Moral Reversal

81. Homeroom Committee Club

81. Homeroom Committee Club

Next day after morning training with Hinako and getting ready for school, we were driving past the usual way to school. Trish looked relatively calmed down sitting beside her tiny crush. It was funny how despite her being this tiny thing Trish was so afraid to talk to Cindy about her true desires towards her.

Reaching school on time and walking down the hallways I entered my room quietly, everyone noticed me but very few said anything. Kiara, Janet waved their hands at me saying good morning to which I just nodded. There was also Nyra but she just liked watching me, she was weird like that.

I sat down on my seat behind Kiara, she was already sitting facing backwards and was grinning ear to ear while looking at me.

Jake – Why do you look so chipper..?

Kiara – No reason...

Did my one kiss made her this cheery for two whole days ? And here I was still looking at teenage ass after fucking how many women even I didn’t know...

Jake – I guess you liked my gift that much huh..?

Kiara – Why did you do it..?

Jake – No reason, I just felt like doing it. It’s not a romantic thing though...

Kiara – Yes, I understand. I’m not that stupid, it’s because of your big thing isn’t it..?

Jake – What..?

Kiara – Why you act so differently and feel so open about all these things... It’s because you feel like women as we do about men... Right?

Jake – You got that from one kiss..?

Kiara – No, I got that after thinking for two days with calm mind as to what had happened with me.

Jake – You masturbated for two days straight...? My goodness, you should visit park or something once in a while you know.

Kiara – You know that’s not what I meant.

Jake – So you didn’t do it at all for two days, is that what you are telling me...?

Kiara – That .. uhmm..

Lol, what a simpleton. Teasing Kiara for a while the class finally started and the boringness returned after just one lecture. However my sleepiness went away when I heard what my home room teacher said at the end of the class.

Teacher – Which one of you has yet to join a club..?

And surprise, surprise only me and Kiara were two dumbos who had nothing do after classes. I was lazy and most likely Kiara followed after me.

Teacher – You two will be in charge of homeroom committee from today on. Help the two class representatives in handling stuff.

I looked at the guy besides me who was the guy’s representative who smiled back at me then I looked at the blue haired glasses girl, who just looked as dead as they come. My happy evenings were ruined. I tried talking to the teacher after going behind her but it was kinda a rule to participate in at least one after school activity and so I was stuck.

After the school ended me and Kiara looking as dead as fish followed the blue haired beauty who was equally dead in eyes and entered a separate room in the club’s building. It was really called ‘Homeroom committee’ on the door. Inside was just a big table, a portable board and tons of documents and folders lying around. It looked like a storage room for some lawyer.

The blue haired beauty, her name was Yui I think sat on one of these chairs around the table so we also settled besides her. In a few minutes of awkward waiting the guy who sat besides me also came in, he was Sawada I think. He also sat down besides us and to my absolute fucking surprise both class heads brought out a book from their bag and started reading without saying a single word as if we did not exist at all.

Jake – Hey ! Hey ! You two..!

Yui – Yes, Mikami Jake.

Sawada – What..?

Jake – What are we doing here...? What is this place or this club for that matter...?

Yui – It’s a Homeroom committee. We organize and look after things related to our homeroom here, since we just started the school there is not much to do.

Sawada – We just read here, you have to stay here at least an hour before going home.

Kiara – We can do anything in this one hour...?

Yui – Yes, you can use your phone or read a book. Anything that doesn’t violate the basic school rules.

Jake – And you two chose reading books ? Even that of school books...?

Sawada – It’s best time to do homework.

Yui – We have a lot of things to cover in this semester.

Jake – Perfect.

I took out my phone and started doing random things on it, but got bored in just 5 minutes. Even freaking Kiara started doing homework. I was the only one sitting empty while keeping my legs up and looking at the ceiling. After 10 minutes I was so bored I wanted to jump out of the window, if it was gonna be like this I might as well join a fun club.

Jake – Do any of you know anything about our homeroom teacher..?

Yui – She has Ph.d.

Sawada – Her last name is Steele something...

Kiara – She hates kids who don’t do homework...

Jake – I meant personal things and no I won’t do homework.... It’s a work that’s supposed to be done at home.

Yui - Precisely.

Jake – Reading is the same thing...

Yui’s dead eyes remained dead but I noticed a little twitch in her brow as if upset that I didn’t support her Reading.

Sawada – You can join other clubs if you want, you know...

Jake – Is there any club that would let me do anything I want, even sleeping and playing video games...?

Kiara – Why don’t you open your own fan club then..?

Yui – You can sleep here.

Sawada – You can play video games here too I think... if you do it quietly..

Jake – That’s it. I can bring things here right...?

Yui – Yes.

Jake – And if I donate them to this club it’s officially club property and I as a member of the club can use it freely in the club time, Right...?

Sawada – But why go through so much trouble, you can just bring anything you want in your bag.

Jake – I want a bed, couch, computer and fridge with food in it.

Everyone stopped working at once and looked at me as if I was insane. Well maybe it was a bit too much comfort but hey, if I can why shouldn't I right ?

Yui – A bed...?

Kiara – A fucking fridge...?

Sawada – Do you really have that much money...??

Jake – Yupp, I will order them right away and make them deliver here. I can donate them right..?

Sawada – If president of the club says yes, I guess...

Jake – Who is the president..?

Yui – We haven’t voted yet.

Jake – Let’s do it then, I vote myself as president.

Sawada – I would like to not vote at all...

Kiara – I vote for Jake.

Yui – Jake is the president then. Congratulations.

I immediately used my card to buy all the luxury items for my comfortable life in the club. But the room looked a bit smaller, so I got up and walked to the staff room to ask for another room. I knocked and then entered when a voice of our homeroom teacher told me to come in.

She had her own little office just like other teachers on this floor. I opened the door and entered, she nodded at me and gestured for me to sit in the chair opposite her. The busty homeroom teacher with her big ass was staring at me while thinking about my face constantly and how much she wanted to hug me and use me as a hugging pillow to sleep every night. I got out of her mind and opened my mouth.

Jake – So... they chose me as president of the ‘Homeroom committee club’ and as president I need a bigger room, or at least one without tons of documents in it.

Teacher – You... need it..?

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