Mr Devourer, Please Act Like a Final Boss

Chapter 28


Chapter 28

You know, I tried not to say things like this.

Renee, how long are you going to keep doing this?

A gust of wind messed up the silver hair, and lips parted to let the wind pass.

In response to the voice coming from behind, Renee turned her head. The red pupils looking at her were slowly approaching.

She weakly opened her lips, and a feeble voice came out.

“Miss Batory…”

The cursed fortress, one of the Seven Great Evil Dungeons, the paradise of withered trees and starving crows, ‘Cheite Castle.’ The owner of that castle, a vampiress with hair and eyes redder than blood, the daughter of the night, the nightmare of the Astricia Forest.

Elizabeth Batory.

As if responding to Batory’s call, Renee looked at her. Renee’s eyes had a somewhat lifeless appearance, especially the right eye, where the pupil was so dilated that it was difficult to distinguish the iris.


Renee couldn’t continue her words. She bowed her head deeply in guilt.

Batory also closed her mouth for a moment in front of such a reaction. Batory knows what Renee went through in the past few days. She probably had a rough idea of what emotions Renee might be feeling. Being a woman herself, she might understand Renee better than the monsters of the Primordial Core she had spent decades with.

“I roughly know what you’re thinking.”

Batory said. It was literally a rough understanding. Since she hadn’t experienced it herself, she couldn’t be certain. Even if she had a similar experience, saying things like ‘all’ or ‘definitely’ would be hypocritical. It would likely be insincere and false.

“I’m not saying I support you going through this.”

Since Renee left the Primordial Core, up until today.

For the past few days and nights, Renee stayed awake with wide eyes. She rejected even the minimum meals to survive, always sitting under the debris or trees in the field of Cheite Castle, gazing at the sky. Despite not being able to overcome physical exhaustion, she would wake up after just an hour or two of sleep. Every time she woke up, Renee’s body was drenched in sweat. Weakened skin turned as pale as Batory’s, revealing blue veins, and her exhausted body, with a bit of exaggeration, looked dangerously fragile, as if it could collapse with a slight push.

With such a body, how could the sky look beautiful? Especially with her nearly blinded and hazy right eye, how clear could the sky appear?

The sky was always bleak. Whether it was resonating with Renee’s emotions or not, there were always clouds obscuring it.

“I have at least the minimum obligation to ensure that my customers don’t starve to death, since I’m the dungeon boss.”

“…Miss Batory, I feel terribly sorry for always causing you trouble.”

“I’m not asking for an apology. Renee, one of the messengers I sent to Hastin has some information.”


“One of the Imperial raid forces re-entered the Primordial Core today. They should have arrived by now.”

Renee’s eyelids trembled. Her cloudy right eye did not see clearly, but it felt vibrant.

After a long, profound silence, Renee finally raised her head.

“Even if Miss Batory says so, Renee can’t return to the Primordial Core.”

“Renee Rello.”

A brief pause ensued. Renee’s response to Batory’s call was consistent—a choice of silence once again.

“You’re seriously mistaken. I’m not suggesting you return to the Primordial Core. Your happiness matters, but I prioritise choice and freedom. Even if you were determined to end your own life, if that’s your true will, I wouldn’t stop you.”

It’s a distinct issue, separate from sadness.

“But whatever knot you tie, it must be tied firmly.”

Whatever Renee chooses is acceptable. Whether they become a stalwart force of Cheite Castle, eventually depart after healing their emotional wounds, wield a sword against the Empire as a wanderer, or rule as the lord of monsters, crafting their own dungeon—a skilled individual like Renee might even create a dungeon rivalling the Seven Great Evil Dungeons.

“Renee, you probably think Devourer wouldn’t want to see you.”

A miscalculation.

“Shall I make a prediction? If It’s the Devourer I know, he’ll soon be stirring up the continent to find you. He might even turn it into a barren field if necessary.”

If Devourer can’t move, Patrick will undoubtedly take action.

“He might come here soon too. Even if it’s not here, it won’t take long to find your traces.”

The skeleton living in the Primordial Core has an empty skull but incredibly fast brain rotation.

“…Mr Devourer wouldn’t do that.”

“No, he will definitely search. Even if you can’t accept it, let’s assume that for now. So, Renee, what do you think those two will do when they find out how you ended up like this? You know it well, don’t you?”

“Then… what should I do?”

“Erase your traces.”


“Yes. If you really plan to hide and live, erase your footsteps.”

It doesn’t have to be perfect. Even if you erase them clumsily, it’s enough as long as Patrick, who was chasing Renee’s traces, realises the fact.

‘You reap what you sow,’ if she can somehow demonstrate that, Patrick will surely handle the rest well. If he recognizes Renee’s sincerity, even if he has to lie, he will convince Devourer. So, she must somehow show it.

Never look for Renee Rello again.

“Your boss is more relentless in that direction than you might think.”

Common worldly values mean little to Devourer, the ancient monster. With just one cheap emotion of wanting to save the subordinate who left home, he could turn the world upside down.

“Let me say it again. Today, the subjugation team sent by the empire headed to the Primordial Core.”

Now, Batory’s intentions were clear.

It’s not about going to the Primordial Core. After all, Devourer isn’t the type to be stopped by humans.

The reason Batory said that was to inform Renee. The fact that the Primordial Core will be busy with dungeon cleanup for a few days, and during that time, there will be no choice but to stay outside the dungeon.

It implied that if she was going to tie the knot, she should do it during that time.

Renee looked up again, thinking of Devourer and the Primordial Core.

If she doesn’t erase her traces, will Devourer try even harder to find her? Despite the strong desire to remain in Devourer’s memories, no matter how hard she tried, Renee couldn’t return to the Primordial Core. Renee doesn’t have the right to be by Devourer’s side.

In that case, erasing her traces is undoubtedly an acceptable solution.

“…Miss Batory, I’ll take a moment to get some fresh air.”

“My personal servant is in the third room from the entrance to the left corridor. He’s a pretty capable guy, so even if he turns into a bat, he can lift your weight and fly quite competently. If you mention my name, he’ll follow your orders respectfully.”

“Thank you, Miss Batory.”

A hoarse voice emerged from Renee’s dry lips. Turning her head to look ahead, Renee stood up, swaying.

She didn’t look at Batory. She didn’t want to show a face full of sadness.

Leaving behind Batory while maintaining her posture, Renee walked away. Soon, she stopped walking. Something suddenly occurred to her, and she asked Batory as if pouring it out.

“…Where are the blades?”

Batory replied.

“How many do you need?”

* * *

It didn’t take too long to reach the entrance of the Mage Tower. The memory of wandering around Hastin just a few days ago lingered, but this time, the path to the Mage Tower was clear. Thanks to that, there was less need to ask insignificant humans for directions.

“…Straight ahead.”

Renee lifted her head. Despite Renee’s life being completely shattered, the Mage Tower that ruined her still stood tall, displaying its majesty. It seemed to be looking down on Renee, mocking and sneering.

Renee, gazing at the Mage Tower, quickened her pace. As emotions surged within her, staring any longer seemed to risk losing her rationality.

“Welcome to ‘Wing.’ May you have an enlightening time.”

The gatekeeper politely welcomed Renee. Whether it was because she was wearing a dress instead of the robe from the previous visit or if he simply couldn’t recall, it was hard to say.

—Should I kill the guard too?


Ignoring the guard’s greeting without a word, she stepped over the entrance threshold. It might be better to deal with the guard after finishing the internal cleaning; otherwise, there might be interference from outsiders.

‘Wing’ was not much different from when she visited a few days ago. A guide, perhaps informed by some special means, rushed towards Renee, exuding excitement.

Slightly puzzled by the guide’s courteous greeting and raised head, confusion flickered on Renee’s face. Although the dress she was wearing was undoubtedly noble, there seemed to be some hesitation in assessing Renee’s status.

“You’ve gone through so much trouble to come to such a humble place. If you had informed us in advance, we would have welcomed you more warmly. Please forgive us for not being fully prepared. It may seem terribly impolite, but if it’s possible, could you tell us your family and status…”


“Yes, yes?”

“Can you use dimensional magic here?”

“What? … What do you mean?”

“Can you use it?”

Sweat formed on the guide’s forehead. It seemed like hiding emotions was not a talent the guide possessed. After stammering for a while, the guide responded with a hesitant voice.

“W-well… there’s a dimensional magic barrier that envelops the entire Mage Tower, so we can’t use dimensional magic. But more importantly, what’s happening, and…”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes? Yes, yes. I’m sure.”

Well, there’s no escaping then.

Nodding her head slightly, Renee lifted the hem of her skirt and closed her eyes in silence. The guide’s eyes, which had been captivated by thick eyelashes, now looked downward. The emotion revealed this time was excitement.

“E-even the disciples are watching, what suddenly…?”

The guide’s trembling voice abruptly stopped. The once flushed face quickly turned pale blue. Cat garters clinging to Renee’s thighs. About a dozen daggers attached to those garters.


Before questioning it, a fountain of blood sprayed from the guide’s neck.

With that single action, the expressions of the first-floor disciples who had been glancing at Renee froze.

More precisely, their attention shifted from Renee to the dagger she had pulled out. Drops of blood dripped from the blade. After confirming the dagger, everyone raised their gazes.

Renee Rello remained expressionless—still.

Human Mage Towers resembled that.

Human Mage Towers resembled dungeons.


Indeed, the Mage Tower is a dungeon composed of human mages.

“…Weak and feeble monsters.”

She pulled out a towel from her pocket and wiped her blade.

* * *

Amidst the clattering and noisy sounds of someone coming up the stairs, Hansennel, the Vice-leader of the Mage Tower ‘Wing,’ turned his head. Climbing the stairs, out of breath, was a disciple from the 5th floor.

Hansennel frowned. Climbing from the 5th to the 7th floor shouldn’t be a breathless journey, and running up the Mage Tower stairs was undoubtedly against the rules.


Before anyone could ask what was happening, the disciple shouted. After finishing his words, he hesitantly sat down, hugging himself. His mumbling, “I’m going to die, I’m going to die,” sounded like he was possessed by a ghost.

“…Calm down. Stay calm and tell us what’s going on. What’s happening…”

“S-she’s coming! She’s coming. She’s coming. She’s coming!”

The disciple writhed without curling into a ball. Who was coming?

—The question didn’t last long. Just as the disciple said, when attention was paid, an ominous energy could be felt.


The aura of a demon. Dark and dense.

‘Why would a demon be here?’

Pondering the question, Hansen quickly grabbed the staff. Despite being a scholar studying magic, he had a robust physique. As the substantial staff touched Hansen’s hand, a faint light emanated from it.

The Mage Tower ‘Wing’ was near the central square, the heart of Hastin. Does the intrusion of a demon into ‘Wing’ mean that the entire Hastin was falling prey to monsters? Or is it that monsters have infiltrated this Mage Tower? And why?

“Enemy count?”

“Uh… One…”

“What type of monster?”

“Human, it’s human!”


This magic clearly belonged to a monster. If it’s of human species, does that mean it’s a humanoid monster?

—No, humanoids and humans have distinct appearances. The disciple’s words suggest that it has the form of a ‘real human.’ A polymorph? If it’s a monster strong enough to use polymorph, it must be a formidable one.

“Calm down. Among the 6th-floor disciples, there are nine who can use intermediate magic. It won’t be easy to break through. So, stay a bit more composed. First, take a deep breath. Once you’re calm, tell us more details. Depending on the situation, we might need to request reinforcements from Count Ettark…”

In response to Hansennel’s words, the disciple took deep, laboured breaths repeatedly. However, fear paralyzed him to the point where even breathing became challenging. Despite several attempts, the trembling didn’t subside. Yet, perhaps having gained a bit of composure, the disciple opened his mouth again.

“It really came out of nowhere! There was no special noise from below. Casting noises have always been there, but suddenly… ah, ah? …Cough, cough.”

Before finishing his sentence, the disciple collapsed.

A silhouette walking from behind became visible.

Hansennel tightly gripped his staff. It had been only a few seconds since he said the 6th floor wouldn’t be easily breached. The arrival seemed to mock Hansennel’s words.

The silhouette walking from behind was a woman. A small, pitiable figure wearing a heavily tattered pink dress, yet still a beautiful woman. There was no need to think of such a figure as a monster.

All the blood stains on her were undoubtedly from the disciples.

Hansennel clenched his staff tightly. It was his own mistake to have thought he could afford to be somewhat relaxed. He had no confidence in defeating that presence. Even if he had confidence in his abilities, it was impossible to defeat someone who breezed through the 6th floor.

There was no prepared magic, and the situation prevented escape through dimensional magic due to the dimensional magic resistance within the Mage Tower.

‘Let’s buy time for now. Amer is just above, on the 8th floor. Once I send a message, if I fight together with Amer, we can bring her down.’


After a moment of contemplation, the slowly approaching female monster spoke. A glimmer of hope flickered in Hansennel’s heart.

Knowing how to speak meant communication was possible. Even just having a conversation could buy enough time. So, he responded with utmost respect, trying to gauge the situation. Every bit of time gained was crucial for success.

“I greet you. I am Graumitz Hansennel, the vice-leader of this Mage Tower and a servant of Graumitz Amer. It would be convenient to think of me as the one overseeing the practical operations of the Mage Tower.”


“Yes, that’s correct. I would appreciate it if you could call me Hansennel comfortably.”

“Where is your leader?”

“Ah, Amer is… well…”

Hansennel stuttered in response to the sudden question. It was a difficult inquiry due to its directness. If he answered that Amer wasn’t in the Mage Tower, it might provoke an attack thinking there’s no need for him. If he said Amer was present, it might signal the end of the business, and the monster might brandish a weapon.


“Uh, yes?”

“That’s enough.”

After ending her statement, the female monster looked up at the ceiling.

‘That’s enough.’ Hansennel could immediately understand the meaning of those words.


“Damn it!”

Shouting, Hansennel swung his staff. It was a resolution to throw anything out, no matter what. The staff glowed. What he used was the fastest magic to cast, the one that could be expelled the quickest.



He gave up upon seeing the sharp metal needle already flying towards his face.

He closed his eyes.


The sound of blood hitting the ground.


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