Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

Chapter 204 - What-ifs

Clad in a complete leather ensemble, Xu Mey put on her gloves and with many dilemmas decided to just take her bike. She promised Ye Jie that she won’t ride the bike after her accident but right now, she felt the need to do so. She needed to be inconspicuous and the bike was her best suit.

But she couldn’t just forget what Ye Jun told her. Even though she grew apart from Jun Li Na, that didn’t change the fact that Xu Mey’s very first companion was her.

She had plenty of ways to make Lu Ge regret even touching Jun Li Na. She applied one of the ways when she called the reporters and said, "Remember I told you not to get the man’s name out who was with Xu Liqing?"

"Yes, I am making sure to bury that part." The reporter answered respectfully.

"Don’t bother," Xu Mey spoke. "Now, I want you to trample all over that adulterous couple. Write whatever you want and even more so, hype it up as much as you can. Get his Lu Financial Company involved as well. But, don’t you dare mention the name of his wife at any cost."

At first, because of Jun Li Na’s insistence, Xu Mey decided to hide the identity of the man with whom Xu Liqing was found but now, she didn’t give a damn at all. Even after passing the instructions, she didn’t feel at ease. There was an itch in her heart that she couldn’t let go of and that itch forced her to put on her biker suit and made her way towards the garage.

She was about to mount on her bike when she heard a voice, "Where are you going, sis?"

Xu Mey was startled for a second and turned to see Azalea with her inquiring eyes. "Um... Well, I’m going out for a ride." Xu Mey answered with an innocent smile.

Azalea gave an all-knowing look saying, "Sis, do you think that I’m a kid who would believe whatever you say?"

"Can’t you?" Xu Mey made a pitiful face.

"I can but what if bro-" Azalea didn’t get to complete her worry since Xu Mey interrupted her.

"Little sister, one of my favorite characters once said, ’We can’t waste time worrying about the what-ifs.(*)" For a moment, Azalea was speechless. She could find anything to argue with her.

Seeing Azalea keeping her mum, Xu Mey added, "What-ifs can only hurt ourselves. And I know that if I asked myself that simple ’what if?’ then I’ll have a million reasons to back off right now. But it won’t change the fact that I even have a million reasons to move ahead as well."

Azalea pondered for a moment before a sweet smile bloomed on her small face. "Then let me come with you." She suggested.

"Oh, no! I can’t." Xu Mey shook her head. "Ah-Jie will kill me if anything happened to you."

Azalea frowned. "Would you let anything happen to me?" She questioned.

"Of course not! But you never know." Xu Mey argued.

Azalea paced up to Xu Mey’s side and patted her shoulder saying, "Sis, I trust you. Also, if anything does go wrong, bro can never even have the courage to even yell at you much less kill you. And, in case of getting caught, you’ll need someone to say it with you."

"Say what?" Xu Mey narrowed her eyes.

"F*ck it!" Azalea gave her a toothy grin making Xu Mey smile in return.

In the end, Xu Mey gave in to Azalea and took her out on her bike. It was way past midnight and the roads were completely empty with the exception of a few cars.

After a ride of 20 minutes, Xu Mey stopped the bike in front of an elite bar. Azalea looked around and asked, "This is where he is? Are you sure?"

"You have a doubt?" Xu Mey retorted.

"No... I just find it weird that after everything the guy would be here." Azalea commented.

"Zelie, people like him like to drown themselves in alcohol when they can’t do anything else."

Both the girls- one in black and one in simple jeans and shirt- walked inside the bar. The smell of alcohol and smoke mixed with some strong perfumes made a combination of a pungent smell which made Azalea’s eyes sting. She scrunched up her face in disgust.

"Go over there and sit still. Don’t do anything. And don’t move at all." Xu Mey directed Azalea towards a secluded corner and darted her eyes around to look for her prey.

It took her just a minute before her eyes landed on Lu Ge’s figure sitting between a group of young master of elite families in City Star. "Found you!" She mumbled and rummaged out a piece of black cloth to bind around her face.

After that, she picked up an alcohol bottle and took her aim. She might not call herself a prodigy in martial arts but she had amazing marksmanship. From her position, she shot the bottle straight towards Lu Ge’s head and sure enough, it landed exactly where she aimed for.

"Hiss!" Lu Ge hissed in pain as the blood oozed out of the side of his head. The three young masters around him were also startled at the turn of events. It happened so suddenly that nobody noticed. Also, they were really drunk after spending 2 hours in the bar so, they couldn’t even stand straight at this point much less notice anything.

"Who did it?" Lu Ge snarled but it came out as a slurp.

Xu Mey walked up to his side and said, "Oops, my bad! The bottle just slipped out of my hand." Obviously, there was no such thing as guilty on her face whatsoever. Although they couldn’t see the smirk on her face because of the cloth, they did saw the glint in her twinkling eyes.

"Slipped? It was clearly intentional." Lu Ge rose his voice at Xu Mey trying to intimidate her.

Xu Mey’s eyes turned chilly in a second as she stared back at his eyes without fear and said, "Oh, yeah? It was intentional. What’re you gonna do about it?" She challenged him.

"You!" Lu Ge raised his hand intending to slap Xu Mey but before his hand could land on her face, it was held in Xu Mey’s strong grip.

"Looks like, young master Lu really likes to show his manliness through beating girls. How about I show you what it feels like to slap someone?"

(*): Dialogue of Ichigo Kurosaki from Anime ’Bleach’

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