Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

Chapter 201 - Broken Pieces

"Huh?" Fu Shuang and even Jun Li Na were perplexed.

"Aiyo, idiots! My sensei once taught me that to ruin an enemy, infiltrate its base. make the fortress hollow from inside and then it’ll be a piece of cake to conquer the world. That’s exactly what I’m doing." She looked at Fu Shuang and said, "If you really mean that you never meant to leave me without seeing me then you have to be my mole."

Fu Shuang stared back and asked, "Will I get my friend back?"

Xu Mey contemplated a bit and nodded saying, "Yes, I’ll be giving our friendship another chance." For Fu Shuang, it was more than enough that she was going to forgive him. So, he readily agreed. He hated her being distant and if he was getting a chance to be close to her again then why would he not agree?

"Should I go to rescue her from there?" Fu Shuang asked Xu Mey.

"Nope, not yet. If you appeared so soon then it’ll be suspicious. Wait for some time here." Xu Mey instructed.

When Xu Mey allowed Fu Shuang to move ahead, Xu Liqing was wailing inside like an old lady. Fu Shuang brought some guards with himself who were arranged by Xu Mey for him. He covered Xu Liqing’s face with his jacket and through the path that the guards made, he took Liqing out. The reporters were instructed to only focus on Xu Liqing which was why they all left Lu Ge inside the room alone.

"Let’s go!" Xu Mey told Jun Li Na but the latter didn’t move at all. "What are you waiting for?"

"You go without me, Mey. I’ll be there soon." Xu Mey didn’t try to convince Jun Li Na since she knew that Li Na needed to lose her last hope that was the only way for her to move on.

When Xu Mey left, Jun Li Na walked out of the corner. At the same time, Lu Ge walked out of the suite clad in his disheveled clothes. As his gaze fell on Jun Li Na, a fury raged inside of his heart. With furious eyes, he came to Jun Li Na, held her wrist and pulled her with himself. She followed quietly behind him.

He pushed her inside the car and sat in the driver seat before driving at a high speed. "Slow down the car," she spoke meekly afraid of his wrath.

Lu Ge pressed the brake and unbuckled his seatbelt. He grabbed a fist of Jun Li Na’s hair and pulled her face towards himself. He wasn’t kissing her. He was torturing her with the bites that made her even taste her own blood. She tried to push him away but he grabbed her wrist and snarled, "Isn’t this what you wanted? You’ve been following me for years. Just for this right? Then take it, I’m finally giving it to you."

He smothered her face, pushed the seat back as he hovered above her body. He bit and licked on her neck and moved lower. She repeatedly tried to escape from his grip but he didn’t let her loose. He brought both her hands over her head and held her wrists with one hand while his other hand grabbed at her full sleeve gown and tore the sleeve.

Jun Li Na’s tears had no restraint as they trickled down her face burning her but his eyes and his touch were akin to needles that prickled her skin repeatedly making her feel disgusted by him. Seeing him groping her breast, she felt repulsed as the memory of seeing him in bed with Xu Liqing came back. She thought that Xu Mey was right, she’ll never be able to look at this man in the same way ever again. Because for her now, he’d always be a person who cheated on her with her own cousin sister.

Even more so, after him acting like an animal with her, she won’t be able to forgive him. Or perhaps, she won’t be able to forgive herself for loving such a scum. Forgiving others is easy, forgiving your own self only breaks you even more. But without forgiving yourself, you can’t expect to forgive others as well.

Jun Li Na’s hand loosened a bit and she slapped his face. She cowered back in her seat saying, "I always wanted your love not this. I never desired this."

Lu Ge slapped her back and said, "You crazy stalker, you even didn’t spare your sister? Do you know that you just ruined her life?"

"Did you spare my sister?" Jun Li Na questioned bravely glaring at him. "And what about my life? You care about hers but mine is not even worthy to be mentioned? I gave you my everything and yet, this is where you brought our relationship."

"Hiss!" She winced in pain as he grabbed her hair again.

"What relationship? The one that existed in your delusions? Who would love a useless wretch like you?" He snarled again and pushed open the door of her side. He got out of the car and pulled her out as well.

It was middle of nowhere. There were barely any road lights that illuminated the area. This place gave her an eerie feeling, making her want to run away. Lu Ge pushed her on to the roadside making her skin graze upon on the road. Blood oozed out of her scraped knee and elbow.

"You!" He pointed a finger at her. "Don’t ever show me your face again."

He sat back in his car and drove away. Jun Li Na stayed on the floor without any intention of getting up at all. As she gazed at the nails and teeth marks on her body, she realized that her 10 years of love was murdered today torturously.

Some hearts learn to love only to be broken by the one they loved. Her heart was one of those. Today, it not only broke, but its broken pieces were also disgustingly latched to her body in the form of torn clothes and bite marks. She dazedly looked at the flickering light right above her head and thought, ’Did she loved so much only be broken like this?’

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