Monster Breeder

78. Another Quiet Night At Home, Part 5 (R-18)

78. Another Quiet Night At Home, Part 5 (R-18)

“Do Alex a favor? I’d love to! Gale is a good girl!”

“Alex, besides reuniting me with Cottontail and Flou, I’m grateful for what you’ve done for the bunnies and mice in the region. On behalf of my kind, as Gale’s wife, and as part of your harem, I’d be honored to serve your interests with my body.”

“Uh, wow,” I say, surprised by Megan’s profundity. I guess I did dramatically improve her extended family’s quality of life by removing the Harpies as a threat, though… “Well, part of how my powers work is that I gain a small magical boost for each of my progeny. I’d like to get both of you pregnant tonight, granted your consent.”

The Harpy girl bobs her head eagerly. “I finally get to be a mom!?! Gale can be preggers tonight? Yes, yes!”

Megan nods as well while putting her left hand on her right elbow, showing defensive body language. “Actually, I’ve been nervous around so many large cocks. One horror story about a cousin who escaped after being raped by a predator, only to have the child growing inside them crush their vital organs, is more than enough to scare a mouse straight. I’d be able to relax a lot more during these orgies if you got me pregnant with something small.”

The bunny girl puts a comforting arm around her sister’s shoulders. Then she asks me, “You’re not including Lucinia?”

I shrug. “I invited her to stay the night and permitted her to join the orgy because she seemed nice enough, but I’m not sure she’s harem material.” Not to be specist, but I kind of already have a Harpy girl… “I’m limiting my offspring to harem members, you see.”

“Ah,” the mouse girl gives me an appraising look. “Peter was more indiscriminate with where he sowed his oats, but I appreciate you restricting it to your spouses.”

“Me too,” Cottontail says with a small frown that shows she hasn’t gotten over her father’s attempted assault.

I decide to redirect the conversation. “Great! What species of monster baby would you two like? I know you don’t know her well yet, but Gabby can give you Goblins, I can do Kobolds right now,” I glance down at my reptilian rods, “Or you might prefer Fuzzies from Cottontail.”

“C-Cottontail’s b-babies?” Megan seems flustered.

“Gale doesn’t get it. Alex said you get stronger when you make babies, but how does that work if Gabby or Cottontail is the papa?”

“Oh, sorry, forgot to explain that part. I have an Ovipositor; it acts like a penis, but it can implant women with embryos from my womb. Gabby or Cottontail would get me pregnant, and I’d pass the baby along to either of you two. You’d be acting as surrogates. Genetically speaking, the baby would only be yours if I’m the papa. Is that an issue?”

“N-no! No, of course not!” Megan doth protests too much. “Being a surrogate doesn’t matter. If they grow in your womb, nurse at your breast, and live in your home, your child is your child. And, if it’s Cottontail’s… that’s fine! It’s definitely fine.”

I raise an eyebrow, but the mouse decides to shut up before incriminating herself further.

Gale has that intense look she gets when her bird brain is dealing with high-level concepts far beyond its normal workload. I can practically see the steam rising from her ears. “So, if I get preggers from Alex, it’s my and Alex’s baby. But, if I get preggers with Cottontail and Alex’s baby, then that baby will be siblings with Megan’s baby!” Gale turns to her wife and snatches the mouse girl into a hug, “Our babies can be brothers and sisters! Hurray!!”

Wow, I guess that’s true. I’m shocked I didn’t think of that, but she did! Gale and Megan’s children are going to have four moms… that’s got to be some kind of record, right?

“Y-you want to have my children, Miss Gale? Even though, I’m just a little bunny?”

The Harpy girl sets Megan down and crouches in front of Cottontail to put them at eye level. She leans forward to plant a sweet kiss on the bunny girl’s lips. Their lips linger together for a long moment before she pulls away. All the while, Megan watches her wife and sister making out with a lewd, horny expression. “I saw you come to rescue my wife when Momma was being a bully. You’re brave, and you tried to save Megan! Gale wants your babies!”

Cottontail flushes bright red.

I laugh, playfully nudging the bunny girl with my hip. “You heard her; let’s give the ladies what they want. Flou, I’m wanting a ‘tiered cake’ setup, please.” That’s butt on butt on butt, for laymen.

The Fuzzy Slime obliges, flowing from Cottontail’s sultan’s harem outfit to form a doughnut-shaped cushion around the bunny’s groin. Her stiffy-clitty pokes through the hole.

With my hands on her shoulders, I press her into laying on the floor and sit on the Fuzzy doughnut. The Slime cushion distributes my weight, so I don’t crush the cute, fragile bunny girl beneath me, and allows her the freedom to move her hips beneath me. I shift my seat until I feel a soft prick against my cunny. Cottontail thrusts into me on instinct at the barest contact of her pleasure wand against a yielding hole.

I lean back, bracing myself on my palms in a relaxed cowgirl position, my two masts standing proud, and beckon two lovely ladies with fluttering eyelashes.

“Ooh! This looks fun, fun, fun!” Gale exclaims as she hops onto my left rod, careful to avoid scratching my or Cottontail’s skin with her sharp talons. She is a good girl, after all.

“And this will get me pregnant with Cottontail’s offspring?” Megan says as she climbs us to straddle me while facing Gale. Trust but verify, after all.

“Yep!” I sit up, balancing on the Fuzzy doughnut as I put my hands on the small of Gale and Megan’s back to support them. While it’s not a ‘true’ tiered cake like if I stacked my harem prone on top of each other to expose their heinies, I’m more than satisfied with the arrangement. “No worries, I’ll make sure you two get the right stuff.”

Focusing internally, I use Maternal Ovarian Control to drop two eggs into my womb.

A fucking foursome (fivesome if we’re counting Flou) requires a complex rhythm with several moving parts. Thankfully, Gale and Megan have some experience as double riders. They bounce atop me, bobbing on my cocks, their tender tunnels gripping my firm rods on each rise and fall. Their stroking pussies are stoking a flame in my core.

Gale enfolds Megan with her wings, shoving the mouse girl’s face against her tangerine titties. The Harpy rolls her hips and grinds her cunt into my groin until her clit bumps Megan. Then Gale starts frantically tribbing her tiny wife. I see two beautiful flowers rubbing together before my eyes as they coo in delight.


At the same time, Cottontail is pumping her hips for all she’s worth, the bellows to my inner furnace of lust. Her little prick perfectly props my G-spot with every slam of her bunny thighs against my suspended buns. Fuck, she feels good pounding my honey tunnel!

In her throes of pleasure, Megan’s hand reaches out to land on Cottontail’s bunny brassiere.

“M-Megan!!” Cottontail moans as she explodes in my secret chamber.

*You’ve Conceived a Fuzzy! Congratulations! – One Female Breeder Mark!

*You’ve Conceived a Fuzzy! Congratulations! – One Female Breeder Mark!

“Fffuuuck,” I hiss, unable to contain my drive for completion any longer. My grip on the girls in my lap tightens as my hips piston upward repeatedly into their sweet honeypots. Each downswing plunges my pussy onto Cottontail’s bunny-stamina-hard erection. I’m getting action on both sides and the pressure inside is begging for release.

Then Flou snakes two fleshy tendril mouths from her Fuzzy doughnut upward to attack Gale and Megan’s unprotected rears.


Both mouse and Harpy’s velvet channels clamp down like vices on my cocks. The delicious warmth is incredible. I thrust as hard as I can, clenching my ass cheeks with Cottontail’s stiffy still inside me, and feel my ovipositors go to work. Their tips dilate and penetrate the cervixes before them, and then I’m shooting new life into their fertile wombs.

*Impregnation Successful – One Male Breeder Mark!*

*Impregnation Successful – One Male Breeder Mark!*

Blowback cum spurts from their filled holes to cover my loins and drip onto Cottontail as she creams me again while my orgasming pussy milks her member to a second climax. My brand appears on both girls atop me, as well as on Cottontail beneath.

After we lay there for a few contended minutes listening to the soothing sounds of orgiastic sex, Flou’s Fuzzy tendrils begin sucking up my spilled load. They ungulate with shock as the Slime says, “Alex, since when do you taste this good!?!”

“Taste?” Gale perks up like an early bird spotting the worm.

Megan sniffs the air, and the pupils of her emerald-green eyes dilate, “This scent…”

“I smell it too,” Cottontail whispers in a husky voice.

Then it devolves into a competition to see who can collect the most of my seed before the others can slurp up the last drop. Gale flaps to lift herself off my rod, quickly replacing her cunt with her mouth. Megan scrambles to do the same as Cottontail slips out from under me. Flou’s pseudopods attack the bunny girl’s clitty and Megan’s cunny to great effect.

“Sss-stop!” the mouse girl says, going weak in the knees.

Cottontail powers through pleasure to reach my second cock first, latching onto the tip as aftershock pulses shoot diminishing squirts of my load into her mouth.

Megan hits a dilemma, looking from Gale’s creamed hole to my stuffed muffin. “Alex’s cream…?” She plunges her face between the bird girl’s buttocks to slurp at the drooling flower hidden there. Then she wrenches herself away before diving between my legs. “Cottontail’s cream…?” I feel her tiny mousy lips and tongue teasing and licking at my vulva to lap at her sibling’s leavings.

“Alex’s… Cottontail’s…?” Megan works overtime switching back and forth between two pussies to catch every droplet leaking from either love tunnel.

I grin happily, reclining on Flou’s Fuzzy Slime doughnut like I’m relaxing at the pool while Harpy, bunny, and mouse eagerly service me in hopes of catching more of my delectable flavor. All the while, my Slime familiar lovingly pleasures them while cleaning the sweat and fluids from their bodies.

Cottontail is the first to rise, and I notice something odd. Sweat is beading on her forehead. “So… hot… my body feels…” The bunny girl doubles over, collapsing on the floor.

That changes the mood.

Megan and Gale are at her side in a moment. Flou and I are only a second behind. The Harpy girl fans the sweat from her brow with a gentle breeze from her beating wings.

Megan cradles her sibling’s head using her lap as a pillow. Flou holds her cousin’s fallen form tenderly. I kneel beside them, watching, unable to do anything while Cottontail’s body shudders as if with a sudden fever. Then I notice the brand on the bunny’s belly pulse and glow in time with Cottontail’s seizures.

The change begins a moment later.

Cottontail’s legs lengthen and the lines of her face soften. Her thighs swell to a feminine ideal, thickening with supple muscle. Most shocking of all, her breasts inflate as if going through puberty in seconds, budding, elevating the area, widening the areola, and enlarging. She goes from zero to A-cup and beyond. Her stiffy clitty stays erect the whole time. My calibrated gaze notes her length has increased by half an inch. Her little coin pouch remains the same, or perhaps ever so slightly larger.

The shivering stops along with the changes, and she rises to her knees while bracing herself with one hand on the ground.

“S-Summon Outfit,” Cottontail says, following some evolutionary instinct.

What appears on her body nearly sends me into a coma with sheer erotic energy. She’s wearing a strapless black corset teddy, a black bowtie, a white collar, white cuffs, and black sheer pantyhose stretches from her waist to the cutoff at her bunny feet fur line. Her curves are accentuated, the bottoms showing plenty of her bounteous bum, and her package showing as a cute bulge in the skintight garments. She’s grown three inches taller, all in the legs. Solid B-cups adorn her chest. B for bunny! B for beautiful!

And… I don’t recognize this evolution from the Book of Monsters.

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