Moto Sekai Ichi'i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 32: Breaking at the Shore and Retreating

Chapter 32: Breaking at the Shore and Retreating

The break out was successful.

Originally, 「Headbutting a slave NPC will remove the slavery status(※This is irrelevant to the progress of the story)」 was just a bug, but it wasn’t fixed in the subsequent updates. In other words, the developers didn’t care about it. After all, in Mobius’ story, this was used to simply understand the existence of slavery as an ‘extra element’. In the first place, it was rare for a player who advanced in the story to get a slave.

However, this break out method was revolutionary for some players. For example, there was a quest in the story where you had to bring an enslaved NPC to a particular NPC, but the slaves would not fight any battles, even if they were being attacked by monsters. However, if you were to break out the slaved NPC, which was supposed to be a weak slave, it would show incredible fighting prowess and win against the monsters attacking it. With this, you could save time and effort and complete the quest more efficiently. However, the difference wasn’t that big. That’s why it was never fixed. Besides, since slavery magic didn’t appear at all afterwards in the story, maybe the Mobius developers simply forgot about this bug.

To test it, I tried to say “please headbutt me”, but I didn’t think it would work so well. Simply confirming that even if the NPC is the one headbutting, the slavery will cancel is huge. If I ever buy a slave again, I’ll headbutt it immediately after confirming that it will be trustworthy enough to check it out.

“Master, the sun almost sets. Let’s set up camp.”


After that, Yukari completely regained her usual coldness.

There’s only one difference, this is without doubt her true self. She wasn’t cold as if she was a machine like before, but more like cold with a touch of human kindness.

“You don’t have to call me Master, you know? “

“No. This is something I already decided.”

“Ah, is that so…?”

……Still, she’s somewhat cold.

Huh? At one point I felt as if she was opening up her heart……

“Please leave tonight’s guard to me.”

“Thanks, that helps a lot.”

I quickly ate and lied down.

I was quickly overcome with drowsiness.



“Huh? Were you looking at me? “


I felt a gaze on me, but I guess it was just my imagination.

Closing my eyes, I decided to try to sleep again.


No, it’s not my imagination.

“Hey, were you looking at me? “


“Averting your eyes makes you look guilty.”

“I wasn’t looking. Please, just go to sleep already.”

I’m somehow not convinced……


“You! You are looking! And you are even laughing? “

“No. I wasn’t looking. Hehehe.”

Yukari answered along with a giggle.

It’s great that she’s feeling better after just half a day, but isn’t her character a little too different?

“Tch, you better remember this……”

Losing to the intense drowsiness, I decided to simply go to sleep without caring if she was staring at me.

“Yeah, I’ll remember it. I’ll completely remember it.”

Yukari muttered some words I couldn’t catch. I really don’t get this girl……


Next morning.

“Good morning, Master.”

Opening my eyes after waking up, the first thing to see was the figure of Yukari, who was in the exact same position as last night.


…………No, there’s no way.

Swallowing the question “Were you staring at me all this time? “, I just answered her morning greeting.

After eating breakfast, we began to walk.

At our current pace, we will arrive at the port city Koula today.


“Master. What kind of training should I do as a Blacksmith? “

Along the road, Yukari suddenly asked about that.

“Oh, just earning experience and ranking up the blacksmith skills should be enough.”

“Earning experience?”

“For now, clearing Pae Ho’s Limptfert Dungeon is the most efficient method. You will earn it there for the moment.”

“Clearing an intermediate class dungeon……. Will that be possible for me?”

Oops, I didn’t properly explain it.

“Remember we formed a team? The team leader can manipulate the percentage of experience each member gets. If I set you to 100%, you will earn it fast, since all the experience from the defeated monsters will come to you.”

This is what people called ‘carry’.


After hearing me, Yukari crossed her arms and was seemingly troubled by something. Her already prominent breasts got pushed up, making them seem extremely outrageous.

“I too can…… no, it’s nothing.”

Yukari began to speak but immediately denied it.

I wonder if she was going to say “I too can fight”? If so, I hope she refrains from doing so. The time for her to get her blacksmith to Grade 9 will increase. But I think she stopped herself from saying more because she was aware of this.

“……Understood. It’s necessary for me to master Blacksmith as soon as possible. I’m sorry for the trouble, I’ll put myself in your care.”

“Well, don’t worry. This is me just being selfish for the sake of efficiency.”

“In return, please let me take care of Master’s daily life.”


“I will serve you to my fullest.”

“Wait a moment. Eh? What do you mean? “

“This is obvious, I’m Master’s slave after all.”

“Isn’t that wrong? You’re not a slave anymore.”

“No, I am a slave. Simple as that.”

“And I’m telling you, that’s wrong.”

“In order to avoid the Maurice Company growing suspicious of you. That’s why it’s better to keep the master-slave relationship clear.”

“…………You have a point. “

I somehow feel like she’s trying to play me, but well, Yukari’s story certainly has some truth to it.

It’s just, to only keep the front of a master and slave, playing that part only in public should be enough――

“Master. I can see the port city.”

“Ohh. So, we’re finally there!? “

I’ll get to sleep in a bed at last!

With that joy filling my mind, the various things that I was thinking until now were blown away.


“……It’s beautiful. Quite a lot.”

“The sunrise is more beautiful. Let’s get up early tomorrow.”


The room we got was on the second floor with a view to the sea, and we were currently looking at said sea from the window.

For some reason, it’s a two-person room.

Dark elf slaves have a terribly bad reputation. When I was troubled about what to say at the reception desk, Yukari went ahead and said “We’re married”, and this is the result.

A pleasant moment of silence flowed between us. There were several such moments of silence until now between us, but this clearly has a ‘somewhat good feeling’ to it. Before, it just made me feel uneasy.

“Thank you very much.”

Yukari was the one to break the silence.

“What for? “

“For finding me, it’s good it was you. I really feel that way right now.”

“I see……”

Silence once again. As I hear the distant sound of the waves breaking at the shore and retreating, I get lost in my thoughts.

Duchess Lucia Icene―― was she really killed by the Queen Consort, White Castall?

If Yukari, who was somewhat involved in that, remembers so, then there’s no mistake. But, the reason for that is what worries me.

I don’t feel like getting caught in something big, risky and unreasonable.

I know of the First Prince Klaus’ crooked nature. His mother doing corrupt things doesn’t feel out of place.

But then, what about his father the King, Barwell Castall?

In Mobius, he certainly was depicted as a profit-first, self-centered person. If he’s the same man in this world, I wonder if he will be doing wicked acts? NPCs, such as kings that I never really cared much about in Mobius, are something I absolutely cannot ignore in my aim at the top of the world.

And above all, the Second Prince Maine worries me. I won’t be able to stand a friend of mine getting caught up in some shitty conflict.

……I’ll have to investigate. That’s how I felt.

For the sake of me being the top of the world, and for the sake of Maine’s future――

“About the matter of the Queen Consort.”


“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna do anything right now, but I’ll do something about it.”

“…………! “

After saying so, Yukari’s usually sharp eyes rounded up as she looked at me.

When I looked back at her, she returned her gaze towards the sea, and slowly opened her mouth.

“It’s better not to talk too much about such frivolous things.”

Her form was beautiful and cold, similar to an ice sculpture.

She tried to hide her slightly smiling lips from me.

And her slender pointed ears were dyed in red so that, even with her brown skin, I could tell.

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