More than a dragon Warrior



You all must be quite happy with the mass release. Unfortunately, I bring sad news.

This book is dropped.

Kidding, it's not that sad.

This book will go on a short break as my exam starts next week.

The preparations for the exam and projects were also why chapter updates had been inconsistent. And now I am forced to stop with the update entirely.

I will return when the exam ends.

Although I won't stop writing entirely as I am addicted and my passion would literally never allow me to stop for a long period. But I will use it as a break in my studies and would only be uplodaded on my patreon.

So consider joining my Patreon. There are still 8 chapters ahead there after the mass release and you will be seeing future updates there. By the way, things are getting peak in the newest chapters

That's all folks. And be ready as I will update a few times even during the supposed hiatus, probably. Maybe on mondays.

I will return full force next month.


Join my patreon to support me and read ahead!!

Patreon : Emmanuel_Capricorn

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