Chapter 137 0137. Audience Outrage

After Shura's back to back blasts, the second event finally showed a beam of hope to players. This level wasn't as unbeatable as they had thought!

All they needed was some dust and some heavy firework to get it done.

Soon, the kill count started depleting at a rapid pace as players took turns in recovering their mana and HP as well as engaging in combat.






Four hours into the game and the overall kill count of players reached a number they had never expected to reach at the beginning of the event. Although all of them were a tired mess, their hopes of clearing the event was at an all time high.

Of course, the development team of Kibea wasn't half as happy as the players.

"What is going on here? Shaq, didn't you say that the event will at most reach 300,000 kills before all the players are wiped out?"

Jacob shouted in the Kibea special room in the stadium as he glared at Shaquile.

"I did say that, and I also said that 'if things proceed as predicted'. This is way out of our predictions. We never expected a player to come up with a strategy that dealt a long lasting effect and wipes out at least 100k mummies on their own."

Shaq said calmly. As wild as the situation was, it wasn't his fault. He had done plenty of preparations, and everyone in the world knew that the overall concept and mapping of Mayhem was made by Terry, which included this particular part of the world.

So he wasn't concerned with getting blamed for this event.


Terry, who was sitting on the head chair looking at the event getting displayed live in front of him, raised his hand as he gestured for Jacob to not pester Shaquile.

"Terry, what if they actually clear out the whole mob army?"

Jacob asked sceptically, fearing to hear the worst but his ears perked from the words that left Terry's mouth.

"They can't."


Jacob looked at Terry dumbfoundedly.

They can't? How?

Weren't they already more than halfway through?

"If you think that mummies are the only things that were in the 'million' then you are sorely mistaken."

Terry said as he relaxed back in his chair.

"Can anybody explain to me what is going on?"

"Keep watching, you will know."

Shaquile said. Even he was shocked when he was preparing for the event. He was shocked at the fact that Terry could prepare for something so far in the future.

Although he wasn't aware that it wasn't Terry but someone else guiding Terry like a puppet.


"Hahaha! We will win this! Fuck! We can win this!"

Grant laughed like a maniac as he pushed back another batch of mummies with his shield.

He was slowly getting used to it, and could finally see that the remaining players were cooperating well.

"Focus, you idiot."

Angelina shouted at Grant who was getting distracted. Baton had almost lost his health a while ago, and Shura reluctantly gave him an HP potion to save himself.

"Eyyy, don't go around throwing away your lives, they aren't yours anymore. Shura saved us and you can only die when he allows you to."

Baton shouted as he swung his hammer around, turning a few mummies to dust. Ever since Shura saved him a second time, Baton's attitude towards Shura had taken a 180 degree turn.

He was treating Shura like some kind of god and would feel offended when others didn't revere Shura as much as he did.

A true fanatic in a sense.

"It's been 30 minutes, are you guys ready with your skills?"


Shura asked and everybody replied with vigour. Since he couldn't afford to give mana potions to everyone, he used batches of players that could deal some damage to the ground and waited till they recovered their cooldowns and mana and then dealt a blow to the whole army of mobs at once.

As soon as he heard their affirmation, he told everyone to use their skills that could deal splash damage or impacts to the ground, as dust filled the whole area.

He used his little explosive baseball and the whole area became peaceful again for a minute.


"And score!"

Shura said dramatically as he stood with both his hands on his waist like a proud superhero.


"We got this everyone, we just need two more homeruns!"

Abel said as he chuckled. Contrary to Shura's expectations, Abel was extremely happy with the current situation. Instead of being jealous or feeling aversion to Shura, he was happily getting carried as he tried to contribute as much as he could.

As he had recently become a legendary class, he didn't have much skills, especially not ones that could deal AEO damage. His class centred around dealing a lot of damage to a single opponent rather than to deal damage to multiple opponents at once. Hence, he was very pleased with the current situation.

On the other hand, Iqol actively participated in dealing massive damage to the ground and helping them in the large dust explosions.

Although he wasn't the best talkative buddy, he was surprisingly very good with giving out and taking commands as well as co-operating in teamfights.

"Ah, I like this 1 minute complete silence."

Fender sighed out loud as he slumped down on the ground, and his eyes inadvertently landed on Anubis, who was sitting on his throne.


Fender looked at Anubis confusedly. Ever since the beginning of the event, Anubis had only stood up and talked once like any good NPC and then sat back on his seat ever since. The serpent head on his staff kept shining with green eye light as he summoned those mummies back to back.

But right at this moment, nobody noticed the change in colour of the serpent's eye colour. It started shining red instead of green, as the ground started rumbling.

"What? A minute has already gone by?"

Some players started complaining as they were really tired.

"No, something's wrong. Everyone get your guards up!"

Fender who had just slumped to the ground stood right back, as he warned everyone seriously to not let their guards down.

"What? What is going on?"

Instead of the cracks that were forming when the mummies came, this time the whole hall's ground split open and formed a huge crater.





A loud noise was heard as a huge hand appeared on the ground from inside the crater.

Soon enough, multiple hands appeared as one by one, huge stone bodies came out of the crater.


True enough, golems the size of two average humans combined started crawling out of the crater, their stone face having two fiery red gemstone like eyes.

"What the fuck?"

"Are we supposed to kill two hundred thousand golems now?"

Someone cried out in pure horror.

"L-levels… their levels!"

[Old Rock Golem]

[Level - 20]


[Old Rock Golem]

[Level - 23]




Shura cursed inwardly. He had long since realised that this wasn't a level that players were supposed to beat, but after killing off thousands of mummies, he was starting to have hope that they could beat this level, and not just collect dungeon points out of it.

Of course, he never once even tried to believe that they could beat Anubis, the Egyptian God of the Dead, but he was hopeful with his bandaged little minions.

"Why are there levels so high?"

Grant cried out as his grip around his shield loosened, making his shield fall to the ground.

Nobody had any answer to his abrupt question. On the contrary, everyone else also had the same question as him.

Well, it didn't take long for everyone to figure out the answer for that question though.

[800,000 of the Deadnight Legion have been defeated!]

[The elite 200,000 of the Deadnight Legion will now be summoned.]

[Player level restriction has been moved from level 15 to level 30.]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have levelled up!]

Shura received the same notification as everyone else and got the answer for the question that was lingering in his mind.

'Fuckshit developers!'

He just spit out a random curse to his dear developers, as he felt his body burn with rage.

[Level - 24]

He couldn't believe that after killing hundreds of thousands of mobs, his level was only increased to level 24 even though the max level restriction was level 30.

'I guess at some point, killing ants doesn't give us any exp.'

"Woah! I level up to level 17!"

"Me too! I levelled up to 20!"

"What? I only levelled up to 16!"

"Hmm. I am level 24."

Unsurprisingly, most top contributors till now were all level 24, while the others were below that level according to how much they had contributed.

At that moment, about hundreds of golems were standing in front of the players who had abandoned all hopes of surviving. And one of such players was Shura himself.


"F#cking developers! What the f#ck do they think they are doing? What is with this impossible stage?"

"I don't even feel like educating you right now, they deserve those curses."

The mom said to her kid who she had been monitoring to not curse till now.

"This unfair event…."

"I wanna beat up the developers! Malaika tried so hard…"

"I feel bad for poor Shura. He carried everyone for so long only to face this. Fucking developers."

Unknowingly, the plans to create an unbeatable stage had backfired on the developers as the audience's outrage was as clear as day.

Some of the viewers just rage quitted the live show as Kibea's viewer base immediately started to crumble in real time.

Terry would have never imagined such a reaction from the audience, and hence the whole of Kibea was clueless as to what they should do in this situation. There was no way they could change the event midway now that it has been decided, not to mention that they couldn't change it even if they wanted to.


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