl’s tummy rumbles loudly, and all three of us startle. Megan especially looks like she’s been electrocuted with her steel grey fur standing on end, her big ears twitching, and her tail rigid as a rod. Constantly being around a hungry predator must’ve been stressful for the little mouse girl, even if the predator is as cute as Gale.

Swallowing saliva on an empty stomach, Gale gulps pathetically and goes teary-eyed. “It doesn’t matter. I might as well starve because I can’t stand you looking at me like that anymore, Megan. I want to eat your pussy, not your meat.”

I have some meat you can eat…” I whisper the euphemism under my breath.

“Huh? What’d you say, Alex?” the Harpy girl asks with the guileless curiosity of a maiden.

Megan blushes and looks at my bulging panties, having heard me loud and clear with those mouse ears.

“Ahem, I have magic powers that make my bodily fluids nutritious.”

“That’s…” Gale begins.

“The most ridiculous—” Megan tries to finish.

“—Amazing!!!” Gale shouts in excitement. Megan does a small facepalm the Harpy girl doesn’t notice.

I tear away my top (Flou can take a hint and unlatch herself without any actual tearing) to reveal my massive milky mammaries.

Gale’s eyes dilate, and drool trickles down her cheek. “Heh, heh, heh, they’re bigger than last time!”

“Yes, thank you.” I smile encouragingly while cupping my jugs with my hands, “Feel free to take whichever nipple you prefer, left or right, and drink your fill.”

“Alex, you’re sure it’s no problem…?” *Grumble* *Grumble* “Umm, thanks for the food!”

I catch Gale as she lunges for me like a woman dying of thirst as well as starving to death. We settle onto the soft grass base of her nest with the Harpy girl cradled in my arms to nurse. She presses her supple body against mine, pressing her tits into my tummy, her belly against my thighs, and her wings wrap around me.

Gale hungrily goes to town on my nipple, draining all the milk my Mammary Potency can provide, sending waves of pleasure through my chest. The adorable girl sighs and relaxes into my embrace as I bask in the glow of giving to my lover.

With Gale latched onto my teat and suckling away, Megan apparently feels it’s an appropriate time to ask a question. “So, human, how do you know my name? Thanks for the save yesterday, by the way. I may have gotten picked up by a Harpy immediately after, but I appreciate the effort.”

“You’re welcome.” I smile at her, genuinely relieved by her survival. “You’ve been on my list to rescue since you didn’t show up at the Warren last night. I’m Cottontail’s… girlfriend?”

Megan raises a skeptical eyebrow at my hesitation.

“Okay, our exact relationship is a bit difficult to describe. Suffice it to say, we’re having a child together.”

“Oh, wow,” Megan believes me this time and blushes. “Hard to imagine him as a father.”

“Yeah, really hard…” Since she’s also the one giving birth. I’m trying to be better about letting Cottontail explain herself at her own pace, especially to close family like Megan. “We’re living together in a hut with my wives: a Goblin, a Wolf (though Suka isn’t ‘official’), a couple of Slimes, and a Webling now too, I guess. My other wife and girlfriend live in the ocean. They’re all getting along well, to the point I expect Cottontail to be in one piece when I return, if a little well-used around the groin.”

Megan blinks, taking a second to absorb all that. “So, you have a harem?”

“We have a small family that keeps getting bigger. I actually came here because I fell in love with Gale at first sight and wanted her, but I wasn’t ready to claim her at the time. Things kept coming up, and it never seemed like the right moment to come find her until today. Which brings me to you.”

“Me? I’m just a mouse. Nothing special.”

“Well, who cares about that?” I exclaim. The mouse girl stares at me, shocked. “I love Cottontail, so you’re family. I want to make Gale my wife, and you’re special to her, which makes you special.” I could catch a dozen mice in a day and breed them in a cellar to boost my Breeder marks, but I won’t do that because… “I only add special people to my harem, even if they’re only special to me.”

I look her in the eye. “Be my woman, Megan. I’ll protect you, love you, and give you children. Or… you can live next door with Gale, and we can be sisters-in-law. I won’t force you. I just want you to be safe for their sake.” I lost steam there at the end, but the effect my words have on Megan is profound.

“I think I see why Cottontail fell for you, Alex. You radiate this confidence… It makes me… Yes. I’m not in a position to bargain, so I’ll just say yes. I doubt you’ll feed me to your wives, but even that wouldn’t be such a bad way to go,” Megan says as she affectionately brushes Gale’s hair.

“Mmm, aaahhh!” Gale pulls back from my breast to gasp in satisfaction and smacks her lips. “That hit the spot. Sex now?”

Megan giggles, and I chuckle at the Harpy’s directness. “I like girls who know what they want.”

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