Moon-Shadow Sword Emperor

Chapter 74

Episode 74

“Confucius! “We’re in big trouble!”

“Has a Japanese pirate appeared?”

“yes! It is just as Confucius predicted! “It is said that a large number of troops have landed in the waters of Daeju!”

A military barracks located on the border between Daizhou and Ningbo.

A young man wearing a blue dean’s gown and a hero’s gun stood up from his seat with a small sigh.

“The worst thing I feared has happened.”

“Damn it! “I warned you several times that something like this might happen!”

“Don’t get excited.”

“But Confucius!”

“It’s something that can’t be helped. Even though we may have built up credibility through our military expertise, in their eyes we are just outsiders. Ultimately, that’s what the relationship between an official and a martial artist is.”


“it’s okay. “We are here to prepare for situations like this.”

“Are you really trying to give an order to go out? “It is impossible for the number of people here to withstand the Japanese army.”

“You don’t have to be particularly numerically superior. The purpose of the pirates is to supply scarce supplies, so they will not necessarily try to cause conflict with the government forces.”

“Even so, it is reckless.”

“The time is just right.”


The young man slowly turned his head and looked outside the barracks.

The head of the warrior standing opposite him also turned accordingly.

The world was bathed in twilight.

It won’t be long before the thick darkness falls.

“Give torches to all soldiers and order them to widen their ranks and march. So that the enemy cannot estimate the size of our forces.”


“There is no need to repel it. “All you have to do is create a situation where they will retreat on their own.”

“All right.”

“Warrior Chu, please prepare too.”


“Shouldn’t you come with me? “If you are a guard warrior, you must protect the object of your guard.”

“Are you saying that you will personally step up and command the troops?”

“That’s right.”

“It’s not possible. “It’s too dangerous.”

“It’s probably not as dangerous as Musa Chu thinks.”

“There is only one thing.”

“At that time, the warrior must step forward.”

“Why are you so stubborn?”

“A crisis is also an opportunity.”


“A soldier dispatched by Zhuge Dynasty defeated the Japanese army using a small number of troops. If this fact becomes known, our claims will gain strength in the future. “My standing has grown and my speaking power has become stronger.”


Musa Chu took a deep breath at the calm young man’s answer.

I never thought I’d be able to see all the way up there.

‘As expected, this person…’

Once again, I could feel how great a talent the young man in front of me was.

Her talent and ability were too outstanding to be wasted just because she was a woman.

“If you understand, please move immediately. “We don’t have much time.”


* * *

“Whoa…” … .”

I sat down on the pile of Japanese pirate corpses and took a long breath.

‘There are so many of them.’

The level of each one was not that high.

Although there were occasionally people who learned martial arts, they were not at a level that would pose a threat to me.

The problem was numbers.

There were too many.

It was like seeing a swarm of ants.

‘It looks like it’s been largely sorted out…’

About a hundred Japanese pirates were slaughtered mercilessly.

The surviving Japanese pirates ran away with frightened expressions on their faces.

‘When Cheonwoo Dojang arrives, I’ll have to set up a defense and do some luck training, even if only for a moment.’

Not only did I exhaust a considerable amount of my strength, but I also accumulated a lot of fatigue.

There was a need to take a short break.

I got up from my seat and kicked the bodies on the floor and pushed them into the corner of the warehouse.

Then I raked up the goods that had fallen on the floor and looked at them.

‘shit. ‘The voucher has become very useless.’

A bundle of blood-soaked, torn and frayed slips caught my eye.

My mood calmed down.

How busy have you been to raise this money?

The hardships of the past flashed through my mind.

Anger against Japanese pirates boiled over like an active volcano.

‘It worked out better.’

I muttered to myself, gesturing to the Cheonwoo seal that had appeared from afar.

‘Why did this happen? They even make me a sacrifice for my reputation.’

* * *

After replenishing my strength with luck technique.

I said as I handed over the bundle containing the goods to Dojang Cheonwoo.

“Please move these to the previously used base.”

“What about small cooperatives?”

“I’m going to go subdue the Japanese pirates.”

“I will help too.”

“First, transfer the money and then join us.”

“If I focus my efforts on rescuing people while the Sohyeop deals with the Japanese pirates…”

“Soon, many Japanese pirates will storm here. “We can’t let these guys take our hard-earned money.”

“Money is not more precious than a person’s life.”

“There are lives that money can save. And the Japanese I saw on the way there seemed to be focused on plundering supplies and seemed indifferent to anything else.”


The Japanese pirates’ attention was focused solely on plunder.

At least he didn’t seem interested in the kidnapping of the young woman.

If anyone interfered with their event, they would slaughter anyone regardless of age or gender, but if they did not resist, they did not bother to touch them.

All they do is silently repeat the task of carrying food and money.

“They probably can’t afford it. “They probably wanted to quickly finish looting and run away because they don’t know when the government army will come.”


“The casualties will not be as great as you think.”

“Even so!”

“Anyway, the number of people that can be saved by going to the small cooperative right now is small. On the other hand, if we had that money, we would be able to save many people after the situation calms down.”

“…What the Sohyeop said is correct.”

“I said it before, don’t get your priorities wrong.”

After persuading Dojang Cheonwoo to leave, I looked back toward the coast where a lot of black smoke was rising and relaxed my stiff neck.

I took a short breath and kicked the ground hard.

The new model was fired like an arrow leaving a protest and crossed the street in a straight line.

How far did it travel like that?

A burning house came into view.

Families who are kicked out onto the streets and burst into tears.

Japanese pirates passing by carrying food and goods as if to show off.

I took a big leap and landed on the head of one of the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirate, feeling uncomfortable when he saw the shadow beneath his feet, tilted his head and looked upward.

Immediately after, his face and my feet touched.


The Japanese pirate’s neck was unable to withstand its weight and was suddenly bent.

I immediately pulled out the sword from my belt and cut down the other Japanese pirates.

A loud shout pierced my ears.

I couldn’t understand what it meant, but I could clearly tell that the Japanese were swearing in their own language.

However, the Japanese pirates who attacked with great momentum were not able to withstand the first bite and fell out.

The man who I presumed to be the head of the family let out an exclamation as he saw me defeating all the Japanese pirates in an instant.

“Homyeonhyeop (狐面俠)!”

I glanced at him and then launched myself in the direction where I felt the presence of another Japanese pirate.

As I ran, I organized my thoughts.

‘Realistically, it is impossible to deal with that many Japanese pirates alone.’

Even if he could recover to his prime, he could not handle that number alone.

However, the Japanese pirates were currently scattered here and there, plundering.

If they had formed a group and formed a formation, it would not have been that difficult to attack them individually.

‘Do not approach the coast. ‘Their main force will be encamped.’

I continued to move in the direction where I could sense the presence of Japanese pirates and cut them down at random.

In the process, many residents witnessed my activities.

How much time has passed like that?


I arrived in front of the huge manor, stood face to face with a Japanese pirate, and took a breath.

I was instinctively wary.

The man’s clothes were different from other Japanese pirates.

He wore heavy iron armor that covered his entire body and carried two swords strapped to his waist.

A large body measuring seven feet tall.

It was clearly distinguished from other small Japanese pirates.

“Who are you?”

The man asked in a low voice.

Surprisingly, it was the language of the central plains.

Although he didn’t speak very loudly, his voice resonated throughout the area, perhaps because of his inner strength.


Instead of answering, I pointed my sword at him.

The man with narrowed eyes pulled out a sword from his waist and held one in each hand.

‘Was there anyone among Japanese pirates with this level of skill?’

I moistened my lips with my tongue and observed the other person.

A unique posture that I have never seen before.

Still, I couldn’t find any gaps.

The same goes for the clothes and the prayers emanating.

There was no way a person like this was just a soldier.

My guess is that he was a person of quite high status among Japanese pirates.

In a surprise attack, I launched my Wolyeonggeom sword and rushed towards the man.

April, the twelfth herbivorous month.

The illusion of a sword fluttering like a dance dazzled the opponent’s vision.

The man let out an exclamation of surprise and swung his two swords at the intersection.

The illusion was torn apart, and the erupting sword energy hit my entire face.

I swung a sword loaded with brain energy and struck back.


A deafening explosion rang out.

I could tell just by competing with my hand once.

The man in front of me was a supreme expert.

If he were a member of the midfielder, he would have been ranked among the top 100 masters. He is a truly talented person.

‘I guess I can’t let down my guard.’

Victory could not be guaranteed.

While my opponent was in perfect condition, I had exhausted a lot of my strength and stamina on the way to this point.

A fight fought under unfavorable conditions.

But I didn’t feel afraid.

Rather, I felt a bit of anticipation.

Since leaving Gangho, I have never had a fight with a top 100 level strongman.

‘I met my second brother in the fantasy circle created by Reporter Cheon, but that was only an illusion, so let’s put it aside.’

I immediately got inside the gap between my opponent and thrust out my left hand.

Brain energy flashed above my tightly clenched fist.

The first herbivorous Paam Fist of Byeokryeok Fist.


The man’s new model was pushed away with a crash sound.

A long footprint was left on the earth.

The man looked at me with his rabbit eyes open.

I crossed the two swords to receive the blow, but my hands were shaking as if I was not able to completely relieve the shock.

I rushed at him without stopping.

Seven strands of swords erupted from the sword point and swept wildly across the front.

Blah blah blah!

The man, who swung his two swords like lightning and parried all the attacks, set off the Lion’s Roar and stepped forward.


A voice that resonates loudly.

The moment the two long swords laid horizontally were swung at the same time, the world in sight was split in half.

I struck down the sword I was holding with both hands, splitting the incoming pottery in half.


A massive light wave swept across the area.

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