Mr Devourer, Please Act Like a Final Boss

Chapter 48


Chapter 48

[We are the shadow knights of ‘Roano’s Mist,’ a direct lineage shadow organization of the imperial royal family.]

Can they truly be trusted?

The captain sat in a secluded corner of the alley, eavesdropping discreetly. There was no information to be gained from the conversation with the knight wrapped in armor. He merely agreed to the knight’s demand for information, “Provide us with information,” after hearing vaguely exchanged words.

In front of those who could potentially kill everyone instantly, there was no room for any choice.

‘Despite claiming to be members of a shadow organization, I don’t trust them.’

The captain did not trust them.

They had tried to kill all their alley comrades, had indeed forced some into the afterlife, and spared everyone with capricious actions.

Yes, sparing them was merely for the sake of obtaining information.

Those who claimed to be part of the shadow organization couldn’t leave so many witnesses. They would erase all traces as soon as the job was done.

We, the ‘witnesses,’ will all be killed.

The captain was convinced.

Choosing active cooperation was for that reason.

‘To assist in the work while keeping a close watch on those two as much as possible.’

Certainly, it was mentioned that solving Hastin’s issue was the objective. If that’s the case, closely monitor their actions, and when they are busiest, quietly leave the village. Since it was known that Hastin wouldn’t last long, it was only a matter of slightly advancing the time to leave.


As the captain finished his thoughts, he shifted his gaze towards the direction where footsteps were approaching. Clearly, the silhouette hurrying towards the captain at midnight was Tott. It seemed like he came with urgent news, running with all his might.


It wasn’t until the footsteps came close enough for the sound of labored breathing to be heard that Tott called out to the captain.

“Rosalina, ugh, Rosalina…”

“Rosalina? What happened?”

Raising an eyebrow, the captain frowned. While Rosalina leaving her spot was common, Tott had never shown such a reaction before.

“Rosalina is missing!”


“She disappeared with the knight with black hair, dressed in shabby clothes.”

After catching his breath a few times, Tott, who had barely regained composure, continued.

“Captain… I think she might have… gone back there again.”

* * *

“I didn’t know Sir Knight was also a believer.”

Along the dark path at night, Devourer walked alongside Rosalina. The girl’s footsteps, walking a step ahead, were light.

They were heading towards the outskirts of the village.

“I’ve tried to convince everyone around to accept salvation together many times. But they’re all fools. No one believed. Isn’t that strange? Do you think so too, Sir Knight? They offer salvation without any conditions. Just believe fervently, and they’ll save you.”

As they moved away from the Lord’s castle, the atmosphere on the street became more decadent.

After passing several corners of narrow alleys and arriving at a place with large stones piled up, the girl stopped walking.

“I always feel eerie here. What do you think, Sir Knight?”

It was a secluded place, one that would go unnoticed if not carefully examined even when nearby.

Between the piles of stones, an artificial stone structure became visible. It was the entrance leading underground.

They descended the stairs towards the underground. The front was pitch black, but as they entered, the faint light from magical lamps hanging on the walls illuminated the stairs. After descending to an exhausting extent, they reached a place that could be likened to a maze, chaotic and narrow.

It seemed to have originally served as an underground graveyard. Occasionally visible rooms were filled with wooden coffins, and the gaps in open coffins were undoubtedly filled with bones. As Devourer finished his thoughts, he surveyed the surroundings.

A winding corridor. Following the subtle light that served as a guide along the path, they walked endlessly until they reached a spacious courtyard.

Somber yet reverent, the space was illuminated by numerous candles, casting a gentle glow.


There was no need to ask Rosalina what this place was for.

The courtyard was already filled with humans. Even at a glance, there were more than 40 people, densely gathered and seated.

All their gazes were directed towards the same point. At the forefront, there stood a man wearing a black priest’s robe.

‘…Is that man the bishop?’

Devourer and Rosalina made their way to the back of the courtyard. Suddenly feeling a gaze on the back of his head, Devourer turned his head, but the bishop quickly shifted his gaze to the followers as if nothing happened.

Devourer sat on a rudimentary wooden chair, barely making a sound with his tongue.

“The disaster that has befallen Hastin is a trial given to humans tainted by wicked deeds.”

Meanwhile, the bishop’s restrained voice echoed in all directions.

“And the Almighty being possesses the ability to transcend and purify all trials. Those who have gained faith in Him are all chosen, glorious humans. May He bestow His trust upon us…”

Apart from occasional incomprehensible words, there was nothing particularly remarkable in the content. It was simply the repetitive rhetoric of indoctrination.

After each conclusion of the bishop’s words, the humans repeated the cycle of sitting and standing. The scenes of praying, relying on lanterns illuminated by magic, were secretive and cautious, akin to the actions of those doing forbidden things.

Even in the empire, there was religion. However, Patrick had explained that they were all superficial religions established by the empire to deceive public sentiment.

There were religions in the Empire, but as Patrick once explained, they were merely shells set up by the Empire to deceive the public. The greatest being in the Empire had to be the Emperor, unwavering even if compared to gods. Thus, the imperial family had two faces: they acknowledged religion but implicitly suppressed it.

In such a situation, those who believe in the gods usually have secret meetings and actions underground. Their actions were considered entirely natural from the religious standpoint.

Once again, Devourer glanced at Rosalina. She was already praying like the other followers, adopting an attitude of reverence. Judging by her demeanor, she was no different from the other devotees. After glancing, Rosalina’s gaze met Devourer’s.

As if whispering for Devourer alone, the girl spoke softly.

“This is how we are saved.”

When Devourer responded with silence, Rosalina spoke again, seemingly placing confidence in her own words.

“We can be saved.”

We must be saved. I want to be saved.

She whispered to herself, as if soothing her own soul.

The Mass didn’t take much time to proceed. Since everyone had secretly escaped in the middle of the night, there wasn’t much time to spare. After a few more ceremonies were conducted swiftly, the followers finally rose from their positions.

“It’s time for the communion ritual.”

Humans who were in front started gathering in front of the bishop. Devourer, observing the scene from behind, raised an eyebrow.

After a brief conversation between the bishop and the followers, they were given bread and an unknown liquid.

The bread was of the same kind as the one in the bag earlier. Well, it looked like the same type of bread, and it was understandable that Rosalina had misunderstood.

—So why?

Why was that bread in the lord’s castle?

Just as the question resurfaced, Devourer snapped back to attention with a poking sensation on the side. Counting the number of people waiting in front, there was still a considerable amount of time left. Turning to Rosalina, who was poking him on the side.

“Sir Knight. I’m only telling you. When he saves Hastin soon, those who have solid faith will enjoy eternal happiness”

“Eternal happiness…”

It was a laughable statement. Devourer muttered in a dry tone.

“Yes! You’ll be closer to him. The bishop said he will share an even nobler essence than before.”

If it’s an essence, it undoubtedly refers to that bread. In that case,

“What do you mean by a nobler essence…?”

“It’s not like a consecrated essence infused with his energy; I’ve heard it’s his real essence. The way they talk about it, it makes me think it might be meat.”

“Meat in this village?”

Though it sounded dubious, Rosalina spoke with a playful tone in a serious voice.

“Anything is possible because it’s him. Being able to supply meat in a place like this is something no one else could do.”

With a final addition, asking, “Don’t you think so too, Sir Knight?” the girl smiled.

It seemed like anticipation. She wanted recognition for the mysteriousness of the being she believed in.

Naturally, there is no magic that creates meat. If such magic existed, Devourer wouldn’t have budged from his room.

Yet, even metaphorically, obtaining meat in a place cut off from resources is not realistically easy.

Perhaps it’s just a metaphorical expression. But if those words are not a metaphor, but the truth…

‘If it’s true.’

Once again, Devourer’s thoughts remained unfinished. Rosalina in front had just received the sacrament. Holding the bread from the bishop, her hands trembled. Everything seemed uneasy.
After his turn came, Devourer walked up to the bishop. The bishop, with his face hidden by a hood, concealed his identity. Devourer raised his head to confirm the bishop’s face.

At first glance, he appeared to be an ordinary human.

“It’s our first meeting.”

The bishop murmured in a low voice. Although his black hair might stand out compared to others, entering during the mass made him more noticeable.

Devourer responded with silence.

As if not expecting an answer, the bishop, without saying a word, handed a piece of bread to Devourer.

Their hands touched.

And then, the bishop stopped moving.

Devourer also froze.

A few seconds of stillness.

Soon, Devourer burst into laughter.

“What was that just now?”

The bishop, too, appeared to be laughing. However, he only wore a false smile, unable to accept the situation.

It was expected. As soon as the bishop held Devourer’s hand, he channeled mana into Devourer’s body. It was mana that delved into every part of the body to understand the opponent’s identity.

And with such a meager amount of mana, it was impossible to grasp the existence of Devourer.

The mana that flowed in didn’t return to the bishop. It was devourered by Devourer, leaving no trace behind, only instilling fear of an unknown existence.

“You’re not human…”

In the diminished voice of the bishop, Devourer extended his head. His smile remained unchanged, finding amusement in the bishop’s bewildered state.

“Prying into someone else’s body without permission, isn’t that rude?”

Ah, as expected.

—The bishop of a pseudo-religion that surveils everyone with non-human mana.

—One emitting the aura of the undead next to the lord.

—An isolated village.

The moment of suspicion turning into certainty.

Behind everything, there is someone.

“Blatantly stirring up trouble.”

Just like there are different types of dogs, there are different kinds of troublemakers. From those clingy to their owners to the downright crazy ones. Among them, the most disliked troublemaker is undoubtedly the ‘one who meddles in other people’s territory’.

Even though Devourer usually ignores what others do, being targeted like this couldn’t help but leave a bad taste. It’s inevitable that his own territory is falling apart due to his own mistakes. There’s no one to blame, and at best, it’s just regret.

However, if those who intrude without understanding the situation ruin everything, the situation changes.

A dog that can’t distinguish between the line it should cross and the one it shouldn’t, well, it’s only normal for it to mess up its legs. However, for now, it’s still too early.

There was a need to be a bit more composed than usual.

“My memory is quite bad.”

While the culprit who shared the rosary has been roughly identified, the exact mastermind behind the incident hasn’t been revealed yet. Information sharing with Patrick hasn’t taken place either.

So, it wouldn’t be wise to start breaking things right away.

“Still, I’ll try to help remember you.”

Devourer whispered. Thinking about Patrick’s statement, ‘Hastin’s condition is suspicious,’ he chuckled.


After the mass ended, and they left the underground graveyard, it was still nighttime.

Devourer sent Rosalina ahead and then sat down on a wooden box in a corner of the alley.

Rosalina left a remark, “Is it proper for a Sir knight to send a lady home alone so late?” before departing with a puzzled expression.

She was extremely cautious just a day ago, claiming to be fellow believers. But now, all those precautions were shattered due to the misconception of being the same believer. It was impossible to restrain such a person.

‘I wonder how Patrick manages to endure dealing with humans.’

Taking in the cool night air, Devourer was lost in thought.

Since the recent incident, the situation felt entirely different. To be honest, it was getting a bit annoying.

The provisions received from the lord’s castle included “bread used in religious ceremonies,” so there must be a connection between the lord and the religion. The person involved is likely the man emitting the “undead aura” that Patrick mentioned.

Moreover, when the bishop poured mana into Devourer’s body, Devourer could be sure that the mana was not human.

In other words, the bishop is not human either.

In a situation where there is too much circumstantial evidence and no direct evidence is needed.

Undead hiding in Hastin, and not just here and there, but systematically hidden – that’s the high probability.

‘…I’d like to smash it all, to be honest.’

It started as a mere nuisance, but knowing that the annoyance was due to someone’s scheme made it even more irritating.

Breaking everything wouldn’t solve the problem, and the frustration intensified.

Undead are different from humans. They have a basic immunity to fear, and they lack the fear of death. Threats are impossible. So, interrogating them after a good beating is not an option.

The key is the mastermind.

Time is running out. Patrick and Devourer have openly declared hostility, so the other side is likely to take action as well.

Before that, find them and smash them all.

‘I guess I have to wait for Patrick for now.’

It was getting late. According to Patrick, both the captain and Tott seem to be keeping an eye on our movements, so staying here any longer wouldn’t be wise.

Devourer, rising from his seat, walked towards the alley. As he passed through the main street, he heard the voices of people breaking the silence.

Turning his gaze discreetly towards the source of the voices, Devourer noticed the sounds of guards from the inspection post at the castle gate.

“Do they ever get tired…,” he thought briefly and was about to turn back when he sensed something odd and listened more carefully.

The guards at the castle gate were always two. However, the silhouettes illuminated revealed three figures. Two seemed to be hesitating, and one was moving energetically.

Listening closely, Devourer identified a female voice among them.

“Are they getting tired…,” he thought briefly before realizing that the number of guards did not match the norm.

Curiosity piqued, Devourer approached a bit more. It wasn’t until the voices and figures became clearer that he stopped. The female voice from the castle gate sounded similar to Melje. Even the appearance resembled Melje.

“Could it be Melje… No, it couldn’t be.”

It’s impossible. Let’s assume it’s not.

If it were our Demon King, she would have undoubtedly flown over the castle wall with a flying spell.

It’s unimaginable for her to foolishly try to pass through the castle gate and get caught.

Devourer’s footsteps, retreating into the alley, gradually quickened. The voice of the woman, praying it wasn’t Melje, echoed as Devourer hastened away.

“Ah…?! Devo… Sir Devde-! Over here, over here! Can you help?! Hey, hey? Sir Devde-! Sir Devde-! Why are you ignoring me?! I’m asking for help! Sir Devde-!”


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